Sally Randall

She Can also Dance

It’s a fact that SALLY RANDALL not only looks absolutely delightful in black lingerie, and that she can not only cook, she can also dance.

Sally, it happens, is a dancer of no mean merit. We accept that information with pleasure. We’ll settle anytime that’s convenient for the cooking.

Anne Mattingley

All Soaped Up

It's ANNE MATTINGLEY who’s getting herself into a lather over the household chores

Actually, Anne was doing very well until she slipped on the soap and ended up exactly where it most hurts. And where it was most wet.

All soaped up. Anne decided she might as well give her skirt its weekly tub.

Anne, a London typist, has more than one skirt, however. That doesn't mean she's rich, only well-equipped.

We like both skirts. So, does the milkman who spotted them on his way round to deliver the midday milk

Minuit Cinq No 19

No 19

Norma Gordon

Gang Awa

The fact is, sultry NORMA GORDON, Scottish beauty queen, was in the Highlands one day and over the border the next. Reason? She had a date with a handsome Yank—the kind of date she just couldn’t miss. The day before we took these photographs he proposed and the day after Norma went and married him. She kept it so dark we didn't even have time to buy her a blue garter to wear.

We should have guessed something big was cooking, for Norma was so absent-minded at this sitting she fell off the sofa twice. The fact that she came up smiling on each occasion should have given us an added clue. This whirling pirouette she executed for the sheer joy of it, and we still didn't realise why.

We presume that was because we’re not currently madly in love ourselves. Oh, youth—oh, springtime—oh, vanished vitality and aching backs. Oh, that lucky Yank.

Sally Anne

Sally Anne

Beckenham is a pleas­ant place just outside suburban London in the boundary of Kent, and it's just like other pleasant resi­dential spots in its quota of attractive housewives. One of them is SALLY ANNE, who enjoys being an efficient housewife and an amateur mod­el. Sally's husband is a keen photographer and in return for doing the washing-up he gets his own re­ward—in the shape of Sally posing for him. The results, as seen here, are worth clean­ing the carpets as well.

There is something rather fetching about a wife who assists her hubby's hobby by looking as pretty as this. We should like to add, of course, that while hubby is an enthusiastic cameraman, his main hobby—nat­urally—is Sally herself. Well, any man with a wife as photogenic as this would be somewhat off his nut if he didn't give her precedence.

Anytime you're around Becken­ham just look out for the girl with the golden hair—and if she's got a long plait to it, that's Sally Anne.

The reflection of Sally in the mirror is a sure sign that twin views of the attractive housewife are always better than one.

Stephanie St.Laurent

Its Lovely in the Park

At this time of the year it's lovely in the park.

It's even better than that when STEPHANIE ST. LAURENT is around. After all, however sweet the daisies are, however green the grass, what can add more ornamental adornment to the scene than one of nature's mini-dad dolly girls?

You could try a statue of Venus de Milo, of course.

But that's only a lot of polished marble.

A living, breathing Stephanie is far more alluring.

Maria Nicole

London Views

MARIA NICOLE, seen as just about the best view in her Kensington home. Maria, a French girl, was educated in a convent near Paris, and now works as a courier in a London travel agency. It's all go, showing tourists the sights of London, but for Maria it's also fun.

Cheryl Peters

Our Kind of Cook

One of the more talented attributes of CHERYL PETERS is cooking. She can tempt even the most jaded gourmet with her recipes, and there was one feller who fell down in a fit of ecstasy when he entered her kitchen and came up against the heavenly aroma of asparagus-and-cheese-pie. He could have died from sheer bliss on the spot, but it wasn't as aesthetic as all that, so he got up and ate it.

Ann Milligan

Seeing’s Believing

It’s just a case of ANN MILLIGAN being too dreamy to be true, but when we took the camera along to find out what impression the lens got of her we found out something else as well— Ann is an absolute picture. Every look, every line and every curve is true.

