Funfare 2000

Soap Stars

See more of Jo and her friends (All Colour) in the new range of eBooks from the Spick and Span 2000 series.

Discovered Slides - Set 1

Mystery Model

These three pictures come from a mixed selection of colour slides that I recently discovered. I have no idea where they came from or their age, but I suspect the 1980s, just because of the hairstyles and settings. Most are not suitable to be shown here. However, I do have another couple of sets that are suitable and will appear later this month. They're just a bit different and possibly not been shown anywhere else. What I like about them is that they are all very amateur, taken by budding photographers, boyfriends, or husbands, poorly posed in home situations, with a lot of fun being had during and after the taking.

These first three pictures show a young woman posing for the camera in her underwear. She has really small breasts, but what's interesting is that her nipples are pierced. That's not uncommon nowadays, but 40-plus years ago it was more unusual, I'm sure, but she just doesn’t look the type to me. There are a few more pictures of her that are more revealing, and they are actually all in colour, so never judge a book by its cover.

They are all up for sale on eBay, but a few of the sets have already been removed, and I am not sure why, so they will appear on the Brazen sales site.

Maureen - Private Collection


Here are two more nice shots of Maureen in her black stockings. I particularly like the first one, where she's re-clipping her stockings, unaware of the camera. In the 1960s and 70s, this was not such an uncommon sight on a day-to-day basis. Boys today don’t really know what they're missing. Always a treat.

Jane Paul

Model Mechanic

Scots secretary JANE PAUL is also a model mechanic. Not that she knows very much about internal combustion as far as cars are concerned, but she does model in her spare time, and they often use her to advertise the mechanical perfection of the latest thing on four wheels.
They put her in ducky overalls next to the open bonnet.
We didn't think you'd go much on any overalls, however ducky, so here she is in a rather feminine skirt and a nice pair of stocking tops.

Beautiful Britons No 234 - May 1975

Paula - Private Collection


We haven't seen Paula for a while, so here she is to brighten your day—and what a stunning looking girl she is!

Dawn Warwick

Dawn Warwick

Dawn Warwick is not a ToCo model name that most of us would be familiar with, and there's a good reason for that: Dawn only had one ToCo appearance, in Spick No. 162. In this appearance, Dawn is in an outdoor shot, half-hidden behind Liz McEwen.

This picture, kindly sent to me by Tocofan, is interesting because it could possibly have been taken somewhere other than the UK. That sideboard does not resemble the sort of furniture typically found in an average UK house in the 1960s, and the partially obscured view behind the net curtains certainly doesn't suggest a typical housing estate. Who knows—we'll probably never find out—but it doesn't really matter, as it's a nice picture and I'm pleased to share it here.

Maple Leaf Studios

Maple Leaf Studios - Folkestone - Kent

I have recently put up for sale a small selection of prints on the Brazen site that originated from Maple Leaf Studios in Folkestone. These prints have attracted quite a bit of attention, with a few people contacting me to fill in some gaps with extra information. I like these pictures, and I am sure in there time they must have been quite popular.

What I Know or Don’t Know

I am told that Linda was the big star of Maple Leaf Studios, and I am also reliably informed that she was the photographer’s wife or partner. It must have been nice to keep it in-house that way. I do have other very similar-looking prints that could have possibly been produced and sold by Maple Leaf Studios. It would be helpful to have some clarification on this, especially if you ever bought prints from Maple Leaf Studios.

I have scanned a very poor photocopy of the information that would have been sent out if you responded to their advertisements, which I am told used to appear in the back pages of Fiesta and Escort. I have extracted the text from that sheet to make it more readable; it's hard to believe that they actually sent out such poor copies to potential customers.


I have scanned what I have and will be making some of them available as improved 5” x 7” reprints on the Brazen site if you'd like to indulge in a bit of nostalgia. I am keen to acquire more of these prints and am willing to pay well for them. Alternatively, I'd be happy to arrange exchange reimbursement if that would work better for you. Contact Me

More Information

As always, if you have any more information on Maple Leaf Studios or the models, please take the time to comment below or contact me directly so that I can keep things updated.

Vanda Vane-Dotson

Are you looking at me?

Two interesting pictures of Vanda, in which she appears to have pulled her underskirt up to her neck and over her arms to conceal her obviously braless top.

From an original print.

Delta Pictures - Magazines

Delta Pictures

Many thanks again to TocoFan for his comments on the Delta Pictures post. The girl featured in the Parisiennes book is we think Maria Montez, who had a couple of ToCo appearances in Spick No. 237 and Beautiful Britons No. 217. The other girl featured with Maria in the scan that TocoFan sent in is Helena McGuire, who was seen just once in Spick and Span Extra No. 50. These sets and pictures tie in nicely with TocoFan’s comments, as all those pictures appeared in magazines published in late 1973 and early 1974.

The gallery shows the scanned images sent in by TocoFan, along with pictures from The Parisiennes book and the photos used in the ToCo book sets featuring Helena and Maria. Judge for yourselves.

I do find it hard to believe that nobody has any more information on these Delta books, which are quite nice. Surely, someone must have collected them and know a little more about them or the publisher. Contact me privately if you don’t want to leave a comment. It is just nice to keep all this information up to date.

Check Maria's and Helena’s tags below to see the original ToCo sets.

Delta Magazines Information Required.

Linda Deane

If you want it, then come and get it.

To me, Linda always looks like she’s up for a bit of fun, and these two pictures are no exception. She has that naughty 'come and get it' glint in her eyes. Linda was a popular model during the 1970s, appearing in all kinds of magazines in addition to her appearances for ToCo.

From an original print.