Jacqueline Blair

Hard Day's Work

When a girl has her usual job to do, like plugging away at her typewriter from 9 to 5, it makes a hard day of it to have the household chores thrown in as well, especially when, like JACQUELINE BLAIR, you're really dressed for a brisk, invigorating walk, in the countryside with a sweet little doggie or a fascinating P.T. instructor.

By the time you've come to terms with the cleaner and cooked yourself a quick souffle, its time, to retire in your shortie nightie. Never mind, Jackie, after a hard day's work you still look gorgeous.

Beautiful Britons No 110 - December 1964

Linda Broom

Gift From Gran

Reading that the modern girls were Twisting in long underwear. LINDA BROOM'S grandmother presented Linda with some all to herself much to Linda's astonishment. Trying them out Linda had trouble making her way through the bushes and after that it was back to modern lingerie.

But how do they really look asks Linda? Can it be true that these were all the rage with grandmamma? Well, so they say. After all, the Victorian’s thought pantaloons were absolutely ducky.

Linda, by the way, is nineteen, measures 37"-24"-37" and is a receptionist. She lists her hobbies as Twisting, swimming, and walking. And she wants to be famous. Well, she's halfway there for Linda is quite a looker.

Span No 110 - October 1963

Lisa Scott

Cold Day - Warm Girl

So, you like the warm sands and hot sun of the Caribbean? All right, off you go and roll about all day, and if you're not tough enough to weather the winter of Northern Europe go and put your red nose in a hot coconut. LISA SCOTT, who comes from Canada, can cope with a nip in the air. It makes her glow all over and she can't wait for the lake in the park to freeze, when you'll hear her gaily calling, "Come on, Luke, get your skates on, it's a lovely day.

Spick No 185 - April 1969


Call In On Katria

Call in any time during a weekend at the Rose and Plum Tree, a quaint old pub in Dunbury, Gloucestershire, and it's odds-on you'll find Katria serving behind the bar, helping her father. He owns the pub and finds that when she helps him, she doubles his trade. We can't say we're surprised.

Relaxing in her room upstairs she assured us that being a part-time barmaid didn't interfere with her social life. She's a friendly person, knows a lot of people she meets in her job. They often drop round for a chat and a drop! - after hours. "There's nothing like spirits to revive one's spirits", she says.

"Tell us more", we said, holding out our glass. Well, another thing, she told us, is how much more freely men talk when they've had a little something to warm them up. Little secrets, like their weaknesses, special likes and dislikes, marriage plans . . . it's not long before she knows more about them than they do.

"Of course, we never touch the stuff normally", we said hastily, pushing the glass aside. 'Especially when driving.' But with the shrewd look she was giving us, it looked as if she'd guessed all our little secrets already. One thing we forgot to mention when Katria isn't serving behind the bar of the Rose and Plum Tree, she's a degree student in psychology at Cambridge University.

Relax No 12 Gold Star Publications 1967

I can’t find Dunbury in Gloucestershire or anything like it.

Relax eBooks

Tina Ryatt

Cute Kitten

New to you and to us lovely TINA RYATT of Flintshire.

Only who is cuter. TINA RYATT herself or Tina's little kitty-kat? There's a little hint of mischief in the eyes of both, don't you think?

Tina, a beauty queen is eighteen with statistics of 36"-23"-36". We don't know kitty-kat's statistics at all, but her framework is undeniably cuddly.

Nevertheless, lovable as kitty-kat is, it's our considered opinion that the cuter of these two kittens is Tina, even if kitty-kat as got long whiskers.

Span No 102 - May 1962

Susan Douglas

Your Choice - One of My Favourite Models to End a Difficult Year.

If we laid end-to-end all the letters, we've received telling us that SUSAN DOUGLAS is your choice in the pin-up roll, they'd reach from as far back here to as far forward as there. Out-of-doors Susan makes just the picture to complement the fascination of Nature.

There is a certain something about the trees, the birds and the sky, and there is definitely a certain something about Susan.

That certain something about Susan is her ability to look enchanting what-ever her environment, and as the film star said to her publicity man, you can say that again.

Span No 110 - October 1963

Tracy Reeves

Student of Philology

The girl in the picture is Tracy Reeves. We took her to a furniture exhibition and told her she could pose on whatever took her fancy. She chose this luxurious soft settee because she liked the feel of it. "Can put my feet on it?" she asked.

We asked why she wanted to, and she explained it was all a matter of texture. Her suede boots had the same fuzzy feel as the settee cushions.

So, they went well together. They go well with Tracy, too.

Tracy is a student of philology - which means the study of words. So, she told us what her name meant. Tracy is a shortening of Teresa, she said.

Teresa comes from the Greek and means "Harvester". Reeves, her second name, means a number of things. Among others, it's the name of a bird, a kind of sandpiper, found in America. "This doesn't seem to make much sense to us"', we protested. "No, but it's something to say when you run out of conversation", she answered.

"Can't you pose anywhere but on that settee?" we said. "People will get bored if you're in the same place all the time". Reluctantly she agreed

Kneeling on a table? ? ? Well, with a girl as nice as Tracy, with us it doesn't really matter how she poses. She'd look good anywhere.

Relax No 12 - Gold Star Publications 1967

Moni Carr

Gym Girl

Mad about physical jerks is MONI CARR. Gym sessions keep Moni's tall, shapely figure streamlined to just the right proportions, and she can vault the horse just as easily as you can fall over a kerb, except that Moni will land gracefully on her feet and you'll land flat on your face.

Moni's talent in a gym includes a devastating overhead smash with a badminton racket, and if you want to get hit in the eye by a fast-moving shuttlecock just stand nicely in the way and keep your optics fastened on Moni's shapely knees. That way you won't see it coming.

