Marie Graham

All Right, Just For Fred

Our Fred has always had a gleam in his eye for MARIE GRAHAM, readers' favourite.

So just for Fred- because of all his blarney, which he got from falling down a well in Devon-Marie put on her black nylons and had a town-and-country hairdo. A town-and-country hairdo is one that looks lovely in Bond Street or Farmer King's meadow.

Fred likes black nylons.

"So, there you are, then, like Marie's, do you?'

"Geddoudavit," said Fred, "I'm not telling you; I'm writing to her."

"Oh, passionate, are we?"

Spick No 253 - December 1976

Herta Busch

Pardon Our Crises

Sometimes we hardly know how visitors can put up with us, what with our politicians and our crises.

It was a relief to see HERTA BUSCH from West Germany finding something to smile about. Was it one of our politicians or one of our crises which tickled her?

"Ha," said Herta, "politicians, no. I tell you, Charley”

"I'm Harry, actually," said the photographer. "Ja, Charley. See, I tell you, I never let politicians tickle me. I laugh more at crises than at politicians, crises more funny than any politician, you think so too, no?"

“You were meaning you never let politicians make you laugh?"

"Ja. I like a good cry when I listen to ours."

"Go on?"

"You too, Charley?" she said.

"Me too. And call me Harry, eh?"

"Sure, Charley. Any time."

Spick No 253 - December 1974

Sharon Walton

Sharon Walton - Black Silk Stockings (Elmer Batters)

Look What We Found!

Now that the response to our search for new COVER GIRLS in BLACK SILK STOCKINGS has provided us with an ample selection to choose from, we have unanimously decided on SHARON WALTON to be our first cover girl uncovered in our search for beauty. Strange as it may seem, Sharon was born and raised just outside the front door of one of the largest movie studios in Hollywood. It appears to us that perhaps the talent scouts in Hollywood have been so busy searching for this type of beauty all over the world that they just haven't had the time to discover Sharon who has been growing up under their noses for the past 19 years. Nevertheless, Sharon hasn't really tried her luck at being discovered since she is biding her time at home with her father and mother. In submitting her photo to BLACK SILK STOCKINGS Sharon wanted to prove to herself that she had what it takes to be a Cover Girl. We would like to hear from our readers as to what they think of our selection in Sharon. Just by chance if any talent scout from Hollywood should see this issue of BLACK SILK STOCKINGS while they're traveling on the high seas aboard a slow boat to China looking for new beauty, please feel free to contact us and we will arrange for their introduction to Sharon, the girl who lives just outside their front office door.

Black Silk Stockings - Volume 1 No 7 (1959)

Black Silk Stockings As eBooks

Annette Ridgeway

The Story Of My Life

It's been a series of demoralising misses, said Jack Boggletonk. To start with, as soon as I was ten, I knew there was something about girls that my parents hadn't told me about. Kind of hypnotic, they were, and the way they went tweet-tweet after Sunday School fascinated me.

I was dead gone on one called Rosie. But by the time I plucked up enough courage to ask her to my birthday party, she'd changed her religion.

Then when I was fifteen, I was mad on a cracking little blonde called Marie. Just as I was about to treat her to a seat in the cinema, up came a feller twice my size and she went home to tea with him.

And then take this stunning brunette you're looking at now. ANNETTE RIDGEWAY. Marvellous. Lovely figure, gorgeous legs and the nicest disposition. I saw her picture in a paper and after thinking about her for a month and not hardly having any sleep, I wrote her the most romantic letter I could think of.

The post office returned it, saying Miss Ridgeway had just gone to the South of France on her honeymoon, and that she was now a Mrs. Some fellers have all the luck, marrying girls like that. I don't have any luck at all.

I keep missing.

Beautiful Britons No 169 - December 1969

Liz Harvey

Want To Bet?

Hampshire girl LIZ HARVEY is a sales assistant who has also been a model. She's also appeared in films. But she's quite happy to be modest in her ambitions, and she has only one real burning desire. That's to lay a winning bet on a hundred-to-one Derby shot and see it come first past the post.

Liz, you see, loves a gamble. She'll bet on anything except strip poker. At strip poker she's pretty sure that the fellers use the crookedest methods to get a girl down to her undies. And these days, she says, undies are so brief that when a girl is down to them it can be terribly draughty. Aside from enjoying a gamble, Liz also loves skating and surfing, riding and dancing.

At twisting and swinging in a discotheque or galloping a horse through the New Forest, Liz is conspicuously eye-catching.

You can bet on that.

Span No 205 - September 1971

Look Who I Spotted

Things are not always as they seem.

Here are two pages extracted from Stocking Parade Volume 1 No 5 (1966) Letters to the Editor. Can you spot Brenda North, Penny Baxter, Rosanne Stuart, and possibly Elizabeth Gallacher in a very familiar garage and kitchen? They were all supposedly sent in as reader pictures.

Janus - ToCo Girl Selection

Janus - Volume 1 No 11 - 1972

A selection of ToCo favourites spotted in an early edition of Janus. Quite a few ToCo models were to be found in these early editions of Janus. I guess ToCo sold the pictures to them.

Lets put some names to faces. I will start things of with a nice easy one.

Dawn Grayson - Picture 6 (Bottom Row)

Ella Busch

They Just Don't Care, Do They?

We thought we'd missed what it was like in West Berlin during the streaking season. Then our Berlin photographer sent us some candid camera angles on ELLA BUSCH cantering around a windy corner in not much more than a reinforced G-string, except that at that point she still had her fur coat on.

When she got close to the Kurfurstendamm it wasn't quite such a chilly wind, so off came the coat and she streaked in a classical dash from point A to point B, and while it lasted it wasn't half good to look at, especially as the G-string fell off midway.

Honestly, they don't care, do they?

Span No 245 - January 1975