Carol Catkin

Bachelor Girl

Very cosily at home in her new apartment in London is CAROL CATKIN. Carol is a bachelor girl with her eyes set on a modelling career.

This doesn't mean she turns a cold eye to men. There's nothing about Carol that wants to be liberated. Her idea of the blissful best of both worlds is a career to keep her vital and occupied during the day, and a fascinating man to keep her entertained during the evenings.

The thought of dining out by herself makes her throw a fit.

"Men are so useful," she says earnestly, "they can order the wine and boss the waiters about. They can see you safely home—after they've paid the bill, of course—and they don't mind a bit if you have to poke them in the eye on your doorstep. They like that, it tells them you're a nice girl. How dreary if you had to go out with another girl. I mean, who’d pay, for goodness sake?"

Isn't she a lovely bachelor girl?

Brigitte Kruger


Star of the stage in West Germany, radiant vision on West German television, delight of the youth of West Berlin who love the image she presents of German vitality, is BRIGITTE KRUGER.

But when it comes to selecting a costume for revelry at a party in West Berlin, Brigitte chose not that of a fair maiden of Bavaria or a beer maiden of Munich, but that of an irresistible maiden of the Naughty Nineties.

And French too.

What, indeed, is more French and has more indefinable Oo-la-la to it than the costume of the Can-Can girl?


Tres smashing.

Jackie Blair

I’ll Be Ready When I’ve Found My Breeches

My horse was stamping at the door (said JACKIE BLAIR) and I was just about ready to take him for a gallop along the banks of the Clyde. Only I couldn't find my breeches.

 I'd found my boots and garters and my warm sweater, but I couldn't find my breeches. I'll be ready when I do find them.

 Only I can't go like this.

 They'll all laugh at me.

Angela Frank

Studious Fraulein

West Germany is noted for its fair-haired frauleins, and any Briton who goes there just for the beer is exercising a very limited imagination.

True, dedicated beer drinkers don't profess to be highly imaginative in their solid art of bar quaffing, and in the opinion of many it only spoils the taste of the beer.

However, outside the beer halls of West Germany imaginative life does go on. Particularly around the universities. One West German student we're absolutely tickled to know is ANGELA FRANK. This is Angela.

Angela is eighteen, wears mini-skirts, midi-coats and lace-up boots, but for all her up-to-date gear she's no follower of any tearaway cult, she's a very serious student.

Like to take her out for a German beer sometime, would you?

So would we.

Donna Sharp

Sharp Girl

You'll be interested to know that DONNA SHARP isn't just a pretty face. She's a Coventry girl and besides having the kind of looks at which the boys whistle a bit feverishly.

Donna is as cute as a pearl button.

A shorthand-typist with an aptitude for efficiency. Donna can also handle a Mini. A Mini being a real goer, lots of girls find them rather fast, but Donna can manage, thank you.

She's eighteen, measures 36-23-36, is mad about pop music—aren't we all in our different ways? —and while so many others are worrying about the bomb. Donna is finding life can be fun.

If your girlfriend is the kind who's always agitating you into joining demonstrations, why not swop her with somebody else's dolly and have fun yourself?

June Perfect

Selection Perfect

Where could you expect to find a dollier dolly than in a theatrical agency? Well, it so happens that Blodwen Morgan- Jones will bet you a hindquarter of chilled beef—worth a packet of anybody's money—that the really scrumptious dollies are only to be found in the Welsh hills.

"Exactly whereabouts?" said Fred passionately.

"Ah, bach," said Blodwen, "anywhere in the hills, but they only come out at night, look you, for seen in the light of day they'd all be carried off by those rampaging Normans."

She must be living in the primitive past or something. We're living in the present, all cracking fireworks and vibrating dollies.

This one is JUNE PERFECT. She's secretary to a theatrical agent who specialises in auditioning beautiful birds to send to the European capitals as Go-Go dancers. There is, apparently, an unending demand for English Go-Goers throughout Europe.

All the girls are first interviewed by June. Only the best get by.

Her selection is always perfect.