Elizabeth Gammage

Glamorous Mum

Glamorous indeed is Bristol housewife ELIZABETH GAMMAGE. Elizabeth is happily married and the mother of two beautiful children. And curvaceously photogenic.

Elizabeth's statistics are 38"- 24"- 35". Are there any other mums who photograph so glamorously ?

Pamela Day

Just Right

Just right indeed is pretty PAMELA DAY, a perfect representative of the attractive modern miss of today. Figure just right, smile just right and fashion flair just right. It’s a sure indication that every modern girl has a film star’s potential, but fortunately for ninety-nine percent of us ordinary men most of them just settle for a happy home.

Making the most of her frills, Pamela makes a perfect picture on the step- ladder, and we’ll settle for Pamela being just that.

There’s a smile for you. How can you resist it? All right, you can’t and we know you can’t.

Ben's Books

Strip Lingerie No 10

Vicki Campbell and Janet Neill

Skirts Are Shorter!

How high can a hemline soar? VICKI CAMPBELL and JANET NEILL give us a preview of their reply to the Parisian designers. Any poll you care to take will show 99% in favour of the Campbell-Neill line.

The 1% ! That’ll be our office boy—he thinks Vicki and Janet could have lopped off another couple of inches. That boy’s too old for his years.

Ben's Books

Strip Lingerie No 8

Christina Bartsch

Student Swinger

Outside the campus, where there was a satisfactory amount of rustic quiet and the student demo had packed up for tea, CHRISTINA BARTSCH celebrated her victorious exam results in swinging exhilaration.

With her maxi going all ways, much to the delight of a wandering minstrel who was looking for a place to unpack his sandwiches and his guitar, Christina was like feminine poetry in frilly motion.

The wandering minstrel stopped wandering. He sat down on a grassy hillock and played one of his own compositions, which sounded a bit like he'd pinched it from a gypsy cantata. Still, the rhythm was just right for our swinging student and it all looked like a lovely Can-Can in Arcadia.

Christina wants to be a research scientist.

You'd never think so to look at her. She's far too lovely to hide herself away in a land-locked laboratory.

Tessa King

Farm Favourite

Down on her farm in Sussex, TESSA KING is a great favourite - and not just because she’s kind to the animals. Tessa is a farmer's wife and just about as cute as they come.

It was a little too wet and muddy on this occasion to show you Tessa shepherding the gentle cows through the gate and across the road, but we're able at least to show you she's definitely one of the most photogenic farmers’ wives south of the Highlands.

Up in the morning early is Tessa, and if you thought a farmer's wife dressed herself in the rural equivalent of a boiler suit to face the day's chores, then here’s the exception which proves you shouldn't generalise.

This is the age of glamour - and the age that takes in farm favourites like Tessa. That side look out of the window was not made to project charm alone - a couple of hen turkeys had skipped away from the main throng (is throng of turkeys strictly correct?) to wing a lift on the tractor. Turkeys on tractors being taboo, Tessa was weighing up the necessity of rushing out to rescue them before they fell under the wheels. But not in this outfit !

Sandra McPherson

Hey, Mac !

In calling the attention of SANDRA McPHERSON to the fact that a picture wanted hanging, we did so with a loud whisper. One never shouts at a lady.

It's an accepted facet of pin-up modelling that the job of climbing a pair of steps to hang a picture is never accomplished with a straightforward precision. The picture is too heavy, the steps totter and so eventually does the model. With models as cute as Sandra, the inevitable consequence adds up to a pretty picture somewhat different from the one to be hung.

Bruised she may be, disturbed she certainly is, but Sandra nevertheless - like all similarly pretty pictures - covers the physical hurt and the emotional disturbance with a smile. And then tries again.

And having completed the job successfully she takes time off to listen to a soothing record or two. The introduction of a few cushions is to offset the susceptible tenderness of the bruises, which may not be real to you but are certainly very real to Sandra !

Helen Candlish

It's The Comfort That Counts !

