Sara Stuart

Extremely Photogenic

Extremely photogenic is Scottish pin-up SARA STUART, and whenever we're in the highlands we spend our time looking for her. Usually, Sara sees us first and goes off to Ireland until we've gone away.

Spick No 185 - April 1969

Julia Seymour

Musical Secretary

Very fond of music is Secretary JULIA SEYMOUR, an absolutely delicious bird who lives near Blackpool.

While others go out at night to try ice cream in the dark or a glide at the Palais, Julia cuddles up in an armchair and reads music and studies sonatas. Still being a devotee of slinky stockings and the necessary suspensory equipment, Julia can relax without worrying about who's looking.

"I'm here," said the cameraman.

"Well, don't look," said Julia, "just take nice shots of me being musical."

"Oh, righty-ho,' said Percival, "and I'd just like to say my wife has got a pair which match yours."

"Mine?" said Julia.

"Your knicks."

"You sneaky dick,' said Julia, "you are looking."

"Only in me view-finder," said Percival.

Spick No 260 - July 1975

Vicki Munro

Boots and Saddles

It isn't necessary to bring in the horse, but if you did it wouldn't put VICKI MUNRO in a flap. Vicki is not only dressed for a canter up the stairs or over the furniture, it so happens she can ride with the best of them. Riding with the best of them means that if she takes a tumble at a point-to-point, it's just a matter of taking the bump in her stride. It hurts, of course, but it's nice when it leaves off.

Jacqueline Blair

Hard Day's Work

When a girl has her usual job to do, like plugging away at her typewriter from 9 to 5, it makes a hard day of it to have the household chores thrown in as well, especially when, like JACQUELINE BLAIR, you're really dressed for a brisk, invigorating walk, in the countryside with a sweet little doggie or a fascinating P.T. instructor.

By the time you've come to terms with the cleaner and cooked yourself a quick souffle, its time, to retire in your shortie nightie. Never mind, Jackie, after a hard day's work you still look gorgeous.

Beautiful Britons No 110 - December 1964


Janus - Mixed Selection

Janus Volume 1 No 12

More familiar faces, but can you name them?

Lisa Scott

Cold Day - Warm Girl

So, you like the warm sands and hot sun of the Caribbean? All right, off you go and roll about all day, and if you're not tough enough to weather the winter of Northern Europe go and put your red nose in a hot coconut. LISA SCOTT, who comes from Canada, can cope with a nip in the air. It makes her glow all over and she can't wait for the lake in the park to freeze, when you'll hear her gaily calling, "Come on, Luke, get your skates on, it's a lovely day.

Spick No 185 - April 1969

Tracy Reeves

Student of Philology

The girl in the picture is Tracy Reeves. We took her to a furniture exhibition and told her she could pose on whatever took her fancy. She chose this luxurious soft settee because she liked the feel of it. "Can put my feet on it?" she asked.

We asked why she wanted to, and she explained it was all a matter of texture. Her suede boots had the same fuzzy feel as the settee cushions.

So, they went well together. They go well with Tracy, too.

Tracy is a student of philology - which means the study of words. So, she told us what her name meant. Tracy is a shortening of Teresa, she said.

Teresa comes from the Greek and means "Harvester". Reeves, her second name, means a number of things. Among others, it's the name of a bird, a kind of sandpiper, found in America. "This doesn't seem to make much sense to us"', we protested. "No, but it's something to say when you run out of conversation", she answered.

"Can't you pose anywhere but on that settee?" we said. "People will get bored if you're in the same place all the time". Reluctantly she agreed

Kneeling on a table? ? ? Well, with a girl as nice as Tracy, with us it doesn't really matter how she poses. She'd look good anywhere.

Relax No 12 - Gold Star Publications 1967

Jennifer Taylor

The Way You Are

Now this is as it should be. This is a girl being herself, gorgeously feminine. This is a girl dissociating herself from all that other jazz.

It's our latest pin-up favourite, JENNIFER TAYLOR, who is absolutely certain that to be heavyweight boxing champion of the world is only for gorillas and suchlike. Jennifer is our idea of curvy perfection, and the girl we'd love to climb trees with. It's the easiest thing in the world to get all caught up in a tree and not be able to get down again until the fire brigade arrives. How absolutely thrilling.

Jennifer has begun to enter beauty competitions and you could be looking at a future Miss United Kingdom. On the other hand, if we had our way, we'd carry her off to a desert island and teach her how to make Christmas pudding out of coconuts.

You're crackers," said Jennifer.

Michelle Dolan

It's Lovely in Yorkshire

It's always lovely in Yorkshire, actually. It's got grandeur.

It's got dishy girls.


Michelle lives in Bradford, she's nineteen and her vitalistics for the mathematically-minded-add up to 37"-21 "-34".

In case you live in Dorset and are thinking of writing to Michelle and asking her to leave Yorkshire to live in a Dorset cottage with you, don't bother. Michelle is quite happy, thank you. Move your cottage to the Yorkshire Moors and propose to her up there, and then she might be so impressed by your burning devotion that she'll think about it.

You can't expect to win the loveliest things in Yorkshire without making some sacrifices.

Span No 191 - July 1970

Elizabeth McGregor

Hi, Mac!

Scottish down to the last tartan is ELIZABETH McGREGOR, and none so bonny-looking with a skipping-rope as she. In days of yore, Elizabeth's ancestors battled it out to clash of claymores and the gnash of teeth, but Liz contents herself today giving all her energies to skipping a light fantastic.

Some girls may write better poetry, and some may be better at making wool rugs.

Other girls may even be better than Liz at looking after horses or wall-papering the kitchen.

But lead us to any who better represent the bonny characteristics of the Scots and you'll be on knowing terms with the best.

Span No 110 - October 1963

Bridie Goodwin

The Day The UFO landed

'I was tucking in me bib and just a-going to unplug me cheese sandwiches.' said Gaffer Haywick, "when something came out of nowhere. knowed it was out of nowhere, like, because I never seen it coming and if it had a been coming my old Sal would have hollered. My old Sal ain't a missed nothing providing she seen it first, like.'

"Ah," said the bobby, taking notes.

"First thing knowed there she was,' said Gaffer, pushing some upset cheese back into place, "and a-sitting on me fence. How she got there I dunno. Flew out of this yere engineering contraption, I reckon. I asked her if she was a Martian and if she was she better not let my old Sal see her, old Sal don't like foreigners. We had one here once, from Little Crumpton, he wasn't nothing my old Sal couldn't have eaten for supper."

"Ah,' said Constable Philpot, "where's this thing she landed in?''

"There,"' said Gaffer, full of cheese.

"That's no thing,' said the bobby, "that's a Jaguar E-Type."

"I dunno what you call it,' said Gaffer, "we ain't ever seen nothing round here except a horse and cart and been here seventy years man and boy."

Poor old Gaffer. Imagine him thinking BRIDE GOODWIN, a secretary from London, was a Martian. What could old Sal have looked like?

Span No 218 - October 1972

Jacqueline Blair

Modelling The Line

The line is long, but it's mod and it's swinging or so they say. Modelling it is beautiful JACQUELINE BLAIR, shorthand-typist, a great trad jazz fan and, hold it, chaps, hockey captain during her rousing schooldays. Jackie is twenty and last year won two Scottish beauty competitions.

Spick No 128 - July 1964