Ann Leslie

Bounce is Beautiful

Ah dear, when you're young what is more beautiful than bounce? All that youth and vitality, all that urge to jump around and dance about and look as irrepressible as ANN LESLIE. If you've got a pain in your tibia, it probably makes you wince just to look at Ann cavorting so uninhibitedly, in which case go and put a hot plaster on. And have a nice cup of cocoa.

Span No 182 - October 1969

Anne Montgomery

Cover Girl

This month's very decorative cover girl is model ANNE MONTGOMERY much-travelled girl who wants to travel even more. Every time she goes away, of course, it's a pleasure to welcome her back, but it's a dud world in between.

Beautiful Britons No 106 - August 1964

Linda Deane

Don't Go Away

If there's one thing, we couldn't stand at the moment it's having LINDA DEANE go away.

We're going through a bit of a grotty period just about now, like finding nothing in our little black box and gorgeous girls deciding there are better things in life than us.

If we woke up one morning and read in a newspaper that Linda, our favourite outdoor dolly-bird, had gone off to Greenland it would just about screw us into lacerated finitis. That's some kind of Latin for some kind of depressed fragility and there's no cure except a win on the pools.

Still, cheer up, eh? Linda's doing fine modelling in London and she's not likely to go away yet.

Unless she gets a win on the pools.

Beautiful Britons No 168 - Nov 1969

Fay Stevens

Sun In Her Eyes

Our cover girl this month is one of your favourite pin-ups from Kent, FAY STEVENS, here caught with the sun in her eyes.

A secretary with a bustling, progressive company in the City of London, Fay is all for progress but not for bustling. She likes to go through each day on a note of quiet confidence, as distinct from the more spectacular secretaries who sweep in and out like vibrant motor-mowers.

Fay's favourite sport is tennis, and though we don't know what her rating is as a singles player we're pretty sure she's in constant demand at mixed doubles. Who cares about winning all that much, anyway?

Beautiful Britons No 120 - November 1965

Sally Ann Scott

Cover Girl

Adorning our cover this month is beautiful London model SALLY ANN SCOTT, just right for boosting your morale if you're alone in a tent.

And if your tent is in the middle of the Nevada desert, you're really alone, and the only boost to do you the most good would be Sally Ann herself walking in on you with a jug of ice-cold fruit juice. Or maybe you don't drink?

You'd prefer a good book? As long as Sally Ann brought it in person? You'll be lucky, with all those public libraries available in Las Vegas.

Beautiful Britons No 72 - October 1961

Penny Baxter

Penny Wise

When you're young, life is a whizz, but PENNY BAXTER had a wise eye on her future when she recently went to study for a year in Florence. Penny's an artist.

Beautiful Britons No 120 - November 1965

Joan Russell

Lucky Old Dino

Don't know what it is. Something from the astral world, we shouldn't wonder. Found its feet though. Got 'em nicely under the table at the home of JOAN RUSSELL of Ayrshire. Lucky old Dino. Name's all right but face is a bit funny.

Joan thinks it's cute.

Looks like a freak doing a freak-out to us. There's Joan with her lovely legs that have won prizes for their shape, and there's Dino, and if Dino doesn't look the oddest shape beside Joan, we're not seeing as well as we used to.

Joan is our idea of what's magnetic about Scotland. Dino is our idea of what's lucky about an oddity that's got its feet nicely under Joan's kitchen table.

Beautiful Britons No 168 - Nov 1969

Maria Assin

Bunny Girl

You don't have to dress up in one of those bunny outfits with a pom-pom tail to be a bunny girl, you only need to be fond of rabbits.

You keep them in a nice dry hutch and feed them lettuce. MARIA ASSIN was out the other day looking for some cute baby bunnies to take home, and as we were out looking for conkers, we bumped heads with her round a tree.

"What I don't understand," said Maria as she posed for us, "is why you a need a camera when you're looking for conkers."

"Well, we snap them first to see if they're photogenic."

"I've never heard of photogenic conkers," said Maria.

"They're the ones that come out well in close-up."

"I hope you know what you're talking about,' said Maria.

Cute girl, Maria. She's a charge clerk, nineteen years old, with statistics of 36"-24"-36".

