Penny Price

What Price Penny ?

The answer isn’t peanuts. It’s more a matter of corn if you consider the title alone. The fact is, this sweet young thing’s name is PENNY PRICE, and we thought there was a gag in that somewhere. But corn and gags apart, Penny is going places in show biz.

To start with, the girl has a background. She used to work in a circus, starting off by flying around on a trapeze. A succession of falls helped her to develop the art of bouncing, and she does it better than a Yo-Yo.

Incidentally, Penny left the circus because they put her into the strong man’s act. The strong man wanted to fire her from a cannon and catch her before she landed. But Penny, a slim young lady at 36"- 22"- 34", thought she might slip through his fingers. Well, there are easier ways of saving money to etcetera, etcetera.

Marion McGregor

Honey Blonde

Gorgeous is the colour of MARION McGREGOR'S hair, like golden honey—and the eyes, of course, must be a beautiful dark blue. Marion, like so many of our Scottish models, is beautiful and bonny. She works in an office, providing the conventional coldness of commerce with a brightness infectious enough to make the working week seem a whole lot shorter. Marion, of course, loves dancing, and thinks men are wonderful. Well, Professor Higgins says in the musical, “on the whole we are a marvellous sex”—or words to that effect. (Bighead).

This was Marion’s first time before the camera, and she models modern lingerie with a smile as bright as her personality. Her vitalistics amount to 36"-23"-37".

Vitalistics like those add up to a cute figure and if the frequent wolf whistle echoes round the office when the travellers come in, they really are no more than you’d expect, are they not? Marion, one of our New Year discoveries, will be seen again—we hope.

Rikki Haynes

Nice On Ice

There’s Scotch, there's cream soda, ginger pop, tomato juice and anything else in the way of cooling refreshment on a hot summer's day. All nice on ice. And there's RIKKI HAYNES, professional ice skater. 5' 3" of whizzing rhythm.

Rikki at home has a different look, the fact is, its darn difficult getting around the kitchen on skates.

According to her photographer, Rikki's hair is a beautifully fantastic red, and if there's a connection here with the way Rikki burns up the ice, we can't quite see it. Nobody goes three times round the rink on their head except the highly impossible novices.

When she isn’t touring on ice, Rikki lives in West London. If you live around that way yourself and you see a girl with wonderful red hair and a streamlined chassis, it could be our “nice- on-ice” girl.

Sandra McPherson

Natural Hazard

Many games contain hazards, but none contain more natural ones than golf. Ask SANDRA MCPHERSON.

It’s bad enough trying to cope with the rain. If you hang on to one of those enormous golfing umbrellas long enough, you’re liable to take off and finish up dangling from a tree. But every perishing club is a handicap in itself when your swing is largely a matter of hope. Hit and miss, that’s it. And in the end, you’re all tied up but not in respect of the score.

Answer to this one is not to put down more than one ball at a time. With five at your feet, you’ll find out, as Sandra did, that you’re liable to step on at least two.

But, my word, what about those wretched trolleys and all those folding arms and things? They’re designed to give you what for all right, and you can say that twice over.

There’s always a first time for a contraption like this to poke you in the eye. Sandra’s answer to this is to don her weatherproof and take on all comers, including the wind, the rain and erratic drivers who forget to shout “Fore!”

Marie Blair

Bright 'n Breezy

Combination of bright blonde and breezy day. It’s MARIE BLAIR, photographed in windy May.

Fay Stevens

Cute Wife

Here is FAY STEVENS, Kentish girl, as portrayed in a quartette of poses by her photographer-husband, who thinks there’s no pin-up as nice as his cute wife.

Jeanette Bonner

Country Wife

Talking of marriage in a rural environment, here's a wife who has always lived in the country. She's JEANETTE BONNER, and living in the country has given her a complexion as creamy as honey.

She lives in a cottage next door to a field, and high rise concrete blocks are just something she hears about but never sees. It’s all lovely, all quiet and peaceful, and is highly recommended to persons who suffer the traumatic vibrations of crowded city life.

