Anne Mattingley

All Soaped Up

It's ANNE MATTINGLEY who’s getting herself into a lather over the household chores

Actually, Anne was doing very well until she slipped on the soap and ended up exactly where it most hurts. And where it was most wet.

All soaped up. Anne decided she might as well give her skirt its weekly tub.

Anne, a London typist, has more than one skirt, however. That doesn't mean she's rich, only well-equipped.

We like both skirts. So, does the milkman who spotted them on his way round to deliver the midday milk

Norma Gordon

Gang Awa

The fact is, sultry NORMA GORDON, Scottish beauty queen, was in the Highlands one day and over the border the next. Reason? She had a date with a handsome Yank—the kind of date she just couldn’t miss. The day before we took these photographs he proposed and the day after Norma went and married him. She kept it so dark we didn't even have time to buy her a blue garter to wear.

We should have guessed something big was cooking, for Norma was so absent-minded at this sitting she fell off the sofa twice. The fact that she came up smiling on each occasion should have given us an added clue. This whirling pirouette she executed for the sheer joy of it, and we still didn't realise why.

We presume that was because we’re not currently madly in love ourselves. Oh, youth—oh, springtime—oh, vanished vitality and aching backs. Oh, that lucky Yank.

Jan Newman

Story of a Dream

It was night. Well, it was all dark, anyway, and Fred was in bed. And solidly immersed in a dream about fishing boats.

When Fred is solidly immersed his mind is totally unimaginative.

Far removed from boats and fish is our kind of dream. Her name is JAN NEWMAN. She lives on the South Coast and is a sun worshipper. If, when you are deep in sleep, you can dream about a dream like Jan, then you'll have a far more sublime period of floating sub-consciousness than silly old Fred.

Don't ask us how.

Perhaps it's just a matter of artistic concentration and the right kind of night-cap.

Jan is a secretary, a richly corn-coloured blonde with the loveliest legs. If you like elegance, you whistle. If you like dumplings, go home to mother.

Sometimes even elegance takes a tumble. Still, it was entirely involuntary. Jan thought there was a chair there. Never mind, it does prove our point, that she really does have the loveliest legs.

Valerie Peters

Secretary At Work

Most secretaries are regarded as an indispensable part of that strata of commerce and industry which is responsible for high- powered organisation and administration. In case you find that vague or indefinable, it means secretaries are on a higher plane than the girl who pushes the tea trolley round, and rightly so. Most secretaries are beautiful as well as efficient. This is because there are few men so dull as to settle for efficiency alone.

Most secretaries who are beautiful as well as efficient also possess a much more glamorous look than most fashion models. This is because most models are miserably skinny, poor dears, and most secretaries elegantly and naturally curvy. A typically beautiful, efficient and elegantly curvy secretary is VALERIE PETERS of Hornchurch, Essex. We couldn’t show you Valerie at work in her office as we couldn’t get our tripod through the front door—there was a big, upstanding commissionaire in the way.

But Valerie at work in her own home on a warm day makes a delightful alternative to Valerie at work behind her desk. It may not have the atmosphere of that upper strata of commerce and industry, but we don’t care—do you?

Maria Nicole

London Views

MARIA NICOLE, seen as just about the best view in her Kensington home. Maria, a French girl, was educated in a convent near Paris, and now works as a courier in a London travel agency. It's all go, showing tourists the sights of London, but for Maria it's also fun.

Cheryl Peters

Our Kind of Cook

One of the more talented attributes of CHERYL PETERS is cooking. She can tempt even the most jaded gourmet with her recipes, and there was one feller who fell down in a fit of ecstasy when he entered her kitchen and came up against the heavenly aroma of asparagus-and-cheese-pie. He could have died from sheer bliss on the spot, but it wasn't as aesthetic as all that, so he got up and ate it.

Ann Milligan

Seeing’s Believing

It’s just a case of ANN MILLIGAN being too dreamy to be true, but when we took the camera along to find out what impression the lens got of her we found out something else as well— Ann is an absolute picture. Every look, every line and every curve is true.

Carol Catkin

Bachelor Girl

Very cosily at home in her new apartment in London is CAROL CATKIN. Carol is a bachelor girl with her eyes set on a modelling career.

