Donna Sharp

Sharp Girl

You'll be interested to know that DONNA SHARP isn't just a pretty face. She's a Coventry girl and besides having the kind of looks at which the boys whistle a bit feverishly.

Donna is as cute as a pearl button.

A shorthand-typist with an aptitude for efficiency. Donna can also handle a Mini. A Mini being a real goer, lots of girls find them rather fast, but Donna can manage, thank you.

She's eighteen, measures 36-23-36, is mad about pop music—aren't we all in our different ways? —and while so many others are worrying about the bomb. Donna is finding life can be fun.

If your girlfriend is the kind who's always agitating you into joining demonstrations, why not swop her with somebody else's dolly and have fun yourself?

June Perfect

Selection Perfect

Where could you expect to find a dollier dolly than in a theatrical agency? Well, it so happens that Blodwen Morgan- Jones will bet you a hindquarter of chilled beef—worth a packet of anybody's money—that the really scrumptious dollies are only to be found in the Welsh hills.

"Exactly whereabouts?" said Fred passionately.

"Ah, bach," said Blodwen, "anywhere in the hills, but they only come out at night, look you, for seen in the light of day they'd all be carried off by those rampaging Normans."

She must be living in the primitive past or something. We're living in the present, all cracking fireworks and vibrating dollies.

This one is JUNE PERFECT. She's secretary to a theatrical agent who specialises in auditioning beautiful birds to send to the European capitals as Go-Go dancers. There is, apparently, an unending demand for English Go-Goers throughout Europe.

All the girls are first interviewed by June. Only the best get by.

Her selection is always perfect.

Anne Worth

Student Power

Eighteen-year-old ANNE WORTH is living proof of student power. Enjoying her college life, she's a stunning example of how to exercise influence without throwing eggs.

She merely looks herself.

College men waver around uncertainly in her presence, wondering if they ought to get married now instead of waiting for the capitalist system to be upended.

Anne is studying history and other subjects. She wants to be a teacher. Fred wanted to know if she intended to take evening classes.

"Where?" said Anne.

"In my drawing-room," said Fred.

"Cheeky," said Anne.

Cathy Figura


You'd think from her name, her dark hair and her big brown eyes that CATHY FIGURA was Italian. But she's a Yorkshire girl. She comes from Bradford.

That may very well be. But those looks, those curves, those legs. Italian-style sex appeal all over, like.

And versatile, ye gods. yes. Cathy is an artist, a dress designer and an actress with credits in more than one film. She remains joyfully free-lance, and whenever she needs some extra lolly she performs as a Go-Go dancer in the celebrated Yorkshire clubs.

They fall off their chairs when Cathy is swinging.

Sarah Marsden

Among The Bric-A-Brac

Quite close to Portobello Road in London lives SARAH MARSDEN, textiles salesgirl.

The Portobello Road is famous for its market, which specialises in stalls loaded with antiques valuable and useless, cheap and dear. Many a fantastic find has been made there by antique collectors with an eye for a true bargain.

Sarah has such an eye. She can see through any old white elephant and has acquired a quite valuable collection of Victorian bric-a-brac and Victorian clothes. She also has a flair for old china dolls.

We went off china dolls, old or new, when we first discovered that girls were living, breathing wonders. Sarah is our idea of a living, breathing wonder of today, and anytime she'd like to entertain us among her bric-a-brac we'll do some research on Victorian knockers and have a lovely antique conversation with her.

Kim Scott

Home For A Day

It had been a busy year for KIM SCOTT.

Kim is an airline stewardess and it had been all go from January to December. She seemed to have hardly touched ground. It was lovely for the passengers as few stewardesses can serve coffee as engagingly as Kim, but for Kim it was definitely all go.

But we managed to catch her when she was home for a day.

In her flat in Middlesex, not far from London Airport,

Kim spent the day being all domestic.

It was all go again.

One day Kim is going to retire and put her feet up for a year. Anyone like to spend the time running around for her?

Melanie Cooper

Take a Letter, Take Lots

We wanted to write some heavy stuff to a recalcitrant agent in New York, and MELANIE COOPER, an extremely charming Hampshire girl, offered her service as a shorthand-typist.

So, we dictated our heavy epistle and then we took a break. It was then we realised what unimaginative eggheads we'd be if we let it go at that. Melanie would go home.

"Take lots more,” we said, and we dictated letters to almost everyone we were on correspondence terms with, and any amount of people got letters concerning subjects they didn't know a thing about.

But it was a rainy afternoon and it was an exhilarating way of seeing it through.

Helga Hansen

Happy Helga

We know lots of vivacious girls. HELGA HANSEN is one of the most vivacious and certainly seems the happiest. It takes hardly anything to bring her out in lovely giggles.

We told her about the elephant that carried its own trunk off the transport plane and how the baggage men all went on strike, and Helga, over here from West Germany, thought it so funny that she simply rolled about.

She looked ever so lovely, what with her mini-dress and all.

She said how comical we were.

We told her to just keep rolling about.

Helga is perfecting her English. Personally, we wouldn't care if she only spoke Patagonian Gaelic. What's another language to a deaf ear when one's eyes are so stunned!

Amanda Jansen

Roadside Review

It was a lovely day, and even lovelier when Chumley pulled up beside the ravishing blonde.

