Nicola Taylor


There are times when we like to be in the garden. And if we had a garden next to the garden of NICOLA TAYLOR we'd be absolute fanatics about flowers and vegetables.

Nicola has two hobbies. One is listening to pop records; the other is gardening. She looks dreamy when she's listening to the records and if we had to get lost on a desert island with a record-player we’d choose Nicola to play it for us.

But in the garden, when she's digging up weeds, Nicola looks the epitome of outdoor charm. Not everyone looks like that in a herbaceous border, especially the man next door to us. He looks like a digger of canals and you can’t even talk to him without getting an unwanted clod of earth in your eye.

We'll have to move.

Beautiful Britons No 143 - October 1967

Janet Ross

Front Line Frills

It's frills to the fore with JANET ROSS, London showgirl seen in the front line of high-stepping chorines. If you can believe it Janet spent her earlier years training to be a nurse but gave it up when she found exams keeping her awake at night!

Janet has a flat in South London where she cosily tucks herself up to sleep long and late it's the late hours of show biz which keep her awake at nights now.

Janet is 5' 9" with big eyes and long legs. Amid those frills we think she looks even more delightful as a model than she does as a showgirl.

Spick No 110 - January 1963

Susan Douglas

The Bees and the Bird

There was a lot of humming going on. The bees were out and after the honey. There was a nice svelte bird around. SUSAN DOUGLAS. So, there were the bees and the bird and the honey. Along came a bloke on a bike, he liked honey and loved birds.

"I'll come and join you," he said, "I need somewhere to prop my bike."

Well, he wasn't a morose type, he was someone to talk to and Susan likes a chat. So, they had a nice chat and the bees had a good hum and that's how to make the world go round instead of blowing it up.

Judy Coe

It's All Go

When your secretary to a dynamic boss of an expanding business, when you're also an active participant in a new boutique and there are all the other interests of life to cope with-like learning to drive a milk float or knitting scarves for pop groups there's no doubt life is all go.

It's certainly all go for Secretary JUDY COE. She whirls around like a very photogenic astronaut in orbit. She makes a lovely rocket and she's exquisite when she's got time to make a landing on the lounge carpet. Her ambitions are boundless and she's a natural glamour girl and if we knew two more like her we'd be in an absolute tizzy of delight. It's being so delightful on the eye that does it. What a wonderful way to get eyestrain.

Beautiful Britons No 137 - April 1967

Mrs Smith

Mrs Smith

Out for a drive in the country.

Sylvia Ternes

A Nut For Nikki

Captivating young thing in a park in West Berlin is Nikki the squirrel-and so, for that matter, is Nikki's favourite stroller, SYLVIA TERNES. Nikki being somewhat temperamental, he won't take any food unless you go down on your knees to him, and though this makes it somewhat awkward for a girl in a tight skirt, Sylvia humours the little devil - otherwise he follows her home, nipping at her ankles all the way.

Span No 127 - March 1965

Sandy Sarjean


Seen swinging and shuffling in the Playboy Club of West Berlin is playgirl SANDY SARJEAN.

This is one of the gayer nightspots of the city, where those who prefer the atmosphere of lush decor and scintillating swing to staying at home with a good book can have a wonderful evening after a long working day.

It's bright, fast-moving, and packed not with the paunchy moneyed clientele who used to have such high-class establishments to themselves, but with the young.

Sandy Sarjean, a busy, conscientious office girl, likes nothing better than a whirly, twisty evening out in this club. It sets her up to meet the chores of the following day with renewed strength.

It's like that with the young.

Span No 161 - February 1968

Pamela Johnston

Travelling Dolly

Girl who loves wandering is PAMELA JOHNSTON of Glasgow.

Pam is a secretary and one of the modern kind who likes to work her way around the wonders of the world. She's been all over Europe, all over Canada and the U.S.A.

Some people can't even take a bus ride without feeling lost once they've gone past the fourpenny stage. But Pam inherits the spirit of her ancestors who explored the world by sailing ship and horseback.

She's thinking of doing the Rockies on a mule.

