Susan Ashford

Scholastic Scot

There are bonny Scots, beautiful Scots, cute Scots and every kind of Scot. They’ve been making their mark for a few thousand years now. And if Robert the Bruce left us with quite a headache, SUSAN ASHFORD leaves us somewhat dizzy.

Intelligent, learned and photogenic, Susan is just the girl we’d like to stay behind in evening classes with. We know she could put us right on our mathematics. And she’s good at statistics too, as would any girl be who measures 37"-23"-36".

Do have one of our apples, Miss Ashford.

Heather Chaffey


I have recently been in contact with Heathers daughter Cherie.

Heather is doing well and now in her early 70’s. She recently celebrated her 50th wedding anniversary. She has had a good life as a home maker raising two children with her accountant husband. 

That’s about it for the time being, I have sent her copies of all the books that she appeared in as she was keen to have another look at her fabulous pictures.

Thanks for taking the time to get in contact Cherie, its really great to hear that Heather is happy and well.

Minuit Cinq

No 11

Helen Williams

There Was Once Another

This is HELEN WILLIAMS, Chelsea model who’s absolutely with it when it comes to trendy gear.

Long before your time, Christopher, there was once another Helen, and a piece of Trojan beefcake called Paris was so smitten with her blue eyes and her way of walking across a room that he picked her up and carried her off. All the way from Greece to Troy. Her husband, who also liked her blue eyes and her way of walking, nearly did his classical nut. Gathering up Acnilles, Ajax, Ulysses and divers other Grecian muscle men, he sailed for Troy to rescue his fair bride. You know the rest. Ten years of unlimited gore and then the wooden horse. It’s past history now and there are other things to do, like getting home in time to watch “The Avengers.” Or going to Chelsea on a Sunday to watch all the trendy young tilings in mini-skirts as they discuss philosophy and Himalayan cooking under the trees.

Look out for Helen. Now you’ve seen her you can’t miss her. She’s got blue eyes too and the way she walks gets us going all down the side.

Christine Frances

Fun in the Country

There was another girl who got caught up in the lure of the great outdoors, and this one was a Manchester

bird, CHRISTINE FRANCES."I like it," she said.

"It?" said the nut behind the camera.

"The countryside," she said, "you can revel around much more than in a city. I mean, in a city there are all those people."


"Well, they look,” said Christine, "and you can't revel around and show your legs without some guy wanting to carry you off to make his Christmas."

"When I've finished," said the camera nut, "I'm going to carry you off, and it won't be anything to do with Christmas."

"Listen, darling,” said Christine, "I eat nuts like you with one bite."

Geraldine Gerrard

Model Miss

If you’re as talented a model as Miss GERALDINE GERRARD, who is currently in demand with the fashion houses of Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester, then you really are a model miss.

Gundy Korber

Car Proud

Some girls are house-proud and some girls just leave home and go off to places like Nepal, carrying a tent with them and having nothing to do with carpet sweepers and furniture polish.

West German girl GUNDY KORBER is car proud and you can keep your tents and your hobnailed walking boots. You can see Gundy outside her apartment most weekends, and she'll be cleaning and polishing her car for sure. Don’t just stand around and admire her legs, get yourself a polisher and join her in her labour of love. She'll think the world of you.

Jutta Albrecht

Selling Cars

A top-class car salesman is worth his weight in cigar lighters. Now, not everyone can be top-class but you can all try and none of you should be too proud to pick up a few tips.

Here's a very good tip.

First, stand your product in the most attractive part of the showroom, preferably where the accounts girl makes the coffee. Then look around for a corking dolly bird, one with fantastic legs, and if she’s wearing suspenders instead of those rotten old sexless tights, so much the better. Anybody drifting into the showroom to look at a car isn't going to turn his nose up at the glimpse of a sexy suspender.

A dolly bird rather on the lines of JUTTA ALBRECHT, West German model, will do famously. Ask her to try the car out for size, ask her to see whether it will suit her legs and so on. Well, nobody can resist the lush interior of any new car, especially dolly birds. It gives them that extra expensive feel. So, in she gets and she tries it for comfort and size and puts her lovely legs all over the place. Meanwhile the customers are streaming in and in no time at all you've got about two dozen potential buyers crowding you and elbowing you about. You slip a bar of chocolate into the dolly bird's hand and she goes off munching it.

