Wanda Liddell

Chatting Up Wanda

It wasn't going to cost anything except time, and that was going to be very well spent, so up trotted Fred to WANDA LIDDELL, latest pin-up favourite, and began to chat her up.

"I don't suppose you're all that interested in operations," he said, "but at my time of life-

"You don't look a day over eighty," said Wanda, who was spending the afternoon in Hampstead.

"Here, hold on," said Fred, "I'm not seventy yet, and I didn't have the stitches out till yesterday. It's me appendix, lasted me nearly a lifetime, it did, but it had to come out in the end. Gad, I must say you don't half look a treat, darling-

"Now watch it, audacious," said Wanda.

"Anyway, I don't want to bore you," " said Fred, "but l've got to have my arthritis removed tomorrow, and considering I only had me appendix stitches taken out yesterday-"

"Goodbye, you poor old soul," said Wanda.

"Do you have to go?" said Fred.

"Yes," said Wanda, "you are boring me.”

Spick & Span Extra No 52 - Autumn 1974

Marie Fitzgerald

Sunny Side Up

Well, it was that kind of a day, with the sun shining and all, So MARIE FITZGERALD wasn't letting it go to waste. She jumped into a car and drove into the country, where using walls and fences to perch on she arranged herself sunny side up. Marie is a Bournemouth girl and likes to get herself toasted, and if you prefer fried eggs, you must love food to the point where you're neurotic. Or perhaps some girl in your distant past broke your leg in a game of mixed hockey and you decided fried eggs were safer.

Spick No 185 - April 1969

Helen Williams

Help Helen

We've seen some eye-catching girls hitch-hiking on the road. But this was ridiculous. There we were, driving along, when we saw this car parked on the grass verge with Helen Williams posing in the door, looking our way. What did we do? Did we take no notice and drive past? Did we stop? Even if we hadn't stopped, our photographer would have jumped out anyway. As it was, we almost caused a traffic pile- up. "Hold it there!" our photographer shouted, running back to her along the side of the road. Obligingly, she went on posing. He started giving more instructions; now and then she tried to say something, but he kept thinking of new poses, taking more photographs.

After half an hour of this, she started getting edgy. haven't got all day", she said. Well, we're not the kind to ignore a hint like that, so straight away we started packing up the camera equipment, ready to leave. "No", she called, "Don't go - what about my car?" "Who wants to photograph a car?" we replied.

"You don't understand", she protested. "It's broken down. That's why I was posing like that so someone would stop and help." We blushed delicate pink. "Sorry", we said, "all we know how to repair is type-writers "And cameras", our photographer added. ". But if you go on posing like that, sooner or later, someone's bound to stop who knows how to help We didn't stay any longer. Our consciences were troubling us and, anyway, it's a terrible thing to see a lady in a temper.

Relax No 12 - Gold Star Publications 1967

Diane Weber

Getaway Go Girl

"I don't see what's wrong with me being an expert on cars," Diane Weber told us. 'Some girls take up gardening as a hobby, the ones that talk about having green fingers. Me, well She held up her hands, stained with black grease and gave us a smile which made us class her straight away as the prettiest motor mechanic we'd ever met.

Later, when she'd restored her skin to its more natural creamy-white state, we persuaded her to stand posing by her car instead of lying under it. We thought our readers might want to see more of Diane than just a pair of feet...

She's an amateur rally enthusiast, uses the car for shopping in the town during the week, but at weekends you can see her taking it ploughing through mud and over hillsides, matched against men who may be stronger than she is, but have no less determination.

Doesn't she think it's un-feminine? "Nonsense," she said. "Un-feminine is just the sort of word men use to keep a girl in what they think is her place. They don't like the idea of a girl being better at something than they are. It's only because they're unsure of themselves. It scares them." You can't have it plainer than that! But despite all she says, Diane's the last person we'd describe as the pushy, dominant type. We might not be happy racing against her when she's in her car; but we assure you, when she's out of the driving seat, she's as charming as she is glamorous.

Relax No 13 - Gold Star Publications 1967

Frolics - Car Washing

Frolics - Car Washing

Frolics - Car Washing with Linda Deane - 1969

Gadoline Publications - Just a few samples from this 54 page book. Frolics

Monika Buike

Coming or Going?

If you aren't quite sure whether MONIKA BUIKE is getting out of the car or getting into it, we aren't, either. And neither is Monika. Well, the German strasse was a little crowded, and it's an undeniably leggy business getting out of these modern cars. Or getting in.

