Marilyn Ward and Pauline Gorvin

Boutique Buy

There were these two girls, you see. One of them runs a boutique in

Bournemouth and the other one came in to buy something.

Blonde MARILYN WARD runs the boutique and the girl who came in to buy was PAULINE GORVIN. So, round the hangers they went and the conversation was something like this.

"Ah. Um. I wonder?"

"Yes, it's fab, isn't it? Try it on."

"Oh, but how about this one?"

"It goes awfully well with a coke."

"I like plum juice. Do you like plum juice?"

"I like it in a plum pie. Were you out with that boy from the travel agency last night?"

"Cheeky devil tried to sell me a ticket to Singapore. On a banana boat of all things. Oh, isn't that sweet? Is it my size?"

"Costume jewellery is all the rage with that style, you know."

"Yes, I know. I wish you didn't have such a marvellous stock; I'd like to buy so much of it, but I can't, I'm saving up to go to Spain”.

"I went there last year. Aren't those matadors slinky?"

"I can look after myself, it's those poor bulls I feel sorry for. Do you know, I really think I like this dress best."

"Honestly no, really it looks super."

"Well, I'll have it."

"But, Pauline, it's the one you were wearing when you came in.

Span No 177 - May 1969

Inga Svenson

Inga Comes To Stay

Born in Oslo, Norway, INGA SVENSON grew up to be a Scandinavian beauty and then, when she was twenty-one, came to England.

She came as an au pair girl to perfect her English and to see something of the country and its people.

Now, having been with us eight months, she wants to settle here. Keen on ballet, Inga would very much like to enter this world of beautiful ballerinas and exquisite music.

Long-legged and lithe at five feet six, with vitalistics of 35-23-35, she's just right for a ballet company. For a girl with such artistic ambitions, it would be frustrating to end up as a courier for Norwegian visitors to London. But Inga isn't going to be frustrated if she can help it.

Span No 205 - September 1971

Bridget Cole

Bow Belle

My interest in this charming locality (said the man behind the glass of whisky) is that of a visitor agog to probe into its historical associations and to find out whether such associations have any influence on certain of its inhabitants today.

Well, seeing you been and bought me a pint (said the geezer behind the glass of bitter), I ain't going to be abductive.

I think you mean obstructive. Naturally, any co-operation you can give me I shall be excessively grateful for. Perhaps, for instance, you could tell me when the bells ring out?


The bells of Bow. It is my desire to listen to them and define the limits of the sound. In that way I shall discover the exact area relevant to my further investigations on Cockneys.


The bells of Bow. I want

This ain't Bow, me lord, this is the Elephant and Castle. Still, seeing you done me a favour with this pint, I'II do you one. Here's a picture of a corking bow belle. Only she wears hers in her hair. Name's BRIDGET COLE. Lives at Crawley in Sussex. Rides a lovely gee-gee. What's your name, guv?

Cedric. What's yours?

Mine's a pint. Same again, your highness.

Beautiful Britons No 153 - August 1968

Marie Fitzgerald

Nature Is Lovely Too

People who live in concrete jungles hardly know about the beauties of nature except when they go to the Costa Brava once a year and see all the striped umbrellas and the consumable octopi.

Outside the towns nature still thrives. Inside the towns there are lovely girls to look at, and this so compensates some lovers of human beauty that they don't care if they never see another blade of grass.

MARIE FITZGERALD, a secretary, is considerably easy on the eye. Put Marie in an outdoor location and she looks even better. But what about the trees, they're lovely too, ‘aren’t they?

What trees?

Beautiful Britons No 154 - September 1968

Your Thoughts

Are You Thinking What I Am Thinking?

Do you think this looks like someone we are all very familiar with?

Thanks for sending in these pictures. A nice set of pictures that I am sure many have not seen before.

Jennifer Taylor

On The Subject of Jennifer

Last month we were extremely good to all our impressionable male readers. We introduced JENNIFER APRIL ANN TAYLOR of Bristol to them and all those who couldn't wait sent us heavily underlined letters asking for more. They said if they didn't get more they'd die or something.

So, all right, here are more scintillating pics of Jennifer and anyone who is suffering from excruciating love at first sight can come and join us on our steamed fish diet. Apparently, if love hits you as excruciatingly as that, steamed fish three times a day brings you back to cool, man. We're so infatuated with Jennifer ourselves that we're not eating at all. We're just drinking apple juice. For your information, all it does is make you feel like a windfall. Dear lovely Jennifer, when can we go to the moon with you?

Linda Nash

Nice For The Visitors

Visitors' days at hospitals are designed to bring cheer and comfort to you, the patient. It's when your loved ones bring you juicy grapes and lots of light chat about your operation.

You wish they'd go away. Operations are interesting to visitors but unspeakable to you while you've still got the stitches in.

At the hospital in Portsmouth where lovely LINDA NASH is a receptionist, it's real nice for the male visitors. One look at Linda and they wouldn't mind staying for an operation themselves.

This auburn-haired dolly is a perfect example of how to make any visitor's first impressions of a hospital look like a picturesque home from home. She's twenty-three and a very keen amateur photographer. It goes without saying that she's even better in front of a camera than she is behind it.

Span No 205 - September 1971

Dawn Grayson

Finders Is Keepers

If you ever find a girl as lovely as DAWN GRAYSON lost in the world, try to persuade her that finders is keepers, then you can take her home and introduce her to mum and dad. 

Spick No 272 - July 1976