Marrianne Sand

The Mini Strikes Again

Once more the mini in its brevity strikes the eye with an impact that almost hurts.

The girl is MARRIANNE SAND, a blue-eyed blonde from London. She's twenty-three, a dancer and an absolute dream. She likes suntan, champagne and messing about with boats.

She wears her jeans when she's sailing. The only time she wore a mini all the competing yachtsmen fell overboard.

Outside of boats Marrianne is lovely to have around, because she's not just a pretty face, you know. She can cook, make conversation and pass an opinion.

In other words, if you've got a girl friend who is only a pretty face, try one who can activate your intelligence.

I don't want my intelligence activated, said Fred, I just want a pretty face.

There's no one who needs a pretty face more than you do, Fred.

Maggie McCully

Winter Frills

The background is Surrey in winter, the girl with the frills is cute MAGGIE McCULLY, the hat exclusive. What makes a better picture?

Maggie lives in Surrey herself, and is gay enough to do a little tree climbing in her best Sunday dress. She is a short-hand-typist who has just begun to do a little part-time modelling, and we must say that hat is as photogenic as Maggie herself.

There's a touch of old Ireland in that smile and a whisper of rustling nylon in the frills. Oh, to be in Surrey now that Maggie’s here!

A girl sitting on a tree is elegant when it's Maggie— and if the elegance looks somewhat disarranged when Maggie falls off, who could make the bump take on the same gaiety as she does?

In fact, Maggie turns the fall and the bump into a picture of a girl sitting pretty. Maggie’s vitalistics? 36-23-36.

Sara Scott

Very Neat

Tidy, too, are SARA SCOTT’S attractive frills as she sets about the morning chores.

This way (says Sara) I keep my hem dust-free and still look very much the glamour girl— I hope. After all, the days when we went around the house in a dust-cap and a sugar-sack apron are gone for good. A girl likes to feel she can wield a broom or a mop looking her best.

But what are you doing on the floor?

I belong (says Sara wickedly) to the domestic chorers trade union, which positively lays down rigid rules about taking a rest anytime we feel there’s a danger of wearing ourselves out.

Are you in danger of wearing yourself out?

Not I (says Sara). I’m too young to need the same amount of rest as most of us, but rules are rules and a girl wrapped up in her domestic chores has to stick to them, don’t you think?

All we think is that you look very cute.

Thank you. You’re not so bad yourselves, either.

Margo Hamilton

Leggy Look

MARGO HAMILTON is a dancer who has toured the gay cities of Europe, where appreciation of the long-legged British dancing girls is uninhibitedly vociferous. They are a must in any dancing troupe and Margo is a must in herself. With a long, leggy look allied to that beautiful blonde hair and those gorgeous good looks, she’s not only the Continentals’ idea of glamour, she’s ours as well.

Margo is tall, slender and elegant, and posed these leggy shots for us in confident anticipation that we would be as impressed with the gracefulness of her legs as she is proud of them. The only difference, of course, is that all our reactions are a little confused by our initial feeling of being dazzled.

Margot West

Where’s My Mechanic?

Attractive Yorkshire secretary, MARGOT WEST, found the farm tractor a recalcitrant brute.

It was stop, go, stop, go and stop. The mechanic, a wild irresponsible type, had gone off to play Bingo at the corn exchange, and there was nothing left for Margot to fall back on except her own initiative. Bravely discarding her skirt in case, it caught up in the big end, our secretarial type got down to proving it’s not only typewriters she can cope with.

And how did it all work out? Listen to Margot herself. “Is there a mechanic in the house?”

Diane McCall and Jackie Leyton


Last time we introduced gay girls JACKIE LEYTON, and DIANE McCALL, and here we continue the series.

The liveliness of bright young things like Jackie and Diane is inexhaustible, and no doubt as bonny Scots they get all their energy from porridge. We’re not sure if Aunt Esther would be all that delighted about them jumping over the furniture, but as she’s at the local whist drive let ignorance be bliss.

Diane isn’t taking a rest on the floor. To tell you the truth, Jackie tripped her, and the floor just came up and hit the pretty brunette.

Fair’s fair. To even things up Jackie fell flat on her face. We missed the shot, thus saving Jackie a lot of embarrassment, and made do with this one instead. Well, it makes a gracefully leggy finale, don't you think?

Diane McCall and Jackie Leyton

When You’re Young Enough

When, in fact, you’re still in your teens like DIANE McCALL, and JACKIE LEYTON, you can jive all day and still have enough energy left to run for your bus. Frolicking to the record-player at home, Diane and Jackie first pin up those voluminous skirts.

You need to keep from tripping up over all those frills— besides which both Diane and Jackie are confident that in giving their legs plenty of room to skip around they’re showing off limbs pretty enough to catch any eye.

Jackie wasn’t quite sure where Diane was sticking this particular safety-pin, but she couldn’t get away even though she did start climbing.

At this stage our twosome were all set to catch up with the record, and a pretty pair of leggy lovelies they made on the second band.

To the question of where they'd got to at this stage they answered, “Where else but in the groove, man?”

Margo Stevens

Slim Line

Trim, slim and pretty is MARGO STEVENS, with just the right leg appeal to make her a glamour girl— and it’s a fact that every glamour girl has to be built with a graceful leg line. In these days of short skirts, the knees count for just as much as the ankles.

Is on Margo’s pretty pins, we hope

If, therefore, the accent in this series you’ll agree they’re worth it.

If you don’t agree it’s probably because you are a bird-watcher and know too much about crested warblers and not enough about girls.

Because we’re certain sure that Margo’s legs are worth twice the look of any kind of warbler.

Janet Scowen

Model Secretary

She’s bright, she’s attractive, she loves dancing and swimming, and has an eye-catching figure that measures 38"-24"-38". This was her first time before the camera and we hope she’ll find it fun to pose again.

Pretty JANET SCOWEN is a 19-year-old English secretary, working in West Germany, where these shots were taken during her time off.

Stephanie Peters

Milling Around

In the stockroom of a Manchester cotton mill the girl in charge was STEPHANIE PETERS, and blokes kept coming in to ask her to check what was in the upper bays so that they could see what she looked like in her mini on a ladder.

Such blokes were always milling around in the stockroom and Stevie, as they call her, always seemed to be up the ladder.

So, she thought she'd leave her job and get one in London. Going up and down that ladder was killing her. In London she met some photographers and became a model. Now they're all milling around her in the big city.

Who are?

A bevy of blokes with a long ladder.

Nancy Crawford

The Girl Next Door

When we're growing up and are beginning to realise that girls are gorgeously different, we all like the girl next door to look like NANCY CRAWFORD, so that we can lend her our library books.

Jane Neman

Wakey – Wakey

Dover girl JANE NEMAN was doing nothing except getting a tan while she slept on a deckchair in the sun. Jane a window-dresser, deserves better than a deckchair.

Deckchairs are apt to be indiscriminate in their choice of victims. And before anyone could say “Hands, knees and boomps-a-daisy” poor Jane got the boomps and not the daisy. Well, at least it makes a pretty picture of Jane’s frills.