Judi Batty

Don't Be Deceived

What's in a name? Only the image of ancestors. So don't be deceived into thinking that the name of this elegant young lady from Dover means anything but that.


There may be really batty people around but Judi's not one of them. She holds down her office job very efficiently and looks sheerly and delightfully all there when poised over her typewriter.

The rattle of her keys is like music.

The office junior comes in and out with tea, brown-paper parcels, and long pieces of string, sighing every time he passes Judi. It's a difficult age-at fifteen who wants to know you except fat schoolgirls hard up for a boyfriend to take them ten-pin bowling.

When a riding horse or playing tennis, Judi looks like every office junior's dream of bliss round a fireside. One look at Judi on a tennis court and every office junior starts worrying about getting pimples.

If I was ever introduced to her, thinks young Marmaduke, and I had pimples I'd just die. I think I'll write off for some anti-pimple lotion just in case. haven't got pimples yet and I haven't been introduced to her yet, but you never know.

Yes, mum, I still love you but Judi Batty is my idea of heaven.

Beautiful Britons No 155 - October 1968

Brenda North

Miss Mod

Scots’ girl who is right in the swing of it when it comes to being a cute Miss Mod is BRENDA NORTH. Brenda is mad about the Beatles and other groups, is as colourful as a Picasso painting and has long and lovely legs.

Span No 125 - January 1965

Alexandra Holmes

After Hours – Part 3

More from the oh-so-popular Alexandra Holmes. More pictures from the original set. Let’s hope Rob sends in some more of his very popular wife.

Trudi Jackson

Anyone Seen My Tights

Secretary TRUDI JACKSON was at home and looking for her tights.

"Anyone seen them?" she said.

Yes, said the bloke from next door as he looked in at the window, you're wearing them.

"Oh," blushed Trudi, "I forgot."

Her tights certainly looked nice and the bloke from next door thought her knicks did too, and he wouldn't go away until Trudi opened the window and poked him in both eyes with a pot plant.

Spick No 246 - May 1974

Mrs Smith

The Wonderful and Very Sexy Mrs Smith - Wives and Girlfriends

Jennifer Taylor

Looking For a Lamb

Anticipating the early arrival of spring, JENNIFER APRIL ANN TAYLOR went looking for a lamb.

The farmer's creaking old shepherd went looking for his rum flask. He was once a sailor, but he still left things lying about.

Jennifer didn't find any lambs; it was a bit too early.

The old shepherd didn't find his rum flask, either, but he found Jennifer. They came face to face in a misty meadow.

"Great cucumbers,'" said the old shepherd, "who needs rum, me beauty?"

“Good grief," said Jennifer, breaking into a fast trot, "who needs help? I do."

But as she leapt the gate the old shepherd lurched into it, and she was saved by the bong. He didn't come to until Jennifer was safely home and eating shepherd's pie.

Beautiful Britons No 207 - February 1973

Melanie Cooper

Fun In The Sun

There's no doubt about it, said Big Garth to Little Garth, when the sun is flaming hot, you feel more like fun than you do when it's flaming freezing. You're so right, spoke up MELANIE COOPER before Little Garth could get word in, the sun just makes you feel terribly gay.

Little Garth then said there was nothing terrible about it, so Big Garth hit him over his bonce with a large fist, and with hardly another sound Little Garth was driven deep into the soft sand dune.

Oh, that was funny, said Melanie, where did Little Garth go to?

Up spoke the almost muffled voice of Little Garth. I say, it isn't half dark down here.

Beautiful Britons No 155 - October 1968

Alexandra Holmes

After Hours – Part 2

Well, you all clicked that like button and, as promised, more from Alex.

What a fantastic ToCo model Alex would have made, with that all knowing half smile she has.

More from Alex in a few days’ time.

Gaby Blaesing

Some Fashion

West Berlin fashion model GABY BLAESING had an assignment in the country outside the city. It was to model trousers and sweaters, trousers, and tops.

Gaby thought one of the tops would look more in fashion if worn up instead of over.

Some fashion.

Mr. Gubbelheimer will hardly think it's quite the thing for a night at the opera. Gaby thought it a giggle. The photographer thought it a goggle and fell over his tripod.

We think it's a little bit saucy.

Pass the iced water, Claude, or pour it over us yourself.

Beautiful Britons No 207 - February 1973