It’s a pleasure to ask you to meet HELEN CANDLISH, the girl who appears in the next issue of our companion magazine FUNFARE, for this is a preview of Helens series. It’s also to show you that there is a great deal of comfort in old-fashioned long underwear that the flimsiness of more fashionable garments lacks.

With a book, a settee and time to spare, comfort is, in fact, the current keynote with Helen. You may laugh at Helen’s longs, but flimsiness is one thing and comfort another. After all, pilots don’t fly in swimsuits and Russian girls don’t sweep snow in a bikini.

So, until the long hot days of summer definitely show up, what have you got against a girl putting warmth before chilliness?

Indeed, what was good enough for mother is good enough for daughter and what is good enough for daughter is comfortable enough for Helen.

Jennifer Mitchell

Mind My Bike

THAT’S what the photographer asked JENNIFER MITCHELL on a recent modelling session. Jennie didn't need asking twice she'd been longing to try the machine out for size ever since he drove up. So, she told him to run along and attend to his flash bulbs, or light meter, or whatever it was needing attention she'd stay guard over the bike.

As soon as he was out of sight, Jennie was on the saddle. On the handlebars, too which is original if not comfortable.

A peek to ensure that the photographer was still occupied elsewhere, and Jennie was off for a trial spin. Alas, the bike will never be the same again neither, we think, will the photographer. Jennie, we’re glad to report, remains unalterably delightful.

Helen Williams

Chelsea Model

That’s the place to be. Where it’s all happening. Chelsea. Full of the most interesting people and lovely walks by the river. Old pubs and frothy beer. Girls. Boys. Bicycles. Tall and kindly policemen. Hat shops. Colleges. Studios. Painters and writers. Models.

The nicest, the loveliest, the shapeliest live in Chelsea. There’s one we saw looking in the shop window. HELEN WILLIAMS. A real pet, a dream boat, a lover of poetry, of Byron, Shelley and Keats. Shame about Keats. Meander with us down tree-lined Cheyne Walk and take your mind off all that traffic at Piccadilly Circus. Helen adores Cheyne Walk. She’d like to live there. She will if she can win fifty thousand on a horse.

Anita Van Ecks

The Girl From Amsterdam

There was once an Englishman who had his luckiest day when he was in Amsterdam. He was on a business trip and it was so concentrated and earnest that he was quite unable to mix any pleasure with it.

Then his eyes alighted on one of the Dutch secretaries floating dynamically around. He knew that if he lived to be a hundred and ninety no other girl could affect his metabolism like this one. She was blonde, beautiful and superb. Her name was ANITA VAN ECKS.

They met. He wooed her and won her. Talk about romantic, it was electric. Now Anita is a housewife in England, living in Acton. Always having wanted to be a photographic model, Anita took the chances offered by London and is now in orbit around the studios of glamour and commercial photographers.

Anne Leyton

Let's Iron It Out

Pretty ANNE LEYTON “irons it out”

Crease - troubles - can usually be ironed out with a little patience and the right kind of approach. Naturally ANNE LEYTON has both.

She also has big brown eyes and a gorgeous figure, but that’s by way of being incidental in relation to the approach. And the item with the creases is a skirt.

In SPICK, such a picture is always cute. And Anne, an office girl, is the governing factor of this one.

Gloria Worth


It’s not easy to decide what to do with your life when life offers such a wide variety of prospects, ranging from filing the white mice in alphabetical order in a pet shop to trying to convert those tribes in New Guinea from head-hunting to cocoa.

Lovely young miss who hasn’t yet made up her mind about her career is GLORIA WORTH of Flintshire.

Gloria has a modelling diploma; a ballet diploma and she also likes gardening and painting.

So, what to do? Where to go?

Pet shops are out. She’s allergic to bird seed. Head-hunters are also out. “I expect they’re very friendly when you get to know them,” she said, “but I’m not the sort of girl to lose my head for the sake of boosting the export of cocoa.”

How about going to Africa and painting elephants?

How about going to Texas and doing some landscape gardening?

How about going on telly commercials?

"Yes,” said Gloria, “I’d like that. I’ll be the girl in the middle of the soapsuds. Lovely.”