Helen Williams

Chelsea Model

That’s the place to be. Where it’s all happening. Chelsea. Full of the most interesting people and lovely walks by the river. Old pubs and frothy beer. Girls. Boys. Bicycles. Tall and kindly policemen. Hat shops. Colleges. Studios. Painters and writers. Models.

The nicest, the loveliest, the shapeliest live in Chelsea. There’s one we saw looking in the shop window. HELEN WILLIAMS. A real pet, a dream boat, a lover of poetry, of Byron, Shelley and Keats. Shame about Keats. Meander with us down tree-lined Cheyne Walk and take your mind off all that traffic at Piccadilly Circus. Helen adores Cheyne Walk. She’d like to live there. She will if she can win fifty thousand on a horse.

Fancoise Hardy

To Cut A Long Story Short

No, listen, Vera, don't muck about, people are looking. Listen, and I'll tell you. It was a lovely night and I wasn’t doing anything, I was just wandering around Venice looking for a lady gondolier who wasn't going anywhere—yes, of course I love you, I wouldn’t have let you buy me that bag of oranges otherwise, would I!—and all of a sudden I saw this E-type Jag in racing green.

Well, to cut a long story short—move your elbow, beloved—named a price and the Transylvanian salesman named a price and I gave a hollow laugh and he said you don’t half look queer, monsieur, and I said I feel queer.

Then what should I see but the most blinding piece of Venetian sculpture—well, I thought it was at first, only it moved and who d'you think it was! No, not Milly burgentrot, she went off to Istanbul with that Turkish bath attendant—no, nor Annie Finnegan, either, she's having an allergy in Cork.

It was FRANCOISE HARDY. What d'you mean, who's she! How do I know who her mother is! Mrs. Hardy, I suppose. Now don’t be like that, you know I’m getting wrinkles about you—no, never look at other women—I just happened to spot this sensational vision in a mini-skirt outside this Venice cinema and I just thought she’d go with this E-type Jag I was buying, only to cut a long story short I fell flat on me kisser when I started to move — this salesman nit had his foot hooked over mine to stop me getting away—

All right give us a kiss then.

Anita Van Ecks

The Girl From Amsterdam

There was once an Englishman who had his luckiest day when he was in Amsterdam. He was on a business trip and it was so concentrated and earnest that he was quite unable to mix any pleasure with it.

Then his eyes alighted on one of the Dutch secretaries floating dynamically around. He knew that if he lived to be a hundred and ninety no other girl could affect his metabolism like this one. She was blonde, beautiful and superb. Her name was ANITA VAN ECKS.

They met. He wooed her and won her. Talk about romantic, it was electric. Now Anita is a housewife in England, living in Acton. Always having wanted to be a photographic model, Anita took the chances offered by London and is now in orbit around the studios of glamour and commercial photographers.

Judie Jayson


Established pin-up favourite is JUDIE JAYSON, trained dancer hovering on the fringe of musical comedy shows and just waiting to jump in.

Judie spends a lot of her waiting time modelling for top photographers and getting her pictures in the glossies. You can see just how photogenic Judie is from these pictures. Here’s a girl with that certain something - and that break is bound to come.

Carol Burdette

Waiting For Santa

It was drawing nigh to Christmas and CAROL BURDETTE wanted to be there when Santa arrived this time.

Last year he left her a pullover, a box of tools and a garden fork, with an apologetic note to say if the pullover didn’t fit, he was sorry, but it was a busy time of the year for him.

Carol used block letters this year when she made her Christmas list, a list full of the most delightful feminine things. She only used the box of tools once and that was to knock a nail into the post holding the clothesline, and the post fell down and so did the line.

She gave the garden fork to her boyfriend and he gave it to his father and his father gave it to his office secretary because she’s got a garden and he’s only got a flat.

So, this year Carol is waiting for Santa. If she doesn’t, she might get left with another box of tools and a lawn mower.

Marie Graham

Getting To Know You

Climbing high in the pin-up poll is secretary MARIE GRAHAM.

Established as one of our favourite models, all her fans say it's been ecstatic getting to know her.

Marie lives in Hampshire, is a delectable housewife who still looks as gorgeous as the most geary dolly girls, and her main interests, apart from the man she loves, are go-go dancing, motoring and mountaineering.

If she ever gets to the top of Everest, she isn't half going to look picturesque high in the sky, and all the Sherpas will want to invite her home to tea.

Anne Leyton

Let's Iron It Out

Pretty ANNE LEYTON “irons it out”

Crease - troubles - can usually be ironed out with a little patience and the right kind of approach. Naturally ANNE LEYTON has both.

