Ann Grainger
/Now Then, Cheeky
Lovely, young thing looking rather cheeky is ANN GRAINGER of Glasgow. She's a very shapely pin-up.
Lovely, young thing looking rather cheeky is ANN GRAINGER of Glasgow. She's a very shapely pin-up.
We've been asked so often for a feature on MAGGIE McCULLY that in the end we really went digging for photographs of this photogenic delight.
It was what they call a successful dig.
For new readers who expressed so much interest in her, this is our Maggie. She's a secretary and a lover of summer holidays in hot sunshine. She's dark, brown-eyed and beautiful.
And she loves modern beat, good films, historical novels and the view of Hampstead Heath on a spring morning.
Don't get too infatuated, Ernest, it won't do you any good. Just admire her from afar and stick to the girl in the grocery shop. That way you could get extra sugar.
Some market researcher asked CHERI SCOTT the question. It was all to do with something neurotic.
"Well," said Cheri, an outspoken Scot, "it's my opinion that men leave home to go to work, to attend a football match, to chase the milkman, to go for a pint or to post a letter. After that they either get back home on time or they get back late, and if they get back late, they get thumped, and if you keep standing in my way and make me late you'll get thumped too."
That's what they call very succinct.
Happily, resident in the downtown fringes of London is MARTA CUBISOVA, looking every inch a swinger.
Actually, Marta is from Prague.
A Czechoslovakian actress, she decided to get out from behind the Iron Curtain and come to Britain.
"Welcome indeed," said the man from the ministry. He was the one in charge of looking over refugees. He had the most trying job to keep it all informal as he was dying to invite Marta out to dinner. Ministry men aren't all computerised subtracting machines.
Marta was enchanted with her welcome and as it wasn't long before the London photographers were queueing up to photo- graph her, everything became quite lovely.
It couldn't have happened to a nicer girl.
Since entering show biz, CARMEN DENE has become known as the shape men would most like to be seen out with as long as the wife is in Honolulu.
Carmen has the most exquisite curves and is living, breathing proof that girls are a lot better to look at than men.
"Not at all," said Carmen, "I wouldn't want to look at girls if there were some different shapes around, like men for instance. You must have a funny idea of what we find appealing if you think we simply adore looking at each other."
We were thinking of what we liked looking at.
"Well, spare a thought for us girls sometimes," said Carmen.
The mini is dead, so they say, but it won't lie down.
Why won't it?
Here's the reason why.
A girl called MARIE REYNOLDS.
For when Marie and a mini fit each other as well as this, who could ask for more? Who wants to ask for more?
As the traffic warden said when Marie alighted from her car, "Park here as long as you like, miss, and if I have to book you it'll hurt me all the way home."
"Watch it, cheeky," said Marie.
"I am," said the traffic warden," and it fits you a treat, miss. What a mini."
Very vital is housewife MARIE GRAHAM. She belongs to a keep-fit class, a tennis club, a boomerang learners' cycle-
Hold on, wait a moment, what's a boomerang learners' cycle?
You know about Australia, don't you, thickhead?
Yeh, and about boomerangs, but I don't know about boomerang learners.
In that case, shut up, yes, and not only is Marie learning how to hurl a boomerang and dodge it on the way back, but she's also doing car maintenance and athletics.
Ye gods, that's enough, I'm all-over racked nerves.
So, you should be at your age.
One gorilla met another gorilla.
There was the sound of the most awful thudding crunch. But gorillas being what they are they didn't even notice, they just grinned at each other.
One said to the other, "You're looking well, Hairy, apart from your teeth."
Said the other, "I've found a new kind of nut-look." And he opened his huge great mouth and pointed to the back of his throat, and the first gorilla put his stupid head in and Hairy bit it right off. "I didn't think much of his hair cream, "he said later to his lady gorilla.
Gorillas, of course, do love nuts. Nuts can do wonders for girls as well as gorillas. It's all those proteins. Look at London dolly CARON TOWNSEND. Caron is eighteen and an absolute dish. Peanuts or cashew nuts, Caron can't resist either. That's why she's got a lovely complexion and a curvy figure.
Nuts can do the same for you and make you a stunning 37-23-36.
Not if you're a feller, however.
Are you onerously tied to your garden? Like some help, would you? Then look around for someone lovely and horticultural like GINA BARREN. Gina is twenty, she was born in Liverpool and is now a London model.
Her hobby is gardening. Adores it she does. Can't have enough of the old spade and fork. Likes to plant things and watch them grow. Keeps all the flowers looking beautiful. Keeps herself looking tanned and streamlined. 35-23-35. Doesn't wear a bra but ignores Women's Lib. Loves roses and dahlias. Owns long stunning legs. Likes men who can make her laugh as long as they know how to prune plum trees.