Beautiful Britons No 166 - September 1969

Vanda Vane-Dotson

Make Yourself Comfortable

There's a marvellous country girl we know. She rides to the hounds and all that jazz, and she looks absolutely gorgeous on a gee-gee, and if we could get her going for a gallop in her new tangerine mini-skirt she'd look even more gorgeous.

Her name is VANDA VANE-DOTSON, and she may be hyphenated but she's lovely to know. Hyphenated isn't catching anyway. She's a bit keen on law books and as they need going into at length, we told her to make herself comfortable while she was studying the odd twenty volumes or so. She made herself lovely and comfortable.

We told her to put her feet up as well, and as you can see if you turn the page she did. Look out for her around the countryside in Kent. She's got a darling horse called Mick. Oh, and she likes old English inns.

Have a pint on the horse. Mick’s a generous old gee-gee.

Beautiful Britons No 168 - November 1969

Monika Busch - Almut Eggert - Jeannette Charrown


First of our trio, in fact, is blonde MONIKA BUSCH, a nineteen-year-old mannequin of Berlin. Monika was crowned Miss Berlin only this year, and although we aren't acquainted with too many Berlin beauties, we can't think the Berliners went wrong on this choice.

Next comes attractive ALMUT EGGERT, just twenty-one. Almut is a film actress from West Germany and just about the prettiest prospect they have lined up there for the cinemagoers.

Completing our Teutonic trio is JEANNETTE CHARROWN, at twenty just beginning to make a name for herself in Continental films. Needless to say, we can't wait to see Jeannette on our own screens, and any delay will add to our incentive to gnaw our fingers.

Span No 84 - August 1961

Karen Jenson

Karen Jenson - Mustang No 7

She's rich. Not just in money, but in talent as well.

She's daughter of a certain businessman who made his fortune manufacturing a certain brand of washing machine. We will refrain from telling you the name of the product for fear of being accused of giving free advertising. She paints abstract art and in two years made the jump from hanging her pictures in the open-air Hampstead art exhibition to being commissioned to paint portraits of some of England's most notable industrialists and politicians.

She calls herself Karen Jenson, but we suspect it's an assumed name; it wouldn't do to drop the real name of her respected family just anywhere, would it? She's planning to branch out into designing backdrops and stage sets for West End musicals. We doubt if she'd have much trouble there. With or without all her talent, one long, sultry look would soften up most theatre producers. Add a short skirt and a slow, knowing smile and even the hardest heart would melt.

Our pictures of Karen were taken at her own country home, where she gets away from it all on the rare occasions when she has time. Most days it's work, work, work. And most evenings it's play, play, play. There isn't much time for rest, rest, rest. You see, she may be a rich man's daughter, but she's not the kind to let it go to her head. She'd hate to laze around for month after month doing nothing (or so she tells us). She wants to go everywhere and try everything, at least once. And that's why she decided to model for our photographs. Inevitable, really-she's as good at that as she is at everything else. Like we said, a girl with talent.

Mustang No 7 - 1969

Margaret Stewart

Old Fashioned Girl

It isn't the way she looks that makes MARGARET STEWART old-fashioned - it's just the fact that like the heroine of that old-fashioned epic “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” Margaret would like to marry a millionaire. Well, that's as good an ambition as any for a lovely lady who wants to go places.

Margaret is twenty, was, born in Nottingham has dark brown hair and hazel eyes and stands 5' 4" in her nyloned feet.

Her vital statistics are 37"-24"-37".

She has studied nursing and has had training in dramatics, she likes classical music and modern jazz. Any bachelor millionaire wishing to mix his interests with Margaret's?

Spick No 120 - November 1963

Patricia Garland (Susan Douglas)

Elegance and Efficiency

Elegance and Efficiency

Combining these virtues is lovely PATRICIA GARLAND, secretary in the City of London.

Pat has just become interested in modelling and wants eventually to do TV commercials. We can think of no one more elegantly equipped for the job of convincing us we're not using the right shampoo to stop our hair falling out. Or enticing us to wash in a new kind of detergent.

Frankly, we aren't too bothered about never being alone with a certain brand, but what chance is there of being alone with Pat to persuade her we know just which box of chocolates she likes best? Isn't she a honey?

Watch out for TV advertisers being crafty enough to size up Pat as a hundred per cent prospect for selling you on every line that passes over your screens. How could you resist her without keeping your eyes shut-and with Pat in view how could you keep your eyes shut?

Beautiful Britons No 72 - October 1961