Followed, of course, by all your potential buyers.

Jutta posed for these pics happily enough, and did all she could to look as much like a corking dolly bird as she could. Her legs felt a bit crowded at times, but not enough to upset her dedication.

Dawn De Vere

Last Day of Winter

It’s all right now, isn’t it, with you pushing your hot toes through the warm sand and Essie soaking up the sun in her incalculably radiant bikini.

You’re all hot.

So to bring a touch of coolness cast your mind back to the last day of winter when it was perishing cold and nobody thought anything of spring being just around the corner. We thought it might strike at the roots of your sun-charged complacency if we showed you what the last day of winter was like to DAWN DE VERE, Essex secretary.

Dawn simply loves the outdoors, except when the last day of winter turns out to be as chilly as this one. Only an inborn outdoor type could put up with it all.

But don’t be put off. If Dawn can smile in a temperature of zero, so can you. All you need do is to wear a fur coat and stoke up your metabolism.

Gilda Sherwin


At the Motor Show GILDA SHERWIN may show you the best points of the latest autos. But think about the wife waiting anxiously at home for news of what model has caught your eye this year, and whether you are going to trade the old one in.

Carol Hans

Carolling Along

Going around the Continental countries and touring all over Britain, blonde CAROL HANS just makes for any cameraman's dream, carolling along in leggy style.

Well, she can sing a bit, you know. She sings as she walks. She's been all over everywhere, singing all the way.

She's so easy on the ear and she's magical on the eye. It comes from being a lovely baby and growing up into a lovely girl. There are people who can't find anything right with the world.

They're nutheads.

Kim Foster

Just The Spot

So, said KIM FOSTER when her bubble car gave out adjacent to a secluded glade, because it could have happened halfway round Piccadilly Circus.

If a beautiful girl like Kim has to take an enforced rest, Piccadilly Circus is just not the place. But this is.

Kim’s a showgirl, and in the showgirl tradition has the longest and shapeliest legs, as well as beautiful blue eyes.

As soon as Kim settled down to get her knees brown, however, the glade suddenly wasn’t so secluded any more. An ice-cream man came up and tried to sell her a lolly, and a guy driving a furniture van stopped to ask her the time.

The seniors and prefects from the nearby college came out early from college and wouldn’t go home to tea. A young man on a bicycle offered her a meat sandwich and an old man on a horse offered her a lift. It’s fun being young and beautiful.

Jacki Owen

Boots and Minis

They can work themselves into frenzies trying to wrap the dollies in maxi-skirts, but they won’t get any help from us.

Nor from JACKI OWEN, except in the line of duty.

Jacki is a fashion model and all right, maybe she does have to glide down the catwalk all covered up in a maxi, but she hasn’t bought one for herself yet.

Perhaps, says Jacki, it’s all right for the skinny ones who look better with their legs covered up, but I’m not skinny and I think I’ve got rather nice legs, don’t you?

Divine is a better word.

Thank you. Well, then, says Jackie, what would you do?

We’d keep making life a lovely eyeful for our fellow-men.

Oh, go on, says Jackie, I’m not as inspiring as that.

You are to us, you gorgeous thing.

Angelika Fakelberg

Intense Time

West German student ANGELIKA FAKELBERG is having a very intense time at the moment, swotting for nothing but exams.

It's all reference books and brain work.

You wouldn't think, would you, that anyone as pretty as Angelika would need to worry about brains, but the world being what it is a girl these days needs them as she's never needed them before.

That's what comes of equality and having to show men you're as good as they are. It's not enough now to have intuition and the beguiling aptitude for making men go on their knees when they offer diamond bracelets, you've got to beat them to their knees in other ways.

It’s getting awful

Marion McGregor


Very frisky indeed were the passing breezes on the day MARION McCRECOR took a trip into the country, catching her just at the crucial moment of climbing the fence.

Ah, well, it’s fun to be alive and what’s a fence or a frisky breeze when you're young enough to take both in your stride?