Julia Seymour

Dainty Wear

Having a quiet time at home, JULIA SEYMOUR was intrigued by the little parcel that dropped into her lap.

She opened it up. It contained items of dainty wear, which pleased her no end. How nice of someone to think of me, she thought. They all seemed exquisitely hers in size and appeal and she was just about to make them her very own when her sister came in and said some people have got a nerve, helping themselves to gift parcels which didn't belong to them.

"Oh, well, the thought of ownership was nice while it lasted," said Julia philosophically.

And there's always Christmas in the offing.

Spick No 262 - September 1975

Vintage Stockings Archive

Vintage Stockings Archive - Amateur Prints

While rooting through some folders on the computer, I discovered some scans I did some years ago of some small prints I had. Looking at them again, they all look quite amateur.
I know nothing more about them but will post the better ones here from time to time. 

Nice little set of pictures of a lady messing about in the countryside, lifting her skirt and showing us her bottom and stockings. All good fun, I am sure that led to even more fun later.

Manja Peruccia

Austrian Glamour

Sometimes no issue is complete without the introduction of at least one model from the Continent. Formerly an undeniably fair girl, MANJA PERUCCIA is now trying out the brunette look.

As long as the basic qualities are their nice teeth, nice smile, etcetera-the colour of the hair is almost an irrelevant incidental. Basically, indeed, Manja has always been a Continental cutie.

A ballet student, with her eye on growing up to be a beautiful ballerina, Manja is Austrian-born. You can't ever separate glamour from Vienna.

Spick Extra No 14 - Summer 1961

Paula - Private Collection

A Day Out With Paula

Fancy a day out in the countryside with Paula? I know I would. Three nice, natural, candid pictures of Paula, with her adjusting her stockings as she gets out of the car. Were they posed? Who knows, but does it really matter?

Hazel Shaw

Hazel Shaw - Print Set Part 2

Another four pictures from the Hazel Shaw print set "When Winter Comes Beautiful Britons No. 97." These were not selected for publication but sold as part of a 12-print set. See original post.

Cecelia Rodrigues

How Handsome Are You?

Are you lean, muscular and incontrovertibly masculine? If you are, and you're also a six-foot-tall type, then brother, you're it with CECELIA RODRIGUES.

The fact is, Cecelia loves good food, gay night life and handsome men. In what order? That, said Cecelia, can change from day to day.

Cecelia is a 22-year-old London girl now resident in Brighton, where she works as a receptionist. She meets the most maddeningly handsome men every day. Maddening is right, said Cecelia, they've all got beautiful women with them.

Beautiful Britons No 184 - March 1971

Vintage Stockings Archive

Vintage Stockings Archive - Mystery Model

Once again, while rummaging in a box, I found another nice little set of ten pictures. They kind of look familiar, but a name doesn’t come to mind. It would be good to give her a name if we can. I will post the others in due course.

Cherie Scott

Pride Of The Scotts

Well, many a Scots girl has graced our pages and brought many a smile and many a sigh to appreciative males everywhere, including (just for the record) Albania.

Pride of all the Scots is CHERIE SCOTT, music graduate, and a girl who at the tender age of 22 can fence, skate, swim and throw you from here to eternity at judo.

So wouldn't you be proud of her if she belonged to you? All right, Luke, don't go all coy. You can always go to music classes and look for one just like Cherie.

Luke could be unlucky. There probably aren't any others just like Cherie.

They don't grow like chestnuts, you know. Just one every so often. Auburn, vivacious, cheeky, and with those classically symmetrical statistics of 36-24-36.

Beautiful Britons No 184 - March 1971

Fullarton - Shaw

Some Thoughts and Words From Tocofan

Following the Helen Baxter post, which linked to Helen’s newly added homepage, tocofan made a comment that Fullarton was not, in fact, Helen's photographer. Over the last couple of days, he has taken the time to expand on his thoughts that there were two Scottish photographers. At the bottom of this post, I have inserted the links to previous Fullarton posts and J.B. Fullarton’s homepage. So, read below what tocofan has to say, and let us know what you think. Your comments are very welcome.

Some Thoughts and Words From Tocofan

Following my comment attached to the Helen Baxter post refuting the statement that J B Fullarton was the photographer (and by association of all the Scottish girls), I have been asked to amplify my reasoning. 

I was fortunate enough many years ago to acquire a few of the "file copies" of Spick, Span and Beautiful Britons from the Vintage Magazine Shop in Soho (not cheaply it has to be said!). These were the copies retained by the publishers and marked up with the names of the contributors to be paid.

