Sylvia Martin

Seen Around

One of the swingiest young ladies to be seen around London is SYLVIA MARTIN, which is why London is becoming the swingiest town in the world - the whole place is alive with the zip and zing of girls like Sylvia, whose ambition is the theatre and whose bounce is fascinating.

Jane Rennie

Cover Girl

Wendy Reynolds

Mustang By Request

Call in during the morning at Wendy Reynolds' house for a cup of coffee, and you'll most likely find she's too busy to stop and chat. Wendy works at home, so first thing in the morning it's away with the breakfast things and in with the typewriter. Pretty soon the kitchen table looks more like a desk.

She writes short stories - love stories, mostly. We asked where she got her inspiration from, and if she needed any help in getting ideas for her stories. She seemed to think, though, that we were getting ideas. Could we help it, we protested, with her looking so glamorous?

To show she wasn't really offended she took some time off writing and posed for our photographer. Writing romances all started, she told us, when she had a boyfriend editing a love story magazine. The love letters she wrote him were so romantic he fired all the other writers and used her ideas instead. It didn't last long, though. Pretty soon she was so busy writing stories for herself she hardly had time for boyfriends, let alone writing letters to them.

"Nothing like putting your feet up after a hard day's typing," she says. We took one look and couldn't help agreeing with her.

Helena Jemaris

Kiwi Fan

You can see how devoted HELENA JEMARIS is to the New Zealand All-Blacks. For the benefit of the dead ignorant, the All-Blacks con¬stitute the world’s most famous rugby team—and the most highly efficient. Helena doesn’t play herself—not rugby, anyway—but she knows how to treat participants when they carry them out of the rucks. She used to be a nurse. Now she’s a rather lovely model and looks extremely photogenic in her all-black outfit. If only we could get her into a little bit of a scrum, how exhilarating life would be.

Hazel Shaw

Black for a Blonde

Susan Douglas


Be in the fashion like Susan Douglas, and wear a Tailored Rubber Mackintosh, smart, modern and waterproof, for men or women.


Vesalinka Stevanovich


Born twenty years ago in Yugoslavia, VESALINKA STEVANOVICH is now domiciled in England. She works in Bristol and now has her eye on a modelling career. Her vital statistics are 36-24-36 and you can see what a charming out­door vista she makes.

Sandra McPherson

Cute Cook

Getting down to it in the kitchen any moment now is popular pin-up Sandra McPherson of Ayrshire. Not every cook looks like Sandra. With most of them it’s either a large white hat or a flowery apron. With Sandra it’s a question of not letting any utilitarian kitchen garb take precedence over a pin-up outfit.

Turning out a souffle needs concentration, but Sandra in getting down to it still manages to look like the girl we’d most like to decorate our own Kitchen with.

How’s that? It looks good. But what does it taste like? Traditionally, the proof is in the eating thereof.

It turned out so tasty that Sandra finished it up. That means she’s high up on the ladder of culinary success, and so she is—literally.

Ben's Books

Whow No 4

Sara Marsden

Secretary in the Sun

Another unforgettable secretary we know is SARA MARSDEN of Essex, and the sun has an appeal for her to.

Sara likes to acquire a golden tan before she goes on holiday, so that when she arrives in Spain or Italy or Sardinia, she's already on her way to the kind of tan that will make her glow until Christmas.

The leafy woods of Essex are her week-end habitat, which is Latin for rural retreat in Sara's case. She loves beat groups and dancing, she's a natural swinger and has classical vitalistics of 36-23-36.

Bettine Parmentier

Mother’s Help

In the Portobello Road, site of the famous London market, you can find BETTINE PARMENTIER helping her mother at their antiques stall. Bettine isn't just a pretty face—

"All right, don't be superfluous," said Fred.

Bettine is a real help. Her knowledge of antiques would hold any collector spellbound, especially if he liked girls as well as old doorknockers.

When she's not at the stall, Bettine is travelling around the country looking for bargains, and many an old gentleman owning a Boer War assegai has been induced to discuss a sale over a cup of country tea.

"Tell her to come round and see me," said Fred, "I don't have no assegai but I don't half make intoxicating tea."

Samantha Bond


A girl of today is SAMANTHA BOND, a lover of pop music and everything else that makes life a lovely giddy whirl of fun and fantasy.

Not for Samantha are the prophets of gloom. She's only got to give one of them that flashing smile of hers and he's a changed prophet.

"Ye gods," he'll say, "those ivory-white teeth, darling, are they the result of being so healthy and happy ?"

"No, just that extra-special double-mint whiteness that comes from using Crystal- Foam toothpaste with formula WGYF added," says Samantha.

"What's WGYF?" asks the entranced prophet.

"We've Got You Fooled," says Samantha.

Ben's Books

Hit No 5

Helen Milligan

Did You Really

We were having a lovely chat with that corking Scottish fashion model HELEN MILLIGAN. It was before cricket and baseball had started and girls were still wearing something warm. We said what a famous looking sweater she had on.

“I knitted it myself,” said Helen.

“No, did you really?”

“Don’t I look as if I can knit?” she said.

“You look spectacular and any implication we made to the contrary was all to do with wonderment at your all-round capabilities.”

“I don’t like the way you said that,” said Helen, “it makes me sound like a computer.”

We were equal to that. We said, “Any computer which looks as corking as you do in a hand-knitted sweater deserves to get nominated for a technological Oscar.”

“That might mean something,” said Helen, “only I bet you say it to all the girls.”

“Only to those who knit their own sweaters and look as—”

“Don’t keep on,” said Helen, “just go and find the boat and row me back to a pot of tea and a plate of hot scones.”

Monika Dietrich

I Think We Are Being Followed

At the motor show they were all hustling and bustling to get closer to models with the most modern lines.

And wherever model MONIKA DIETRICH went the crowds were sure to go. Monika came to Britain from Germany a few years ago and now lives in London, where she’s working in TV commercials and making film appearances. And in this appearance at the motor show she was more sensational than automobiles that fold up for parking in a pantry.

In any case, only a car with a chassis that measures 39"-23"-36" has any real chance of being as sensational as Monika.