Alternatively, if you want to slip a disc emulate Moni in this exercise.

Spick No 102 - May 1962

Sue Simpson

The Problems of Reincarnation

Ever since we set eyes on these pictures of lovely Sue Simpson, we've been worried by a terrible problem. It's kept us awake at night, sleepless and tossing and turning, gnawing our knuckles, sitting up in bed reading back issues of RELAX in desperate attempts at sending ourselves to sleep. But it's no good. However long and hard we try; we never arrive at a decision.

At the bus queue in the morning, we mumble quietly to ourselves. People edge shiftily away from us. Well, at least that gets us a seat, even in the rush hour. But the problem remains.

You see, it's like this. The other day we read a book, about reincarnation. Apparently, we don't just have one life on earth, when we die, we're born again as someone else. And it happens over and over again. But there's a snag. (There always is, isn't there?) You see, when you're born again, you may not be born again as a person (so this book says). You might be a frog, a flea, or a woolly necked tapir. Or even a flower. Somehow we don't fancy the idea of being born again as a pansy.

But now perhaps you see the problem. Bearing in mind we might be born again, we've been wondering, wondering, wondering what we'd rather be. Would it be best to be that tree that Sue Simpson is embracing so warmly? Or maybe the grass, where she rests her delightful derriere? Or even-dare we suggest it-those black net stockings that hug her so tightly?

Relax No 17 - Gadoline Publications 1969

Nostalgia Publications (NPL York)

Nostalgia Publications produced and published a selection of glamour and stocking fetish magazines throughout the 1990’s. They also had a small shop in York, which I am sure many of us were familiar with.

Titles included Nylon Parade/Flash - a nice quality A4 size magazine. Nostalgia also held a large selection of ToCo prints and negatives, which I guess they had acquired when ToCo themselves ceased trading. Nostalgia went on to use some those negatives to publish a selection of themed stocking and nylon interest A5 magazines. They also published a range of magazines featuring many well-known Harrison Marks girls, who had been frequently seen in Kamera, Solo and other Marks publications.

I have, over the years, acquired some of these magazines and have now decided to make copies of them available as eBooks for us all enjoy for a little longer.

It would be good to hear from anyone who has a full collection of these books, which would enable me to fill in the gaps in my information. Some years back I was offered Jim Barker’s stock of negatives, which Nostalgia Publications held at that time, but sadly we could not agree on a reasonable price for them, and they slipped my grasp. I often wonder if they did get sold and, if so, where they ended up. Jim would now, I think, be in his late eighties. Any more information - or just your thoughts on NPL - would be of interest. Please do get in contact.

Angela Jones

Girl With a View

BIRMINGHAM is famous as a manufacturing city, and it's a well-known fact that the gift you may buy in Singapore to bring home to your folks in Ipswich is just as likely to be made in Birmingham as anywhere. But don't think of Birmingham just for its exports spare a few moments to consider its girls, of whom blonde ANGELA JONES is typical. Angela models with a view of becoming the city's most famous export.

After all, what have the famous figures of Hollywood and the Continent got that Angela hasn't? At the moment, only extra minks, Cadillacs, pools and poodles.

Other than these materialistic extras-which are only a matter of having the lolly-Angela can match the talent and looks, which makes it certain that she can view her prospects with equanimity and confidence.

Span No 92 - April 1962

Relax No 13

That Green-Fingered Girl Next Door

It's been going on for weeks, now. Ever since the summer weather started, the girl next door's been out in her garden, and we've been making fools of ourselves staring out of the window at her and wondering…. wondering, why is she always on her own? And haven't we seen her face somewhere before?

We watch her sunbathing, hanging up the washing, putting the cat out at night, but most of all tending to the garden. We wonder why she takes so much trouble over her plants and flowers - like a worried mother with her watering can, tending gentle kindness. The other day, she bought a bench and now she often sits there for hours, just watching the flowers grow.

But someone as lovely as her, always on her own It doesn’t make sense. But maybe, she's a notorious jewel thief, hiding out from the police till the heat goes down. Maybe she's got a fortune buried in the garden, that's why she sits out there, imagining all the things she's going to spend the money on. Maybe . . . but no, she just isn't the type.

Too quiet and shy.

Perhaps she's just lonely, her flowers are the only friends she's got. We think that must be it, she's so fond of her green things. Maybe we should go and see her, sit on her bench with her and watch the garden grow. But no, it wouldn't be right to intrude in such a beautiful relationship. We couldn't bear to come between her and her plants. So, expect we'll just go on watching. Watching and wondering. Wondering, haven't we seen her somewhere before ?

No name given for this model but I think she looks a lot like Linda Deane.

Relax No 13 - Gold Star Publications 1967

Helga Reichwald

Lovely Ladies

Extremely lovely is German mannequin HELGA REICHWALD-so much so that this month Helga monopolises this feature.

Seen and admired in the fashion salons of West Berlin, HELGA is also much liked as a pin-up girl and it's only a mannequin who could wear a white top-hat as delightfully as this.

Lovely Ladies from all over the world are invited to submit their photographs for reproduction herewith. Two Guineas for acceptance. Send to L.L., SPAN, 88 Park Lane, Croydon, Surrey.

Span No 102 - May 1962

Bettie Page

Cheese Cake - a la Bettie

To quote the dictionary, "Cheese cake. A photograph featuring a girl's legs: used in photography." It's also a delicious, creamy confection. Either definition describes Bettie Page as she arches her dainty feet to accentuate the perfect curves of her famous legs, she thrusts her youthful bosom toward the camera as she bares a dimpled shoulder provocatively as her wide-set eyes twinkle roguishly below her dark bangs all the while smilingly with a merry and innocent cunning that hints she could be all things to all men.

That's "Cheese cake - a la Bettie!''

Focus On - Bettie Page 1963