She also has big brown eyes and a gorgeous figure, but that’s by way of being incidental in relation to the approach. And the item with the creases is a skirt.

In SPICK, such a picture is always cute. And Anne, an office girl, is the governing factor of this one.

Ben's Books

Strip Lingerie No 13

Julie Mitchell

One Girl And Her Dog

You'd better meet the girl first.

She's JULIE MITCHELL from the Midlands, and a very promising student. She wants to be a teacher as long as it doesn't interfere with keeping lots of shaggy dogs.

Julie owns the cutest little pet at the moment. Name of Pinky. That's Pinky overleaf, getting the fond treatment. If you have to be a dog, you couldn't be better off as Julie's pet.

She takes him to the nicest parties. Other girls take boys, Julie takes Pinky. Her boyfriend has to follow on. His philosophy is that it can't last, you can go off the cutest dog when it starts wanting to go to the pictures with you.

Annette Ridgeway Le Greasley

Jump Little Frog

Hello, hello, hello then. Who are you?

I might ask you the same question.

I’m a beautiful prince—me name’s Rudolph Twistle—and I say, you don’t half catch me left eye.

You look like a little frog to me. I'm ANNETTE RIDGEWAY LE GREASLEY myself and I’m sorry I only catch your left eye.

Me right one’s pointing in a different direction, watching the traffic on the A30. I say, you aren’t half a corker, you wouldn’t like to take me home and put me in a jar of caviar, would you?


Well, it’s all on account of the Queen of Diddleheimer and her ravishing daughter Princess Pinnipot. Me and Pinny - no, well, I won’t bother you with the details, but the Queen went off her tiny nut and in a moment of quite execrable taste turned me into a little frog.

Never mind, you look awfully sweet.

You’re joking. No, come on, take me home and put me in a jar of caviar. Then I’ll turn into a beautiful prince again and maybe we could go off to the South of France together.

That would be lovely. But I already have a beautiful prince. So, jump, little frog, jump.

Oh well, here’s me for that lake again.

Gloria Worth


It’s not easy to decide what to do with your life when life offers such a wide variety of prospects, ranging from filing the white mice in alphabetical order in a pet shop to trying to convert those tribes in New Guinea from head-hunting to cocoa.

Lovely young miss who hasn’t yet made up her mind about her career is GLORIA WORTH of Flintshire.

Gloria has a modelling diploma; a ballet diploma and she also likes gardening and painting.

So, what to do? Where to go?

Pet shops are out. She’s allergic to bird seed. Head-hunters are also out. “I expect they’re very friendly when you get to know them,” she said, “but I’m not the sort of girl to lose my head for the sake of boosting the export of cocoa.”

How about going to Africa and painting elephants?

How about going to Texas and doing some landscape gardening?

How about going on telly commercials?

"Yes,” said Gloria, “I’d like that. I’ll be the girl in the middle of the soapsuds. Lovely.”

Penny Price

What Price Penny ?

The answer isn’t peanuts. It’s more a matter of corn if you consider the title alone. The fact is, this sweet young thing’s name is PENNY PRICE, and we thought there was a gag in that somewhere. But corn and gags apart, Penny is going places in show biz.

To start with, the girl has a background. She used to work in a circus, starting off by flying around on a trapeze. A succession of falls helped her to develop the art of bouncing, and she does it better than a Yo-Yo.

Incidentally, Penny left the circus because they put her into the strong man’s act. The strong man wanted to fire her from a cannon and catch her before she landed. But Penny, a slim young lady at 36"- 22"- 34", thought she might slip through his fingers. Well, there are easier ways of saving money to etcetera, etcetera.

Liz McEwen

Dizzy Pop

Girl who packs ninety minutes of dizzy pop into every hour is cute LIZ McEWEN. If you want to keep up with Liz of the lovely legs you need a pair of souped-up rollerskates.

A week of skating in her wake and then you need a month’s holiday to take the pins and needles out of your feet, leaving Liz to dance gaily on in dizzy, photogenic irresistibility.

It's lovely when you’re young and beautiful.

But it isn’t half paralysing when you're ninety.

Doreen Sheard

Bohemian Type

GIRL who’s just crazy about the Bohemian look in black woollen stockings is DOREEN SHEARD. Doreen’s not a true Bohemian type, however, because she remembers to keep her hair gleaming and well-brushed and her clothes fresh and neatly pressed.

In fact, Doreen’s not an idle Bohemian at all. She’s a hard-working showgirl.

It’s just those black woollen stockings. Irresistible, aren’t they?

Ben's Books

Strip Lingerie No 8 - June Palmer