Marilyn Ward and Nicola Taylor
/How Do I Look
Pretty girls are naturally camera-conscious and don't like to be caught when they've just come up from a coalmine. "No, not yet," said MARILYN WARD as NICOLA TAYLOR got her into focus, “the breeze is making me look all windswept,”
“Well, hurry up," said Nicola as Marilyn reversed the process, "I'm getting sand in my shoes, "Say cheese." said Marilyn.
"Oh, blow that," said Nicola, "every time I say cheese, I get sand in my mouth too.
"How do I look now?" asked Marilyn, sitting pretty, "As I gaze intently into the viewfinder," said Nicola, “I can now see what's in it for the photographers. No wonder they like their job."
'Yes, I see what you mean," said Marilyn a minute later, "you look ever so mini-skirted. I say, aren't they lucky, they get paid as well." “I tell you what” said Nicola, "let's go and see if there's any beefcake on the beach - we might get paid for photographing them."
Susan McKay
/Sandy Sue
Down among the sand dunes SUSAN McKAY found time to lie in the sun. It was a pity she'd left her bikini on the coach, for although you can brown some of yourself in a light dress, you can't cover the same amount of area as you can in a bikini. Especially the itsy-bitsy kind.
Nonetheless (as they say in those slightly archaic novels) Susan looks very attractive in a light dress and those frilly garters are just as likely to turn a head as a bikini.
"Hey, you're looking"
Yes, well - well, as a matter of fact - well, we wondered if you'd seen our dog.
"Did it have shaggy hair, just like you? And floppy ears, also like you?"
Well, no.
"Then go away or I'll call my bloodhound to bite you."
You can't mean that. Couldn't we take just one picture of you while we're here? You look divine. Smashing in fact. "Oh, you and your big blue eyes. Just half-a-dozen, then." Could we make it one over the eight?
"You've already had that I can tell from the empty bottles."
Rene Haywood
/Who's In Charge?
Not quite sure what's happening - because she's a stranger in the place - is curvaceous RENE HAYWOOD.
One can get into quite a flap when one is face-to-face with strange desks and strange phones and there's no familiar face around.
Rene just came along to see if anyone was interested in giving her a sitting, but not this kind, to wit.
Maggie McCully
/Wild and Woolly
Not really all that wild - just excitingly civilised - is gay MAGGIE McCULLY, but her cosy top is very woolly, and Maggie is well wrapped up in it, don't you think?
Maggie lives in Surrey and spends five days a week as an assistant secretary with high hopes of becoming the boss's No. I in due course. The job of being No. I secretary is one which Maggie will fit as charmingly as she fits a swimsuit that measures 35"-22"-36".
One of the intriguing aspects of commerce today is the fact that secretaries seem to possess not only the necessary academic qualifications for their jobs but also the physical qualifications that are a must for pin-up girls.
Dear Sir Harry - Is your secretary photogenic and glamorous? If not, why not? Come, spare a moment from your colossal estimates to look at Maggie, and then ask yourself why you don't have someone as cute as this to keep your pencils sharpened.
Maggie is lively, lovely, and lissom. She is also gay, gallivanting, and gorgeous loves dancing and dining, bright lights, and sandy beaches. Has black hair, brown eyes, and long legs. An absolute tonic at a party. And, to cut a long story short, is a perfect eyeful.
Janet Ross
/On The Fringe
We couldn't say much about the fringe because it's not our province, but there's room at least to tell you that long-legged dancer JANET ROSS sports the cutest figure in the front line.
Janet has danced in all the major European capitals, has listened to the gondoliers of Venice and matadors of Spain, and still likes the undisguised frankness of a London taxi-driver caught in a jam. There's music in us all.
Beautiful Britons No 110 - December 1964
Carol Leslie
/Old-Fashioned Girl
It's not so much the way CAROL LESLIE does her shorthand-typing, it's the way she looks when she's relaxing. Still, the old-fashioned look on some girls can be awfully cute. There was Mary Tomkins in her lace pantaloons and ribboned hair at the fete last month, and when she came down the helter-skelter, she looked delicious. A bit like Scarlet O' Hara.
Carol likes her old-fashioned look.
Well, it's no problem to us.
All girls are different. That's what makes it all so complex. You bow to one girl and kiss her hand and she thinks you're round the twist. But she says, "Oh, how gallant, Major Tuttley." You bow to another one and kiss her hand. She thinks you're round the twist too and says so. She says, "Here, give over or they'll lock me away as well."
It's all a matter of individuals.
Spick No 204 - November 1970
Spick and Span 2000
/Emma- Louise
/Janus – Mixed Selection
I have recently been preparing some early editions of Mentor and Janus, and was surprised to note how many familiar faces there were. In its early days, Janus Publications was obviously a buyer of pictures from ToCo.
Most, I think, are quite familiar, but can you put names to faces?
Janus Volume 1 No 6 - 1972
Spick and Span 2000
Helga Reichwald
/Lovely Ladies
Extremely lovely is German mannequin HELGA REICHWALD-so much so that this month Helga monopolises this feature.
Seen and admired in the fashion salons of West Berlin, HELGA is also much liked as a pin-up girl and it's only a mannequin who could wear a white top-hat as delightfully as this.
Lovely Ladies from all over the world are invited to submit their photographs for reproduction herewith. Two Guineas for acceptance. Send to L.L., SPAN, 88 Park Lane, Croydon, Surrey.
Span No 102 - May 1962
Spick and Span 2000
Margaret Blake, Janette Goodman, Jackie Leyton and Diane McCall
/Fine n Dandy
WE'RE not quite sure whether it's MARGARET BLAKE, left, who has the fine line in foundation garments or JANETTE GOODMAN, right, who has the dandy line in curves. Maybe it's easier to settle for the application of both to each.
Janette is a blonde Scot from Ayrshire, Margaret a brunette beauty queen from Manchester, and both typify what's brightest about the glamour girls of Britain.
Both have exactly what it takes to catch the eye, which is dangerous if you're out with your girlfriend at the time and your girlfriend is the type who'd bung up that eye.
Come to that, who could catch your eye quicker than these other fine 'n dandy girls? It's JACKIE LEYTON, left, and DIANE McCALL.