Absolutely exotic in a herbaceous border, is Gina.
"I can't come now," said MARIE GRAHAM, Hampshire secretary, "I'm all tied up."
"It's only the milkman, anyway," said EVE LAW, ditto, "and he's nobody."
It was all in aid of some amateur dramatics, and Eve was dedicated to making it all look brilliantly authentic. This included getting Marie all tied up and then tickling her foot.
"This is hysterical," said Marie.
"That's right," said Eve, "just shriek your head off kind of lifelike."
Marie thought it was all very well to be kind of lifelike, but there's a point when too much reality turns into how to go bonkers on an overdose of giggling heebie-jeebies.
At which point it's time to suggest a break for coffee
Well, we'll leave it at that and bring you more of the girls next month. Don't get too worked up waiting.
Never mind the crises, which are always with us; anyway. Concentrate on the fact that being alive in this wonderful world of lush pastures is far better than being just a cold, stark stiff in the ground.
There's exhilaration for you, as well as a saucy wink.
Caroline is all set to look ahead, while glum blokes like Fred are looking back and talking about what it was like when Robin Hood was alive. All merry jostling and jousting in Nottingham and dancing the Maybell with buxom maids.
What's the Maybell?
Well, if you make a hit, it's a real ring-a-ding for a night and a day.
It wasn't going to cost anything except time, and that was going to be very well spent, so up trotted Fred to WANDA LIDDELL, latest pin-up favourite, and began to chat her up.
"I don't suppose you're all that interested in operations," he said, "but at my time of life-
"You don't look a day over eighty," said Wanda, who was spending the afternoon in Hampstead.
"Here, hold on," said Fred, "I'm not seventy yet, and I didn't have the stitches out till yesterday. It's me appendix, lasted me nearly a lifetime, it did, but it had to come out in the end. Gad, I must say you don't half look a treat, darling-
"Now watch it, audacious," said Wanda.
"Anyway, I don't want to bore you," " said Fred, "but l've got to have my arthritis removed tomorrow, and considering I only had me appendix stitches taken out yesterday-"
"Goodbye, you poor old soul," said Wanda.
"Do you have to go?" said Fred.
"Yes," said Wanda, "you are boring me.”
They were getting ever so restive at college, and it looked as if one of them their rackety protests was in the offing.
It was all over student JANE WALTERS.
Someone had said she was leaving, that she'd been offered a glamorous and lucrative career among the exotic hoi pollo of telly commercials.
Several hairy students said they'd fall down dead if Jane left. To keep themselves from thinking too traumatically about this dread fate they began to prepare banners, slogans, and sit-ins.
Then along came Jane, carrying her books and lecture notes. Stepping daintily over students who were going one degree farther than a sit-in with a lie in, she asked what all the fuss was about. When told she was the focal point, like, she giggled and said, "Thanks ever so, fellers, but I'm not leaving, I only do modelling when I'm on vacation."
Joyful relief abounded, and in deep gratitude they all made good resolutions for the New Year. Like taking the fluff out of their beards.
The phone had been replaced a long time ago, the date for dinner at a lamplit bistro in Chelsea had been fixed and all SANDRA MORRELL had to do was to gild and dress the lily and get there.
She being the lily, of course.
"Hurry up," said her flat mate, "you'll be late.' "Any moment now," said Sandra, "I'II be ready."
Sandra is a girl who can't be hurried under any circs. She likes to be absolutely sure that when she is dated, she looks impeccable. Charlie Greyduck thought that impeccable was something to do with nuts roasted in an iron pan, over an open fire, but dead ignorance keeps Charlie where he is, right at the back.
Anyway, by the time Sandra was ready she did look impeccable and lovely beyond anything. Except that as she came down the stairs her flat mate, Henrietta, said, "Not in that mini, you are silly, you'll have to change it for a maxi. Or put stretch tights on."
"Oh sorry," blushed Sandra, "I forgot."
She shouldn't have worried. Chelsea would have looked and loved. You don't have to be conformist to be impeccable. Not in Chelsea, anyway.
When it was all hot and goosepimples were something, you didn't think could happen,
Battersea model LAURIE SANDS found a nice shady spot in which to sun her curves.
Undeniably, a warm, suntanned curve is far more to be coveted than a cool, glacial one, but Laurie says a girl can't go around looking as if she's smouldering, it only ignites the combustibility of impressionable males. Far safer, she says, to look utterly cool and distant.
On the other hand, the cool, distant look is such a challenge to egoistic burks that many an ice-cold femme has had to call for help to save being carried off by hot-blooded, well-oiled sheiks.
"Golly, how lovely," murmured Laurie.