This doesn't mean she turns a cold eye to men. There's nothing about Carol that wants to be liberated. Her idea of the blissful best of both worlds is a career to keep her vital and occupied during the day, and a fascinating man to keep her entertained during the evenings.

The thought of dining out by herself makes her throw a fit.

"Men are so useful," she says earnestly, "they can order the wine and boss the waiters about. They can see you safely home—after they've paid the bill, of course—and they don't mind a bit if you have to poke them in the eye on your doorstep. They like that, it tells them you're a nice girl. How dreary if you had to go out with another girl. I mean, who’d pay, for goodness sake?"

Isn't she a lovely bachelor girl?

Dawn Grayson

That Reminds Me

“I must get my hair done,” said DAWN GRAYSON.

 “Why must you? It looks fine as it is.”

 ‘‘Which style do you prefer?” she asked.

 ‘‘Oh, are they different, then?”

 “You’re as blind as a bat,” she said.

 “It’s your fault—our eyesight gets all bent every time we look at you.”

Susan Douglas

Bridging the Gap

The Short Skirt trend has presented stocking manufacturers with the problem of concealing the stocking tops and bare thighs now sometimes visible when the girls sit down. Or even when they stand up as SUSAN DOUGLAS illustrates.

Lois Davis

Every Inch Counts

In Toronto there dwells the sweetest young thing who stands just 5' I" and is called Petit’ Petit’ by her friends. Born in the States, LOIS DAVIS is now resident in Canada, works in a Toronto office and is trimmer, neater and far more exciting to take to an ice hockey game than any filing system.

Lois is crazy about ice hockey and it’s great to have her with you, she makes the whole thing an inspiration instead of just another game. If, in her excitement, she stands you on your head, just don’t think about it. It leaves off eventually.

Cherie Scott

Sugar and Spice

You’ve all heard about what little girls are made of. Big girls are rather nicely put together too. Scottish secretary CHERIE SCOTT is all grown-up and absolutely delicious. Like all the most endearing representatives of her fascinating sex, she loves finding out in the kitchen. Her recipes are guaranteed, when the end product emerges, to make a man all sweetness and light.

 Sugar and spice in Cherie’s kitchen are a must. Sugar for the tastiest cookies, spice for the most mouth-watering savouries. How people can worry about what’s next on the telly when life can be made wonderful by having a good cook around, is beyond us. And when the cook is as bewitching as Cherie, you can even forget about the bomb.

Jackie Blair

I’ll Be Ready When I’ve Found My Breeches

My horse was stamping at the door (said JACKIE BLAIR) and I was just about ready to take him for a gallop along the banks of the Clyde. Only I couldn't find my breeches.

 I'd found my boots and garters and my warm sweater, but I couldn't find my breeches. I'll be ready when I do find them.

 Only I can't go like this.

 They'll all laugh at me.

Dawn Grayson


When the bath water was halfway up the bath our glamour girl DAWN GRAYSON slipped on the tiles and fell in.

She found herself immersed when she wasn't really dressed for it. She plunged about and called for help and the cameraman went in. He only had his camera with him and said, "I don't think you're actually drowning, so stay like that for a few minutes and I'll capture your impromptu wet look.”

"Wet? I'm soaked,” said Dawn.

"Don't worry, I'll go and get you a lifebelt as soon as I've finished the film,” said he.

"Oh, well, in for a penny, in for a splash," said Dawn.

Angela Frank

Studious Fraulein

West Germany is noted for its fair-haired frauleins, and any Briton who goes there just for the beer is exercising a very limited imagination.

True, dedicated beer drinkers don't profess to be highly imaginative in their solid art of bar quaffing, and in the opinion of many it only spoils the taste of the beer.

However, outside the beer halls of West Germany imaginative life does go on. Particularly around the universities. One West German student we're absolutely tickled to know is ANGELA FRANK. This is Angela.

Angela is eighteen, wears mini-skirts, midi-coats and lace-up boots, but for all her up-to-date gear she's no follower of any tearaway cult, she's a very serious student.

Like to take her out for a German beer sometime, would you?

So would we.