Jeanette's favourite ways of getting about are on a bike or on a horse. And she doesn't need tranquilisers.

Sue Chedzoy


Those initials mean Physical Training Instructress, and that is what SUE CHEDZOY is training to be.

You mean this delightful eyeful of feminine elegance is really going to concentrate on building up bone and muscle?

Nothing of the kind. Well, she’s only going to build up bone and muscle in others. Sue herself is going to remain a delightful eyeful. If she doesn’t, we’ll shoot someone.

Seen just off the Embankment Gardens, London, Sue looked like a breath of summer sunshine on an autumn day, and if other physical training experts are proud of their bulging biceps, we don’t care a bit as long as Sue doesn’t acquire any.

Sue is nineteen, measures 36-23-36, and if those statistics aren’t good enough for you, Henry, you must go for fat circus ladies.

Nicola Taylor and Marilyn Ward


When there was lots of sun about, brunette NICOLA TAYLOR and blonde MARILYN WARD came out to the beach to be kissed by it. Lucky old sun.

Kim Scott

Off Duty

Air stewardess KIM SCOTT isn't always flying over the Atlantic or the Continent on her way to places undreamed of by so many of us.

She's often off duty.

Off duty Kim looks just like this, lovely and dishy and relaxed. Naturally, the phone is always ringing. Boyfriends don't mind her relaxing as long as it doesn't interfere with taking her out to an Italian restaurant or a West-end disco.

Kim mostly prefers a restaurant where she can sit down. She's so much on her feet up in the air that an evening at a disco is rather like a busman's holiday.

Sandra McPherson

Cute Cook

Getting down to it in the kitchen any moment now is popular pin-up Sandra McPherson of Ayrshire. Not every cook looks like Sandra. With most of them it’s either a large white hat or a flowery apron. With Sandra it’s a question of not letting any utilitarian kitchen garb take precedence over a pin-up outfit.

Turning out a souffle needs concentration, but Sandra in getting down to it still manages to look like the girl we’d most like to decorate our own Kitchen with.

How’s that? It looks good. But what does it taste like? Traditionally, the proof is in the eating thereof.

It turned out so tasty that Sandra finished it up. That means she’s high up on the ladder of culinary success, and so she is—literally.

Helen Milligan

Did You Really

We were having a lovely chat with that corking Scottish fashion model HELEN MILLIGAN. It was before cricket and baseball had started and girls were still wearing something warm. We said what a famous looking sweater she had on.

“I knitted it myself,” said Helen.

“No, did you really?”

“Don’t I look as if I can knit?” she said.

“You look spectacular and any implication we made to the contrary was all to do with wonderment at your all-round capabilities.”

“I don’t like the way you said that,” said Helen, “it makes me sound like a computer.”

We were equal to that. We said, “Any computer which looks as corking as you do in a hand-knitted sweater deserves to get nominated for a technological Oscar.”

“That might mean something,” said Helen, “only I bet you say it to all the girls.”

“Only to those who knit their own sweaters and look as—”

“Don’t keep on,” said Helen, “just go and find the boat and row me back to a pot of tea and a plate of hot scones.”

Patricia Garland

New Discovery

It was our lucky day when we discovered that acme of secretarial elegance, PATRICIA GARLAND of Kent. Or did Pat discover us? She came into our office to ask us if we thought she would make a passable pin-up model. Passable was putting it mildly. Pat's a perfect pin-up pet—she has a happy smile and long, long legs. We don’t ask for a better pin-up picture than Pat makes, and if we had to switch secretaries at all we’d indent for a switch just like Pat.

In black lingerie, which she models with natural elegance —to say nothing of an air of bewitching femininity—Pat only needs a white stole to produce a finishing touch effective en­ough to catch any eye that might otherwise wander.

And if you aren't sure what this beguiling look adds to the picture, have the answer on us—for we aren't sure, either. Except we feel kinda sent.

Pat is one of our most attractive 1961 discoveries, and we hope to present her in various pin-up moods in coming months.

Diane Foster

Model Climber


Black for Glamour