Joan Russell

Song of the Hot Stove

There's all this terrible talk about getting housewives out of the kitchen and sending them down the mines. It's going to be catastrophic if when you get home in the evening your gorgeous, better half is just on her way to the night shift. It means the hot stove is all yours.

While there's still time the hubby of Scots girl JOAN RUSSELL is making the most of her kitchen flair. And Joan doesn't really want to go down a mine, anyway. She likes her hot stove. She sings over it.

"And after all," she says, "if it's that hot you don't have to keep your overcoat on, you can just wear something cool and comfy."

How lovely.

Spick and Span Extra No 55 - Summer 1975

Spick and Span 2000


Ruth Cavendish

In The Money

We're delighted to bring you more pics of RUTH CAVENDISH in this issue. Ruth has so many fans that if you laid them head to feet all the way from here northwards, they'd reach as far as Edinburgh High School, and they wouldn't half get in the way of the traffic.

Ruth is in the money.

She's cashier in a Glasgow store. She handles so much that it's a wonder it doesn't go to her head.

She says it would if it were all hers.

Ruth is really rather delicious, as well as delightfully curvy. She likes disco dancing and holidays on the French Riviera.

Beautiful Britons No 188 - July 1971

Helga Reichwald

Lovely Ladies

Extremely lovely is German mannequin HELGA REICHWALD-so much so that this month Helga monopolises this feature.

Seen and admired in the fashion salons of West Berlin, HELGA is also much liked as a pin-up girl and it's only a mannequin who could wear a white top-hat as delightfully as this.

Lovely Ladies from all over the world are invited to submit their photographs for reproduction herewith. Two Guineas for acceptance. Send to L.L., SPAN, 88 Park Lane, Croydon, Surrey.

Span No 102 - May 1962

Bettie Page

Cheese Cake - a la Bettie

To quote the dictionary, "Cheese cake. A photograph featuring a girl's legs: used in photography." It's also a delicious, creamy confection. Either definition describes Bettie Page as she arches her dainty feet to accentuate the perfect curves of her famous legs, she thrusts her youthful bosom toward the camera as she bares a dimpled shoulder provocatively as her wide-set eyes twinkle roguishly below her dark bangs all the while smilingly with a merry and innocent cunning that hints she could be all things to all men.

That's "Cheese cake - a la Bettie!''

Focus On - Bettie Page 1963

Stefanie Marrian

Traffic Stopper

Not far from Park Lane the traffic came to a grinding stop, and one or two radiators almost blew up.

Right in the middle of the road and bathed illuminatingly by the sun was model STEFANIE MARRIAN.

What was on? Nothing very much, you might think.

Actually, a collection of new fun undies was being shown and Stefanie was modelling a black satin bra, chiffon G-string pants and a left-legged garter.

It didn't half stop the wheels of London.

Spick No 260 - July 1975

This could have only ever happed in the 1970’s. What a great decade that was.

Samantha Lee


One day Johnny's dad took him to see a pantomime and it was full of hilarious larks like the villain being shot up out of a trapdoor and the dame doing cartwheels.

That's not even kids' stuff these days. These days all the Johnnies want to go to discotheques to see dollies, and the last person they want with them is dad.

It's hardly surprising-except to elephants. Elephants are just plain old-fashioned. The rest of us can easily understand that when London Town is so full of dollies like SAMANTHA LEE that you can't turn round without blissfully bumping into one, who wants to go and see villains being shot out of trapdoors?

Samantha is nineteen, a dancer and an eyeful. She likes omelettes, so if you ever have the ecstasy of taking her out for high tea, you'll know what to order.

Spick No 204 - November 1970

Megan Poultney

Having Trouble?

Out to see the old ruins, as it were, sweet young thing MEGAN POULTNEY seems to be having trouble with some temperamental suspensory equipment, and there's nothing which troubles a sweet young thing more than a sagging nylon.

Megan is a very sweet young thing, and not only because she works in a confectionery shop among all that chocolate and candy. Megan is a gay, bubbling and lively young lady, and it takes more than a collapsing top shelf to get her down.

With vitalistics of 36"-23"-36" and laughing eyes, who sweeter to serve you with a stick of pepper-mint rock than Megan? Especially if you're only eight years old and highly impressionable.

Span No 110 - October 1963

Helen Williams

Help Helen

We've seen some eye-catching girls hitch-hiking on the road. But this was ridiculous. There we were, driving along, when we saw this car parked on the grass verge with Helen Williams posing in the door, looking our way. What did we do? Did we take no notice and drive past? Did we stop? Even if we hadn't stopped, our photographer would have jumped out anyway. As it was, we almost caused a traffic pile- up. "Hold it there!" our photographer shouted, running back to her along the side of the road. Obligingly, she went on posing. He started giving more instructions; now and then she tried to say something, but he kept thinking of new poses, taking more photographs.

After half an hour of this, she started getting edgy. haven't got all day", she said. Well, we're not the kind to ignore a hint like that, so straight away we started packing up the camera equipment, ready to leave. "No", she called, "Don't go - what about my car?" "Who wants to photograph a car?" we replied.

"You don't understand", she protested. "It's broken down. That's why I was posing like that so someone would stop and help." We blushed delicate pink. "Sorry", we said, "all we know how to repair is type-writers "And cameras", our photographer added. ". But if you go on posing like that, sooner or later, someone's bound to stop who knows how to help We didn't stay any longer. Our consciences were troubling us and, anyway, it's a terrible thing to see a lady in a temper.

Relax No 12 - Gold Star Publications 1967

Susan Ashford

Focus On A Friller

It's not all minimum brevity with some girls. All right, so most of them don't wear even half as much as their mothers did and still do, but there are some who still like lots of frills.

One gorgeous friller is SUSAN ASHFORD, Scots girl from Ayrshire.

Since there are always readers asking whatever happened to lingerie and the half-baked idiots who made it obsolete, we feel from time to time that we should illustrate the fact that it's not universally obsolete.

The dodo may be dead beyond all recall, but not frillies.

Well, enjoy yourselves, those of you who suffer from nostalgia, and have some hot toast for tea while you're about it.

Spick No 231 - February 1973

Relax No 12

Relax No 12 - Penny Lane

Relax No 12 - Gold Star Publications 1967

Angie Graham

What a Weight-Lifter!

Would you believe it?

This lovely young lady is a weightlifter.

It's not for real, of course. That is, she doesn't do it for a living, only to keep her body beautiful. Weightlifting of the right kind doesn't give a girl whacking great biceps and muscles like knotted oak, you know. Knotted oak is for the real grafters and groaners. It's not for ANGIE GRAHAM, a shorthand-typist from the County of Yorkshire.

Angie uses a much more subtle weight-lifting technique. It keeps her trim and fighting fit. It keeps her shapely. And if measurements of 37-23-36 aren't shapely, fill us in with an alternative formula.

Beautiful Britons No 205 - December 1972

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