Nicola Taylor and Marie Graham

Sunshine Snaps

It was one of those lovely days which called for a camera to record what sunshine can do for the subject.

And our glamour girls NICOLA TAYLOR and MARIE GRAHAM took turns to put each other on record and to say 'cheese'. Marie said 'pickles' once and Nicola said it didn't look as good as cheese.

"I know," said Marie, "but when I think of cheese I always think of pickles too."

Spick and Span Extra No 55 - Summer 1975

Jennifer Taylor

Please, Teacher

When you're a student you rely an awful lot on your teacher, and when JENNIFER TAYLOR was in the sixth all the boys in her class couldn't help noticing that all the male teachers were ever so dedicated to their vocation.

They all paid so much attention to Jennifer's reliance on their professional assistance.

She only had to say, "Please teacher," and one of them was there jogging her elbow and helping her phenomenally with her French verbs.

The other students said it was sheer favouritism.

“I heard you say that, Smith,” called the science master, "but what would you do in my place ?"

"I'd jog her elbow too," said Smith.

"Cheeky," said Jennifer.

This is how Jennifer looked when she was a student doing her homework. It was all like giddy St. Trinian's style then. Oh, happy days.

Span No 198 - February 1971

Kim Dale

Crazy Stockings

Should employers have any say in what a secretary should, or should not, wear ?

Definitely not, says delicious little Kim Dale firmly. Apparently, her boss objected to her wearing these stockings to the office.

They gave him a headache!

However, being a kindly man, he invited her back to his flat so that he could study the stockings. It might, he said, help him to get used to them.

All that's happened, murmurs Kim, is that he's more pop-eyed than ever! What about you?

QT No 86 - 1963

Mrs Smith

Mrs Smith


Schoolgirl Complexion

IT'S not Anna's face that's been her fortune-it's her slim, boyish figure. For a long while now, she's been modelling schoolgirl's wear. "I must," she smiles, "be the only 22 year-old schoolgirl in the modelling business". But now she's getting tired of being seen only in gym smocks and navy bloomers. She's thrown aside the hockey stick and emerged as a woman QT style. Our view? Stay behind after class, Anna!

QT No 91 - 1964

Peggy O'Neill

Sure, Is It Meself Now?

It sure is. From the shores of the Emerald Isle itself comes Miss PEGGY O'NEILL to charm the vertebrae off the backs of every black-hearted Englishman, so she will. She's taken up residence in Chelsea to add to the shamrock motif around there and to show 'em what she can breed in the ways of dogs. But she's really up in the air when she's exercising her favourite sport flying.

Bombs away. Look out, Sir George, that's one of theirs.

Beautiful Britons No 120 - November 1965

Jean Aston

Victoriana Was Never Like This

Victoriana was bric-a-brac, red flannel and whacking great pieces of furniture. It still is. Only people collect it now instead of throwing it away.

Victoriana was music-hall.

The music-hall featured girls in funny tights and yards of lace, and sometimes male impersonators in top hats.

A girl like JEAN ASTON looks great in a top hat, but you couldn't include her in any Victorian set-up.

The top hat would have been approved but not the skimpy undies, they'd have locked her up and sent out for a dress that reached to her ankles.

Oh well, san fairy.

She's acceptable in this modern age. And she only sings and dances for amateur shows. There's always a rush to fill the seats, of course, a because a lovely amateur can be an audience's idea of sheer delight.

Beautiful Britons No 192 - November 1971

Tiffany Trace


That's a name that's caught on lately.

It certainly suits a certain lively, lovely blonde dolly called TIFFANY TRACE.

Tiffany is a riding-school instructress and can teach even the most awkward-looking pupil to develop a graceful seat. She's nineteen, has green eyes and intends in due course to see the world-probably on horseback.

Besides being good with horses she can also paint and her main outdoor activity, aside from an exhilarating gallop, is archery.

If your only interest is going down to the corner shop for fish and chips, you'll be inert in five year’s time. Buy yourself a saddle and look for a horse.

Span No 200 - April 1971