As you see from the accompanying scans, there is the name of J B Fullarton in red ink by the picture of Sandra McPherson (and incidentally by Betty McBride down by the beach and Pat Laird in front of the same wallpaper as Sandra in the same issue), while by the photo of Jacqueline Blair in a very different room in a later publication is the attribution to a certain Shaw.

This to me says unequivocally that there were two Scottish snappers, not one. 

There is also no disputing Fullarton's interiors and choice of locations bore no resemblance to that of Shaw's. By the same token, the likes of Anne Scott, Ruth Cavendish, Jane Paul, Ros Stuart et al from the "Shaw period", including Helen Baxter, were photographed nowhere near Fullarton's more humble distinctive interior decoration on the Ayrshire coast, while the cream of J B's crop -- Sandra, Janette Goodman, the McGregor sisters, Helen Candlish, Jackie Leyton, Diane McCall, to name but a sprinkling -- were never seen in the kitchen, drawing room, landing, bathroom, bedroom and garage of the familiar detached house in a wealthy suburb of Glasgow (where the neighbourhood was occasionally visible through an upstairs window).

There were notable variances in technical proficiency too. And Shaw seemingly encouraged his models to reveal more than Fullarton did right from the get-go, obliged by the likes of Jane Rennie, Susan Ashford, Anne and Ruth behind the scenes, and Ros, but not it would appear Jane. Furthermore, Fullarton did not restrict his output just to Town and Country Publications, as this scan of his muse Janet Neill (un-named) in the February 1957 issue of Fiesta (some five years before Shaw came on the scene) reveals. 

How Fullarton gave way to Shaw I cannot illuminate. It also does seem extraordinary that one Scottish lensman should follow so quickly on the heels of another, both sourcing a bevy of local lovelies all happy to flash their stocking tops for a single stable of girlie mags. As Staples for whatever reason was reluctant to credit his photographers, perhaps it's therefore not surprising the contributions were assumed to be the work of a single individual from the same part of the world and not two.


Maureen - Private Collection

Sexy Maureen

Maureen giving us all an eyeful and a flash of her very sexy black stockings, all done with that naughty smile.

Hazel Shaw

Hazel Shaw - When Winter Comes - Print Set

While digging through a box of books recently, I came across this nice set of 12 prints featuring Hazel Shaw in D.K.s. They were used for a series in Beautiful Britons No. 97 (November 1963) When Winter Comes.
Hazel was not typically associated with wearing D.K.s, and I know that many of you may not favour them. I also fall into that category, but I believe we can make an exception on this occasion as Hazel looks fabulous in her tight-fitting, semi-see-through D.K.s.
The four pictures below were the ones featured in that issue of Beautiful Britons; I have the other eight that were not published, which I will share in the upcoming weeks. Sadly, Hazel is no longer with us, she is certainly one of my favourites.
This set of 12 prints was available to purchase directly from ToCo for just £1 in 1963.

I often wonder how many of these print sets were actually sold; there must truly be thousands of them stored in drawers, at the bottom of wardrobes, and in boxes under beds. With a decent scanner and the marvels of modern picture software, the results can turn out quite well. The images used below have been reduced in quality for web use. If you have any of these sets that you would like to sell or lend to me so that I can share them here for all of us to enjoy, please contact me. What good are they doing hidden away? Sadly, someday someone will have to clear them out when you are gone, and often they are just thrown away without understanding their origins. I see or hear about this far too often.

When Winter Comes

For some of us it's already here. Well, we're all right, Jack, we've found out where we stored our overcoats. And HAZEL SHAW is all right, too, for Hazel has found some long underwear, and this together with the new fashion in long boots should see her through the ice and snow in fair old comfort.
Hazel hasn't bought the boots yet, but at the time of going to press the snow hadn't arrived.
Hazel is using the interim period between autumnal tints and winter snow to try out her D.K.s and take her time about buying the boots. The D.K.s are fine, but she doesn't want to rush into buying boots which are so long they come up to her ears. 

Helen Baxter

Helen Baxter - Home Page

Today, I have given Helen Baxter her own page and gathered her pictures into a gallery. This year, Helen would be 83 years old, which certainly puts everything into perspective.

Where has all that time gone? The picture I have used here and on her homepage is probably my favourite; it captures her natural good looks shining through in a candid shot with glasses in hand, which we never see in any of her other pictures.

Let’s appreciate Helen as she was 60 years ago. So, the next time you feel frustrated with an elderly lady fumbling in her purse in front of you, remember, she too may have been a Helen Baxter 60 years ago.

Melanie Cooper

Fan Club, Please Note

An awfully nice bloke called Mr. Garfield Foley wrote to say that as secretary of the MELANIE COOPER fan club, he'd like to know if there were any irresistible pin-up photographs available of her.

There are. And they're available not only to members of her fan club but to all readers.

Spick No 193 - December 1969