BrazenBooks Update

BrazenBooks - New Listings

BrazenBooks, the sister site of Vintage Fetish, has been up and running for 15 months now. I have already listed a couple of thousand books to kick things off. This is just the beginning as I have thousands more titles to add. The mix of titles is very varied, ranging from the more mundane to the very exotic.

I plan to maintain a focus on Toco, Pin-Up, and Glamour genres here, with regular blog updates continuing as usual on Vintage Fetish. Some of the books that I will be listing on BrazenBooks could comfortably work on this site. Therefore, my aim is to bring your attention to those titles in the New Books section here. By clicking on a cover or link for BrazenBooks listings, you will be directed to the relevant page on that site via a new browser tab.

Over time, there will be more frequent blog updates and images posted on BrazenBooks. If any of this piques your interest, feel free to explore and see if anything catches your eye. The site search and product search functions work exceptionally well in comparison to Vintage Fetish.

Please note that the payment and purchasing process works differently on BrazenBooks, so I encourage you to familiarise yourselves with the information provided before making any purchases.

I now have more freedom to offer a wider array of content of many unique items. So, expect the unexpected and be sure to visit regularly.

Janet Neill

Merry Mrs

Now happily married is Scots model JANET NEILL.

Well, life is always what you make it, when you're married there are two of you to make it well worthwhile. It's fun finding out that life is fun. It's hard work being miserable. With Janet it's natural to be gay. Husbands, like life, can be fun too.

Spick Extra No 14 - Summer 1961

Paula - Private Collection

Our Favourite Nurse

How about a couple more snapshots of Paula in her nurse's uniform as a delightful mid-month treat?

Jane Matthews

Girls and Dolls

It's not only little girls with pigtails who like dolls. Big girls with fashionable hairdo’s also like 'em. Take, for example, pretty JANE MATTHEWS.

Jane really loves dolls and has a collection that would fill any nursery. Big ones, small ones, cuddly ones. English ones, Dutch ones, French ones.

The fact is, Jane loved dolls even when she was only so high and has never grown out of them. And they come in all shapes and sizes.

We'd say that Jane is quite a doll herself. When she gets married her husband will find that in addition to Jane he's got a houseful of others.

We don't think any of them will have quite the same measurements as Jane herself, but they all look mighty cute.

Before we forget, Jane's measurements are worth recording. She tapes up to 37"-24"-36". Inches like those add up to quite some doll in her own right! And she lives at Barnet, within a long stone's throw of the London she loves.

Spick Extra No 14 - Summer 1961

Julie Marsden

Layered Nylons?

This intriguing picture features Julie Marsden, who appeared in just four magazines for Toco. However, this particular image seems to deviate from her usual sets. A closer look reveals an unconventional choice of undergarments, with what appears to be flesh-coloured tights underneath black stockings, and possibly no knickers or alternatively she is wearing see-through knickers with the waist band of her suspender belt under her knickers. The fashion of wearing knickers over tights was more prevalent in the late 1960s and 70s, a stark contrast to today's style of wearing knickers under tights. The concept of layered nylons seems to have a historical precedent, as seen in the case of Diane Clarke in Spick 178, who also sported stockings over tights. Special thanks to Tocofan for sharing this unique photograph. Please keep them coming!

Susan Douglas

Ravishingly Inimitable

No one can say we haven't found less delightful girls than any other magazine. In a mood of unshakeable confidence, we declare we've found too many to count.

Lots of them have given you moments when you've thought if only you were tall, dark and handsome, with a villa in Spain and a chateau in France, you could have confronted them with nonchalance.

"I'm a rich, fascinating playboy, Esmerelda-how about coming down to Southend and looking over my ocean-going yacht sometime?"

"I'm not Esmerelda, I'm Toots, and I get sea-sick on yachts." Anyway, of all the delightful girls we've found SUSAN DOUGLAS has been ravishingly inimitable and still is. We've had so many yearning postcards about her lately that we gave in to sentiment and here is Susan to make you happy again.

Save up and buy a glider, even if not a yacht. Susan loves being up in the air.

Beautiful Britons No 156 - November 1968

Paula - Private Collection

Larking About In The Woods With Paula

Paula gives us a tantalising look at those fantastic legs. Stay tuned for more later this month as Paula dazzles us with more pictures in her nurse's uniform.

Sadie Milligan

Happy Birthday - Sadie Milligan

I was reminded over the weekend that Easter Sunday, 31st March, marked Sadie Milligan's 86th birthday. I can confirm that she is well and thriving in Australia. It was 60 years ago that she left Ardrossan for a new life down under.

Let's hope it was all that she had hoped for and more. Let's enjoy a few pictures of the very lovely Sadie Milligan, who was about 19 to 20 years old when most of these pictures were taken.

Jennifer Taylor

Girl On The Go

I can't imagine a more enticing way to kick off the month than with a collection of captivating pictures featuring the incredibly alluring Jennifer Taylor.

There's nothing quite like the healthy virility of girls who run a mile round the farm before breakfast each morning. Into the farmhouse kitchen they leap at the end of it, all glowing and flushed and ready to eat a horse.

"So that's what happened to poor old Dobbin," said JENNIFER TAYLOR, our newest girl on the go. (She's a Go- Go girl, actually, and you can't be more on the go than that).

"Just don't think about it," we said, "then it won't hurt.'

We didn't want anything to put Jennifer off looking beautiful. She had just finished a lovely run round the Gloucester farm herself and was all glowing and rosy in her eye-catching undies.

"I'm starving," she said. So would anyone be after all that exercise and being so young and vital and all.

"All right, Go and enjoy your breakfast, then."

What, at one o'clock in the afternoon?" said Jennifer, ever so entrancingly shapely at 39-25-36. "You've gone cuckoo or something." We've gone cuckoo for sure. So will you when you see all these lovely shots of Jennifer around the farm.

Beautiful Britons No 181 - December 1970

Paula - Private Collection

Easter Sunday with Paula.

A break from her nursing duties, Paula takes a leisurely stroll in the woods, stylishly dressed, hinting at surprises to come. It's all about the anticipation, after all.

Valetta - Private Collection


Unfortunately, that is all I have with no further details. These pictures from the private collection of negatives are very similar to Maureen's; if you like them, I have several more that I can share. I look forward to hearing your opinions.