Deborah Stephens

Farmers Help

During the war, the British farmers were helped out by land girls. Since then they've had to rely on volunteers whose love of turnips makes them compulsive week-end land workers.

Whilst not exactly a turnip-fiend. DEBBIE STEPHENS does love farms. At harvest time, she's to be seen actively pitchforking hay. We caught her after she’d finished a day's stint and was changing from an agricultural boiler suit into her going-home outfit. Debbie said if she'd known we were coming she’d have changed behind the hedge.

But we caught her out. as it were, and Debbie looked every glowing inch a farmers' dream help measuring 37-23-36. We took some dishy photographs.

We had a glass of dairy milk afterwards. It was quite intoxicating.

Helen Milligan

Field Day

A field day means you’re having a whale of a time with the whole place to yourself, or that you’re about ten years old and Ma and Pa have come to the school to watch you fall flat on your face midway through the 100-yard sprint. HELEN MILLIGAN was certainly captain of her college hockey team, but hers is the case of having a whale of a time when the farmer had gone to market, and though she wasn’t dressed to play around with a lot of old fuel drums she does look cutely leggy, and those boots are real gear, what? These Scots girls pack a really devastating impact.

Marion Cleer

Home Girl

Poised very domesticatedly against her home background is MARION CLEER, which makes a bit of a change from pent-up dolls waving banners in aid of Germaine Greer or Bubbles Fortescue.

Bubbles Fortescue? Who's she when she’s got a train to catch?

Oh, just a woman mountaineer with a sense of grievance that it's only men who fall off Everest.

Our Marion quite likes men, really. They're not as brilliant as women, of course, but as a home girl Marion hopes one day to settle down with a fairly nice one. At present she's a secretary in Poole, Dorset, and her boss thinks the world of her. Naturally.

She's twenty-one, green-eyed and blonde, and as well as cook books she also loves horse-riding.

Lucy Brock

Girl with a Fascinating Hobby

Some girls make a hobby of good books or flower arrangements. LUCY BROCK thinks good books and flower arrangements have their own place in life, but people interest her far more.

Especially homo sapiens. No, don't get confused, that means people of a genuine masculine gender. The frank fact is, Lucy finds men fascinating. She doesn't actually follow them about but she does like to have them to lean on. It's lovely being a girl, she says. You can lean on them and they expect you to, she says. Her favourite one is tall and dishy, but she wouldn’t mention his name in case other girls were listening.

Ruth Cavendish

Best Foot Forward

Our Scottish photographer tells us that RUTH CAVENDISH is not only beautiful but highly intelligent and extremely cultured. It’s with confidence, then, that we exhort this lovely lady to put her best foot forward when alighting from her car, for she will do so far too intelligently to trip up and far too attractively not to make a perfect picture.

For those who like statistics as much as they like culture, Ruth is eighteen, and fits very nicely into a shapely silhouette of 38"-24"-38". Did you ever see any girl alight so prettily?

Ruth’s ambition is to become a fashion model, and certainly no fashion model we ever saw comes to the job more photo-genically than Ruth could. Of all the bonny Scots we have featured, Ruth is among the bonniest.

Whenever the laurels are awarded for shapely legs Ruth is among the enchanting recipients, and these shots leave us in no doubt she deserves every leaf.

Pamela Johnson


If you want to be with it among the modern misses boots are a necessity these days—if you don’t wear a pair you’re a square. Well, we wouldn’t call PAMELA JOHNSON square under any circumstances, not when she has those curvaceous statistics of 35-22-36.

Pamela hails from Rotherham and we must say she looks an absolute peach in her long black boots—but so she does, anyway.

Pamela at the moment works in an office but has hopes and ambitions to become a model. All we can do is advise her to put her best leg forward and step out

Eve Law

A Dolly out of Doors

A genuine modern dolly is EVE LAW of Bournemouth, and a secretary bird into the bargain.

They don't come more swinging than Eve in her mini. She's a dedicated follower of the Pop scene and what she doesn't know about discs you could tell to Aunt Ethel without confusing her.

There's a lot of serious work to get through in her secretarial job but once the day is over its discotheque time and Eve is swinging. Long-legged at five feet seven she's so much a joy to the eye that there isn't a feller in Bournemouth who wants to go off and join the Foreign Legion.

Nicki Denell

Disco Dolly

It's music all the way for most young people. For some old people, there hasn't been any music at all since the Charleston went out of fashion. Well, we all have our nostalgic periods, and there are thousands already nostalgic about the Beatles.

"Who are the Beatles?" asked six-year-old Francesca of her young mum and dad, and young mum and dad almost broke down and wept.

For eighteen-year-old NICKI DENELL it's today's music that counts. Nicki spends every evening Go-Go dancing with a mobile discotheque. That's the way to swing it, Fred, never mind what it was like when you were in Italy in 1 944.

Nicki's love of pop is only equalled by her ambition to get into films. She's maybe on the way, for recently she had an audition for a part in a movie to be made in Yorkshire. That'll be handy as well as ecstatic for Nicki—she lives in Leeds.

Kathryn Jenkins

Glamour in the Shop

Shop assistant KATHRYN JENKINS is eighteen and saving up to get married. So, in her spare time she does a little modelling, which helps to give a rosy look to her savings account. She lives in Coventry but when she's married she wants to live in the country.

In the shop where she works there's an atmosphere of glamour, what with it specialising in ladies' lingerie and Kathy being around to serve. Sometimes a blushing young husband will come in with the idea of buying his enchanting young wife something lovely and frilly for her birthday. Kathy will say, “Can I help you, sir?”

He'll twitch a bit and say, “Well er—I thought of buying my wife something rather er er—you know—well, it's her birthday and she looks nice in something rather er er—”

“Of course, sir," Kathy will say with a smile to knock him unconscious, “I'll show you something ever so er er, shall I?” And out come all the goodies.

She's a lovely shop assistant and has a stunning figure of 38 -22 -36.

Amanda Dell

Racing Certainty

The fact is, when London girl AMANDA DELL goes to the races it's a certainty the bookies will give her the best odds they can devise without actually having to sell their yachts if she backs the winners.

Amanda has got a way with bookies. She's also got a way with horses. Horsey types call her the neatest seat in Surrey. She's a shorthand-typist in the City from nine till five when she's not chasing certs at the races or galloping her gee-gee around the Downs.