Beautiful Britons No 106 - August 1964

Julie Mitchell

Student Teacher

Training to be a teacher is JULIE MITCHELL.

Julie is a Midlands girl and as well as being ever so brainy she's also ever so dishy. Her pupils are going to welcome her with open arms, especially the boys.

Julie's subjects are English and Maths. And she's a lovely netballer, as well as a corking tennis player. Some school's going to get quite an acquisition.

Anyone wanting to enrol?

Spick & Span Extra No 55 - Summer 1975

Ruth Cavendish and Anne Scott

Can You See Ferdinand

Up in this part of the Scottish Highlands there's a farm that wanders over countless acres, and if you're anywhere near watch out for Ferdinand.

RUTH CAVENDISH in the ankle boots and ANNE SCOTT in the high boots were near enough on this occasion to feel just a mite nervous. So much so that they hitched up their skirts to be all ready to vamoose if Ferdinand did appear.

And sure, enough a pair of inimical horns hove into view eventually and our two lovelies did not stand upon their going but went.

'"Hold on,' panted Ruth after a mile or so, "that's not Ferdinand, that's


"Oh, how sweet," said Anne.

Bessie, of course, is Ferdinand's lovable mate.

Span No 200 - April 1971

Barbara Bonge - Gisela Schumann - Verena May

Three Girl Mix

These three shots are all of lovely VERENA MAY, a starlet featured in German films, and who has a dark beauty not usually associated with fair Teutons. The hairstyle can change the look but not the girl.

Windswept on a swing is GISELA SCHUMANN, and snug in a chair is BARBARA BONGE.

Span No 84 - August 1961

Sally Ann Scott

Cover Girl

Adorning our cover this month is beautiful London model SALLY ANN SCOTT, just right for boosting your morale if you're alone in a tent.

And if your tent is in the middle of the Nevada desert, you're really alone, and the only boost to do you the most good would be Sally Ann herself walking in on you with a jug of ice-cold fruit juice. Or maybe you don't drink?

You'd prefer a good book? As long as Sally Ann brought it in person? You'll be lucky, with all those public libraries available in Las Vegas.

Beautiful Britons No 72 - October 1961

Heather Chaffey - Update

Heather Chaffey

Occasionally I get updates from family members on models featured on this site; I recently had an update from Cherie Chaffey, Heather’s daughter.

Heather sadly passed away after a short illness, on the 8th December 2018 with her husband, her photographer, passing away just 3 weeks later.

Cherie is very proud of her mum and delighted that her memory goes on. We certainly agree with that.

Below is a small gallery of some of my favourite pictures and some very apt mumbo jumbo from ToCo for once.

Glamorous Aussie

All I can say, said Bertie Shoemaker as soon as he clapped eyes on the pictures of HEATHER CHAFFEY of Australia, is that if I've got to go twelve thousand miles to see her in person, I'll go even if I have to walk it.

Can't blame the feller. Heather of New South Wales is a living doll, and if there are others like her Down Under we'll go with Bertie and see if we can't actually get there before he does.

Heather is a happy housewife with a lovely home and a sunny garden, and just about our idea of the best reason why we suddenly want to emigrate. We don't want to work in the outback or dig for nickel, however, we just want to take the house next door to Heather's and talk to her over the garden fence and join her for coffee.

Heather must have been a real beaut as a baby, because just look at her now, cobber.

Oh, trying to be all matey and Australian, are we?

You bet we are.

Ursel Island

Au Pair Perfection

Lots of people are looking for the perfect au pair girl.

Housewives need one to take the toil of domestic chores off their shoulders, and husbands need one to help the suppertime conversation acquire a Continental flavour.

If all au pair girls were like URSEL ISLAND of West Berlin, wouldn't life be lovely?

Ursel can cook, sew, and ski. There isn't much to ski on in Maida Vale, even when it's snowing, but in her ski pants in a kitchen she makes hot dishes of spaghetti look well-dressed.

And if you've got any buttons that need sewing on to your shirts, you couldn't have them sewn on more securely than by Ursel. Don't you feel that unless you acquire an au pair like Ursel life just won't be worth living?

Beautiful Britons No 166 - September 1969

Maria Assin

Come On out

There's not much you can do on a lovely summer day except go to the races, take a punt and a picnic up the river, fly off to Italy, chase nursemaids through the park, pick flowers for a lovely lady or just settle for a siesta in the sun.

Or give a helping hand to MARIA ASSIN as she alights from her car and then offer to show her what you're currently growing in your greenhouse.

Spick No 168 - November 1968