Helen Milligan

Gee Up!

But despite all loud yells of “Gee up, you four-legged loafer!" it was obvious that Rufus was far more interested in the elegant footwear of fashion model HELEN MILLIGAN than in getting himself attached to an old farm plough.

Rufus has as much appreciation of graceful-limbed Helen as we have.

Tania Webb


Sweet TANIA WEBB was going this way in search of the path that led to the old barn where they kept an old plough and a nice old horse. And Tania was going to hitch the nice old horse to the old plough and carve a few furrows.

Losing her way, she got misdirected by some charming old geezer. He sent her thataway, probably because Tania so took his eye that he couldn’t think straight. He was quite used to misdirecting noisy motorists and sending them down a cart track to finish up in a pond, but his misdirection of Tania was just one of those mental aberrations brought about by being struck by lightning.

So, Tania never got to the old barn, but she did make a lovely wood nymph and spent an elfish afternoon gambolling around bushes and climbing up trees.

We didn’t care. We were in Carlisle eating biscuits at the time.

Susan Douglas

In Response To

We get all kinds of readers figuratively clouting us whenever we’re remiss enough to leave out their favourite pin-up girls. Really keen fans are like hungry tigers—they’ll eat you if you upset them. So in response to any amount of hungry tigers here is their pride and joy, SUSAN DOUGLAS, in her latest fascinating pictures. These should save us from being gobbled up for at least a month.

Ben's Books

Skirt No 12

Jane Rennie

Cover Girl

Hazel Shaw

Black for a Blonde

Vesalinka Stevanovich


Born twenty years ago in Yugoslavia, VESALINKA STEVANOVICH is now domiciled in England. She works in Bristol and now has her eye on a modelling career. Her vital statistics are 36-24-36 and you can see what a charming out­door vista she makes.

Bettine Parmentier

Mother’s Help

In the Portobello Road, site of the famous London market, you can find BETTINE PARMENTIER helping her mother at their antiques stall. Bettine isn't just a pretty face—

"All right, don't be superfluous," said Fred.

Bettine is a real help. Her knowledge of antiques would hold any collector spellbound, especially if he liked girls as well as old doorknockers.

When she's not at the stall, Bettine is travelling around the country looking for bargains, and many an old gentleman owning a Boer War assegai has been induced to discuss a sale over a cup of country tea.

"Tell her to come round and see me," said Fred, "I don't have no assegai but I don't half make intoxicating tea."

Ben's Books

Hit No 5

Helen Milligan

Did You Really

We were having a lovely chat with that corking Scottish fashion model HELEN MILLIGAN. It was before cricket and baseball had started and girls were still wearing something warm. We said what a famous looking sweater she had on.

“I knitted it myself,” said Helen.

“No, did you really?”

“Don’t I look as if I can knit?” she said.

“You look spectacular and any implication we made to the contrary was all to do with wonderment at your all-round capabilities.”

“I don’t like the way you said that,” said Helen, “it makes me sound like a computer.”

We were equal to that. We said, “Any computer which looks as corking as you do in a hand-knitted sweater deserves to get nominated for a technological Oscar.”

“That might mean something,” said Helen, “only I bet you say it to all the girls.”

“Only to those who knit their own sweaters and look as—”

“Don’t keep on,” said Helen, “just go and find the boat and row me back to a pot of tea and a plate of hot scones.”

Janette Goodman

This Years Look

In fact, the look this year to catch the eye that belongs to favourite pin-up JANETTE GOODMAN, with just that extra air of glamour we all find so irresistible.

Patricia Garland

New Discovery

It was our lucky day when we discovered that acme of secretarial elegance, PATRICIA GARLAND of Kent. Or did Pat discover us? She came into our office to ask us if we thought she would make a passable pin-up model. Passable was putting it mildly. Pat's a perfect pin-up pet—she has a happy smile and long, long legs. We don’t ask for a better pin-up picture than Pat makes, and if we had to switch secretaries at all we’d indent for a switch just like Pat.

In black lingerie, which she models with natural elegance —to say nothing of an air of bewitching femininity—Pat only needs a white stole to produce a finishing touch effective en­ough to catch any eye that might otherwise wander.

And if you aren't sure what this beguiling look adds to the picture, have the answer on us—for we aren't sure, either. Except we feel kinda sent.

Pat is one of our most attractive 1961 discoveries, and we hope to present her in various pin-up moods in coming months.

Jane Rennie and Annette French

Endearing Young Charms

When a couple of gay girls set out for a ramble in the country, and when those gay girls negotiate the old brick wall on their way, you can’t help thinking of the days when you were young too and sweet Rosie Bessing-woodhampton skipped o’er the dales with just the same charm as now skip ANNETTE FRENCH and JANE RENNIE

Brick walls and wooden fences have a way of catching at the frills, so there’s no answer to that except to pin those frills back for with frills pinned back a girl is leg-free and all set to jump a five-barred fence (if she’s dumb enough to try!) In case you don’t know, it’s Annette on the left—the one just getting ready to take off for an un-boosted orbit—and Jane on the right. Jane’s the one ready to help the landing be less of a bump than it might.

Carmen Dene

Success Story

It was only a short time ago that fascinating CARMEN DENE decided to give up office work and try her luck in show biz. Now she’s really with it, a gorgeous, glamorous starlet and model for whom the most susceptible of us will willingly stand on our heads.

Carmen has loads of talent and a big-eyed, bubbly look, and she can run the gamut of expressionism from whizzbang vitality to “My hat, whose topper am I sitting on ?”

The bright lights of TV and film lots await the arrival of Carmen in a part that sizzles, and it won’t be long before this gay, infectious glamour girl hits it high and handsome.

Kim Scott

A Fair Cop

"Where did you get that hat?"

"It was Boat Race night in Piccadilly," said KIM SCOTT, " and it fell off a dressed-up Cambridge man. How do I look in it?"

"You look like a fair cop, you delicious girl."

"It's only an imitation one," said Kim and did a little giggle. "I don't really think I'd make a good policeman, I just couldn't stand being an arm of the law and telling people to move on.

"All right, we'll stay to tea, and won't move until you insist."

But Kim had a date with someone tall, dark and dishy, because lovely girls like her always do have such dates. She's an air stewardess and the girl we'd most like to get lost in the clouds with.

She lives in Middlesex, not far from London Airport. The fellers say that wherever Kim lives it's spring all the year round.