Pauline Gough

What's His Number?

It was a rainy day, so PAULINE GOUGH thought she'd call Freddie and find out whether he'd like to come over and play chess. "What's his number?" She looked it up.

It took quite a while. There were hundreds of Freddie Browns. She got through in the end. "Hello, is that Freddie?"

"Speaking. Who's that?"

"Pauline. Would you like to come over for some chess?”

"Eh? What?"

"Chess," said Pauline, "well, what with the rain and all.”

"Look, I'm a weightlifting champion, I'll come over if you've got some bars of iron you want shifting."

“I think you're the wrong Freddie," said Pauline.

"Well, I'll come round and then you can decide. What's your address, you gorgeous girl?"

Pauline hastily put the phone down. She's been off weightlifters ever since one trod on her foot.

Spick No 272 - July 1976

Ann Hayward


With this our last issue we have to say that we are at least finishing in style. One of our most promising models, ANN HAYWARD, represents lovely style.

Ann, a beautician, is a quite delicious girl and her future as a glamour figure should be well and truly assured. We have found tall girls and slim girls, bonny girls and svelte girls, happy girls and funny girls. Ann counts as a girl all on her own, and if you ever bump into her, you won't half feel you've had your luckiest day. Well, to bump into any shape as curvy as Ann's isn't like knocking your bonce against a brick wall, which is only bearable when it leaves off.

To put you more in the picture, like, Ann's vitalistics add up to 37-24-36.

Beautiful Britons No 252 - Final Issue

Your Thoughts

Are You Thinking What I Am Thinking?

Do you think this looks like someone we are all very familiar with?

Thanks for sending in these pictures. A nice set of pictures that I am sure many have not seen before.

Elizabeth Jackson

Beauty Queen

Bright and bonny blonde who has just figured in a national beauty contest in London is ELIZABETH JACKSON.

Liz figured very well, too, making second place and being only the curl of an eyelash behind the winner.

That makes us real tickled to present lovely Liz to our readers, especially as on most other occasions she's been voted way out in front.

Being a naturally glamorous gal, Liz just as naturally sports black lingerie, and there's nothing we can say about how cute she looks in it that you probably haven't already thought of yourselves.

There's every prospect of seeing Liz play the lead in beauty contests up and down the country this summer, so keep your telescope to your sound eye whenever you get her in focus.

Liz is eighteen, measures 36"-23"-36", and in a one-piece or a bikini she makes a picture no one should miss.

Beautiful Britons No 80 - June 1962

Hazel Shaw

Highly Polished

Never looking anything else but well-groomed is HAZEL SHAW, one of our favourite pin-ups. Hazel, a secretary, reflects the high polish of her gleaming car here.

Blonde, trim and vivacious, Hazel likes to model from time to time, it makes a glamorous change from keeping the office and the boss properly organised. She lives in a green suburb of Glasgow, overlooking a golf course, and the golfers at weekends are always slicing balls into her garden.

It's the most understandable slicing we know of.

Beautiful Britons No 232 - March 1975

Martina Evans

Martina Mia

That's the Latin for Martina belongs to me, which is what some lucky guy will be able to say when MARTINA EVANS decides he's the one to take her to the altar for better or worse. If he's the right kind of guy it can only in his eyes be for the better, as what with her talents for cooking and her photogenic grace, Martina must make life better for any man.

Spick No 186 - May 1969

Lesley Lovell

Just An Old-Fashioned Dolly

Very lovely and old-fashioned is Secretary LESLEY LOVELL, who works in London, is quite happy about nine to five and suspender gear, and never goes on about what the world owes her and how to blow up people she doesn't like. She thinks gunpowder and gelignite a bit uncivilised. What we need, we think, is a lot more like Lesley and a lot less of the others.

Petra Germaine

What's Keeping You?

Apart from the fact that PETRA GERMAINE is all tied up with domestic cable and can't join the girl next door for elevenses until she's sorted herself out, the only other knotty problem she's got concerns her return to West Germany.