"Ah, having a review of the works, what?” he said.

"I've already done that.” said AMANDA JANSEN, "and now I'm looking for the whatsisname to prop the car up."

"Got a flat, eh?" said Chumley.

"I beg your pardon?" said Amanda, who was proud of her 36-23-36 framework.

"Flat tyre." said Chumley.

"I hope you’re not going to get all mechanical.” said Amanda, ”I just thought I’d prop the whole thing up and then see what happens."

"Good idea,” said Chumley.

"Well, aren't you going to help me? Are you going to just sit there and look?” said Amanda.

"Sitting here and just looking,” said Chumley. "is my idea of a really lovely day.”

"You saucy devil," said Amanda and conked him with the whatsisname.

Amanda is a London model and you can see her swinging around the place and bringing stars to the eyes of high-powered diplomats carrying brief cases.

Tina Reynolds


One of our new discoveries is TINA REYNOLDS

Tina has already made our readers sit up and count the stars, which is the only way to counteract a tendency to fall off your bicycle.

She's twenty, five feet three and measures 36-24-35. She plays squash, badminton and table tennis, which is far better than just sitting at home drinking cocoa like so many of you do.

Cocoa-drinking is fine for all those hombres who plant cocoa beans, but what's it does for your appreciation of the finer things of life?

Look at Tina. She's all over glowing meta­bolism.

So, take your boots off and put your shorts on, Claude.

Marion Cleer

Home Girl

Poised very domesticatedly against her home background is MARION CLEER, which makes a bit of a change from pent-up dolls waving banners in aid of Germaine Greer or Bubbles Fortescue.

Bubbles Fortescue? Who's she when she’s got a train to catch?

Oh, just a woman mountaineer with a sense of grievance that it's only men who fall off Everest.

Our Marion quite likes men, really. They're not as brilliant as women, of course, but as a home girl Marion hopes one day to settle down with a fairly nice one. At present she's a secretary in Poole, Dorset, and her boss thinks the world of her. Naturally.

She's twenty-one, green-eyed and blonde, and as well as cook books she also loves horse-riding.

Soulange Ferrier

French Comfort

Soulange is French and that's a comfort for anyone who's going to France and isn't sure whether French dollies are as enchanting as they say, or whether it's all talk.

When you get to Paris turn south and keep going. When you arrive at St. Tropez don't be put off by the price of a lobster, because what's money when there's a chance of seeing Soulange sunning herself on the beach?

She likes to go to the far end of the beach where there's a reserved section for dedicated nature lovers, or simply for those who like to get tanned all over. If you spot Soulange there give her a wave. If a uniformed nature-loving beach attendant dressed in a peaked cap stands in the way of your further progress, then take our tip—go quietly away and come back as a nature lover yourself.

But watch the sun or you'll get burned up.

Lucy Brock

Girl with a Fascinating Hobby

Some girls make a hobby of good books or flower arrangements. LUCY BROCK thinks good books and flower arrangements have their own place in life, but people interest her far more.

Especially homo sapiens. No, don't get confused, that means people of a genuine masculine gender. The frank fact is, Lucy finds men fascinating. She doesn't actually follow them about but she does like to have them to lean on. It's lovely being a girl, she says. You can lean on them and they expect you to, she says. Her favourite one is tall and dishy, but she wouldn’t mention his name in case other girls were listening.

Sylvia Martin

Modern Jazzer

Very accomplished dancer to modern jazz is SYLVIA MARTIN of North London, and we can't say fairer than that without getting caught up in an extravaganza of completely dizzy jazz.

Sylvia has been around, dancing with a troupe in most of the European capitals. In Rome she met a fanatical Italian count. Well, he called himself a count and Sylvia called him fanatical. He followed her about and she could hardly go anywhere without Fatimo popping up in his dark glasses. He begged for her hand, he was handsome, engaging and rakishly suave.

” Marry me,” he kept saying.

"Look, stop following me about,” said Sylvia, "I'm not suited to be the wife of a count, I want to marry a footballer."

"So? I confess, then,” he said, "I am not a count, I am Guiseppe Fatimo and I play centre-back for the Italian grocers' team. Now will you marry me I”

"I can’t,” said Sylvia,” I’m madly in love with an English goalkeeper. Now will you go or do I have to push you off this sun roof!”

” You must push me off, my beautiful one,” he said.

Well, Sylvia thought that really was the best thing to do, so she did, and Guiseppe Fatimo didn't half feel it. When he woke up he had amnesia. He couldn't remember Sylvia but the nurse was so enchanting that he began to woo her very happily.

It was a nice ending, really, especially as the sun roof was only a few feet above the ground.

Jennifer Lickess

You’ve Got to Go

It's a fact. You've really got to go to keep up with JENNIFER LICKESS, a Worcestershire girl.

Jennifer is absolutely nutty about water-ski activities and fast boats. On water skis she travels at umpteen knots an hour and in a fast boat you can't see her for showering spray.

She's a hairdresser, a discotheque follower and she's twenty-three. She shapes up very entrancingly at 36-24-35, and likes to travel far and wide on her holidays. Her boyfriend’s get a funny feeling most of the time that they're being left behind. Jennifer always seems to be disappearing on a swishing wake of water, on a foaming careering spray or on a plane.

It gets a feller so that he doesn't know which way to gallop.