Pinky Sands

Learner Farmer

One summer day London dolly PINKY SANDS went down on the farm. She didn't really know what a farm was all about except as a place where cows wandered contentedly about, and farmers' sons chased the milkmaids. She had been a cosmopolitan city girl all her life and she found her days down on the farm all loaded with fresh air and fun.

Now she wants to give up cities and help a nice farmer to grow corn and barley and oats. Well, as she knew a spritely farmer's son, she asked him if his dad would like a willing milkmaid who would also be pleased to plant crops. The farmer's son said, "Never mind about what me dad would like, you're hired, so come and drive the tractor from this field to that one."

So, Pinky had a go with the tractor and drove it into a large field surrounded by trees and then said, "What next?" "This suits me fine," said the farmer's son, "it's a rural cul-de-sac." "Oh, you are saucy," said Pinky, fighting him off, "but it's lots of fun."

Beautiful Britons No 232 - March 1975

Becky Gold

There's Loyalty For You

Not only was Hampshire housewife BECKY GOLD determined to stick to her minis, but in an absolutely scintillating gesture of defiant loyalty she went around in her micro models.

With her long legs, her white boots and her cheeky knicks gallantly illustrating and advertising her loyalty, Becky gave all the fellers a fair old treat in her local high street.

Having spent a rotten time recently, in deep mourning for the departed mini, those fellers perked up no end when Becky glided in and out of the shops and wafted over the pavement.

"What a darling," said one feller.

"What an inspiration," said another, "why isn't she Prime Minister?"

Spick No 253 - December 1974

Sara Stuart

Shirts, Sweaters and Boots

When it comes to showing off the latest line in what the model girl is wearing today, fashion model SARA STUART is considerably with it. This is undoubtedly due to the fact that Sara is rather delightful to look at herself, and a shirt or a sweater or a pair of boots can almost be said to do no more than gild the lily.

And when nylons have to be modelled, who has a lovelier leg than Sara? Sara, by the way, is eighteen, spans the tape measure at 36"-22"-35". loves horses and winter sports, and is a classically beautiful Scot.

Spick No 130 - September 1964

Jacqueline Blair

The Question Is

With so many facets to fashion, the question is should a girl go for boots or frills or Long Johns?

Secretary JACQUELINE BLAIR thought it might solve something if she went for all three but found out immediately that Long Johns simply don't go with a mini.

Boots go with a mini and so does a straw hat on a sunny day, and frills go with anything. But Long Johns are for warmth and comfort, not for viewing, So Jackie bought a maxi and everything was as it should be. Except that the maxi hid the boots and frills as well and she had to acquire the cutest straw hat she could find and wait for a sunny day.

Judie Jayson

Frilly Feeling

There's such a minimum amount of lingerie worn by girls these days that lots of manufacturers who are in it for the money are getting worried almost to death. The lot of a pauper is not a happy one in any era.

There's а great yearning among the lingerie-makers for the days when a girl wasn't ready to slip her dress on unless she was wearing at least six petticoats. In Grandpa Bertie's family album there's a sepia-tinted picture of Grandma Emma riding a penny-farthing at Eastbourne, and in the pic Grandma Emma looks a riot of billowing lace. It must have cost Grandpa Bertie a fortune to fit her out, especially when they were at Eastbourne.

Anyway, the frilly feeling is something the girls will want to experience again at some time in the future. Here's JUDIE JAYSON looking abundantly frilly and if she makes some of you come all over nostalgic you must be well past twenty and a Beatles fan.

Whatever happened to that lot?

Span No 207 - November 1971

Elizabeth Gallacher

Bikini Line

On our last visit to the South of France the fashion writers were telling us the bikini was out and the new line was a one-piece. But the fashion writers were up the wall. The bikini was still in. You weren't surprised and neither were we, for when you consider how the line makes curvy ELIZABETH GALLACHER look even more curvy, who wants her to wear a one-piece?

Spick No 130 - September 1964

Renate Dittmann

Favourite Fraulein

"Some of my best friends are Germans," said the man in the Piccadilly bar. "Oh? Why?" asked the second man whose name was Smith.

"I come from Munich,” said the first man.

"I tell you what," said Smith, eyeing a svelte redhead who'd just come in with a virile-looking guitar-player, "I'd like my best friend to come from West Berlin.”

"Please explain more," said the man from Munich, "I am most interested, although it is not in West Berlin where you will find the most happy Germans, but in Munich. I am from Munich.”

"And very nice too, " said Smith sort of non-commit tally. "But I'm not thinking of someone like you. It's been a pleasure meeting you, but l've got a different shape in mind. It's a girl.

"Ah," said the man from Munich.

"She's my favourite fraulein," said Smith, "and her name is RENATE DITTMANN and she doesn't half make my tonsils twitch. Talk about sex appeal. I certainly couldn't wish for a best friend better than her. We could have some marvellous outings to museums. How are you on museums?"

"I am fine. How are you on German beer?"

"Well, if you insist,” said Smith, "I’II have another lager and a hot frank-furter.”

Beautiful Britons No 154 - September 1968

Gina Dawson

Same Girl

Perhaps GINA DAWSON doesn't look the same girl in her bikini as she does in her wig, but there's no basic difference. She looks gorgeous all the time, no matter what she's wearing, which is why she's been crowned as a beauty queen. We daresay you'd like it if the girl next door looked like Gina, but you've got your prize geraniums and your giant delphiniums, so what more do you want, greedy?

Spick No 185 - April 1969

Pauline Gorvin

The Perils of Pauline

Ah, yes, there was this villainous miscreant who tied Emily Engadine to the railway line. Emily, the beautiful counter-intelligence agent, is actually none other than PAULINE GORVIN, a lovely Hampshire girl.

Well, some awfully decent bloke rescued her, Pauline dashed off, jumped into her red sports car, and roared off in pursuit of a devilish plot hatched by some unshaven burks who had it in for the Royal Navy. On the road Pauline picked up a dashing captain, they stopped at a roadhouse for a quick steak medium-rare and a bottle of champagne. They stayed for coffee and had a lovely evening, and as for the unshaven burks, they got jammed up in a level crossing and the Royal Navy sailed at dawn, after all.

Beautiful Britons No 153 - August 1968