It's like this, you see. Petra came to London for a short visit last year, just to see what it was all about and whether the Changing of the Guard really was full of redcoats.

It isn't recorded whether Petra was as much impressed with the Guard as the Guard was impressed with Petra, and if every member of the Guard came to a halt on the wrong foot and the front rank cannoned into the Guard Commander, that could merely have been an epoch-making clanger completely divorced from the presence of Petra.

All we know is that Petra is still around and that all her boy friends in West Germany are sending her postcards asking, "What's keeping you?" It isn't the Changing of the Guard, but it could be a handsome Guardsman. Petra is nineteen, by the way, and measures 36"-23"-36".

Sara Stuart

Shirts, Sweaters and Boots

When it comes to showing off the latest line in what the model girl is wearing today, fashion model SARA STUART is considerably with it. This is undoubtedly due to the fact that Sara is rather delightful to look at herself, and a shirt or a sweater or a pair of boots can almost be said to do no more than gild the lily.

And when nylons have to be modelled, who has a lovelier leg than Sara? Sara, by the way, is eighteen, spans the tape measure at 36"-22"-35". loves horses and winter sports, and is a classically beautiful Scot.

Spick No 130 - September 1964

Gina Dawson

Same Girl

Perhaps GINA DAWSON doesn't look the same girl in her bikini as she does in her wig, but there's no basic difference. She looks gorgeous all the time, no matter what she's wearing, which is why she's been crowned as a beauty queen. We daresay you'd like it if the girl next door looked like Gina, but you've got your prize geraniums and your giant delphiniums, so what more do you want, greedy?

Spick No 185 - April 1969

Gina Scott

Model See

We don't know her boss, but we do know that in GINA SCOTT he has a model secretary. Gina is as efficient at her job as a joy to the eye, and Gina is very much a joy to the eye.

Gina's vitalistics are 36"-22”-36", she's nineteen and swimming is her favourite sport and parties her favourite recreation.

Spick No 130 - September 1964

Jacqueline Blair


It's not that JACOUELINE BLAIR has been strictly trained in the matter of polishing and dusting. It's just that when mother went out to do the weekend shopping she said to Jackie, "Do my housework while I'm out, darling, and you can borrow the car tomorrow."

Jackie doesn't mind being the victim of bribery when the end product is as high on her list as that, so she didn't waste time getting into an argument, she just grabbed mop, duster, cleaner and broom.

Naturally, if a girl can sit around and manage a mop at the same time, why not? There's always the easier way of doing a domestic chore. As long as the results satisfy houseproud mum, it hardly matters.

Beautiful Britons No 144 - November 1967

Ruth Cavendish

Caught On The Cover

You were bound to have noticed your favourite figure catching your eye on this month's cover. It's the girl you're always wanting to see more of RUTH CAVENDISH and if you don't think she's even lovelier than ever, it must be because you're going steady with a beautiful blonde, you traitor.

Span No 140 - April 1966

Caron Townsend

Nuts Can Do Wonders

One gorilla met another gorilla.

There was the sound of the most awful thudding crunch. But gorillas being what they are they didn't even notice, they just grinned at each other.

One said to the other, "You're looking well, Hairy, apart from your teeth."

Said the other, "I've found a new kind of nut-look." And he opened his huge great mouth and pointed to the back of his throat, and the first gorilla put his stupid head in and Hairy bit it right off. "I didn't think much of his hair cream, "he said later to his lady gorilla.

Gorillas, of course, do love nuts. Nuts can do wonders for girls as well as gorillas. It's all those proteins. Look at London dolly CARON TOWNSEND. Caron is eighteen and an absolute dish. Peanuts or cashew nuts, Caron can't resist either. That's why she's got a lovely complexion and a curvy figure.

Nuts can do the same for you and make you a stunning 37-23-36.

Not if you're a feller, however.

Span No 207 - November 1971