Gina Scott
/Model See
We don't know her boss, but we do know that in GINA SCOTT he has a model secretary. Gina is as efficient at her job as a joy to the eye, and Gina is very much a joy to the eye.
Gina's vitalistics are 36"-22”-36", she's nineteen and swimming is her favourite sport and parties her favourite recreation.
Maggie McCully
/Here She Is Then
We've been asked so often for a feature on MAGGIE McCULLY that in the end we really went digging for photographs of this photogenic delight.
It was what they call a successful dig.
For new readers who expressed so much interest in her, this is our Maggie. She's a secretary and a lover of summer holidays in hot sunshine. She's dark, brown-eyed and beautiful.
And she loves modern beat, good films, historical novels and the view of Hampstead Heath on a spring morning.
Don't get too infatuated, Ernest, it won't do you any good. Just admire her from afar and stick to the girl in the grocery shop. That way you could get extra sugar.
Jacqueline Blair
It's not that JACOUELINE BLAIR has been strictly trained in the matter of polishing and dusting. It's just that when mother went out to do the weekend shopping she said to Jackie, "Do my housework while I'm out, darling, and you can borrow the car tomorrow."
Jackie doesn't mind being the victim of bribery when the end product is as high on her list as that, so she didn't waste time getting into an argument, she just grabbed mop, duster, cleaner and broom.
Naturally, if a girl can sit around and manage a mop at the same time, why not? There's always the easier way of doing a domestic chore. As long as the results satisfy houseproud mum, it hardly matters.
Susan Douglas
/Susan Douglas - Scanned from an original print
Spick and Span 2000
Cheri Scott
/Why Men Leave Home
Some market researcher asked CHERI SCOTT the question. It was all to do with something neurotic.
"Well," said Cheri, an outspoken Scot, "it's my opinion that men leave home to go to work, to attend a football match, to chase the milkman, to go for a pint or to post a letter. After that they either get back home on time or they get back late, and if they get back late, they get thumped, and if you keep standing in my way and make me late you'll get thumped too."
That's what they call very succinct.
Marta Cubisova
/Downtown Dolly
Happily, resident in the downtown fringes of London is MARTA CUBISOVA, looking every inch a swinger.
Actually, Marta is from Prague.
A Czechoslovakian actress, she decided to get out from behind the Iron Curtain and come to Britain.
"Welcome indeed," said the man from the ministry. He was the one in charge of looking over refugees. He had the most trying job to keep it all informal as he was dying to invite Marta out to dinner. Ministry men aren't all computerised subtracting machines.
Marta was enchanted with her welcome and as it wasn't long before the London photographers were queueing up to photo- graph her, everything became quite lovely.
It couldn't have happened to a nicer girl.
Spick and Span 2000
Ruth Cavendish
/Caught On The Cover
You were bound to have noticed your favourite figure catching your eye on this month's cover. It's the girl you're always wanting to see more of RUTH CAVENDISH and if you don't think she's even lovelier than ever, it must be because you're going steady with a beautiful blonde, you traitor.
Vintage Stockings Archive
/Vintage Stockings Archive
Marie Graham
/Very Vital is Housewife Marie Graham
Very vital is housewife MARIE GRAHAM. She belongs to a keep-fit class, a tennis club, a boomerang learners' cycle-
Hold on, wait a moment, what's a boomerang learners' cycle?
You know about Australia, don't you, thickhead?
Yeh, and about boomerangs, but I don't know about boomerang learners.
In that case, shut up, yes, and not only is Marie learning how to hurl a boomerang and dodge it on the way back, but she's also doing car maintenance and athletics.
Ye gods, that's enough, I'm all-over racked nerves.
So, you should be at your age.
Marie Graham & Eve Law
/I Can't Come Now
"I can't come now," said MARIE GRAHAM, Hampshire secretary, "I'm all tied up."
"It's only the milkman, anyway," said EVE LAW, ditto, "and he's nobody."
It was all in aid of some amateur dramatics, and Eve was dedicated to making it all look brilliantly authentic. This included getting Marie all tied up and then tickling her foot.
"This is hysterical," said Marie.
"That's right," said Eve, "just shriek your head off kind of lifelike."
Marie thought it was all very well to be kind of lifelike, but there's a point when too much reality turns into how to go bonkers on an overdose of giggling heebie-jeebies.
At which point it's time to suggest a break for coffee
Well, we'll leave it at that and bring you more of the girls next month. Don't get too worked up waiting.