Lucky old mule.

Span No 198 - February 1971

Maggie McCully


“Have you dropped her down a mineshaft?’’ A question, that, which is typical of many we’ve had thrown at us in connection with MAGGIE McCULLY. Although we’ve never said so, we now admit that we do indeed make a habit of dropping all Maggies down mineshafts. Girls like to go a long way in this modern world, particularly if they are beautiful, like Maggie McCully, and we’re sure the way from the top to a bottom of a mineshaft is very long indeed.

“No, seriously, you don’t mean all that jazz." Listen, Buster, there’s no jazz about it. Ask Maggie.

"All right. Did you get dropped down a mineshaft, Maggie?"

“But of course.”

“What on earth was it like?”

“Narrow. I was scraped all the way from top to bottom.”

Good old Maggie.

Jo Ritchie

Waiting for Winter

Looking very photogenic by her fireside is Hampshire girl JO RITCHIE.

Jo, who works in an office in Bournemouth, is staking her claim to the warmest spot on the rug while she waits for winter.

One thing that's nice about winter is a long cosy evening by the fireside with a good book or a thriller on the telly.

One thing that's even nicer is Jo.

Beautiful Britons No 182 - January 1971

Anita St George

Anthropology Must Have Charm

University student ANITA ST.GEORGE has brains as well as beauty. Since it isn't difficult for us to show you just how beautiful she is, it's only fair to give you a written description of her brains. Otherwise, she'll think - and so will you - that we only care about her looks.

Anita has the keenest brains you could wish for in any girl. She passed her entrance exams standing on her head, as it were. And just to convince you we're not fooling; we must point out that at university Anita's main subject is anthropology.

Anthropology, of course, is the scientific study of homo sapiens. All a of us. A more involved and a more difficult subject than the human race has still to be invented.

It's always sounded like something only Freud could find truly fascinating, but it must have charm to fascinate a girl like Anita. We've sent her an extremely well written note asking her to come up and study us over a pot of China tea. Her conclusions may be somewhat shattering but it's one way of enjoying her company and appreciating her intellect.

Spick No 210 - May 1971

Ruth Cavendish and Anne Scott

Anyone Seen a Horse

RUTH CAVENDISH and ANNE SCOTT have nothing against cars except the fact that they're full of things like distributors, plugs, tappets, cylinders and knocks. When they broke down on their way to Edinburgh, that was it no more cars. The girls sat down and waited for a spare gee-gee to happen along.

Not only do Ruth and Anne not believe in leaving a broken-down car to thumb lifts in vehicles even more likely to break down, they are by nature much more addicted to the faithfulness of horses than to the mechanics of motoring.

And horses know, you know. These two do, anyway. Robert and Wallace. Just the hint of a pretty girl stranded by a blown gasket and there they are, the noble nags, to take the weight off their sweet feet. And the fact is, friends, Wallace has an eye for a pretty knee and no error.

Carlene Thomson

There's Always Tomorrow

The ambition of CARLENE THOMSON is to win the football pools and travel around in her own private plane.

Carlene knows it might not happen today.

But there's always tomorrow or the day after.

In the meantime, Carlene works away as a secretary and models in her spare time. This doesn't help her to build up a bank account because she's so mad about clothes she spends all she earns on them. But it does help her to look lovely on weekdays and absolutely smashing at weekends.

Spick No 211 - June 1971

Mandy Wright

Handy Mandy

Not only is she a gorgeous dolly bird, but also a beautifully handy girl to have around in all kinds of circumstances. MANDY WRIGHT, in fact, can row your boat when the engine breaks down and change your car tyre when you get a flat.

She can a knock up a stunning meal from bread, cheese, and eggs when you've run out of everything else and work out a string of fascinating alibis for you when you forget your girlfriend’s birthday.

In addition, she lights up the skyline on the darkest night or illuminates the house during a power cut. That is, she's a cracker to look at any time. She lives in London.

London is all lit up.

Beautiful Britons No 207 - February 1973

Margaret Box

Lovely In Lingerie

THE lingerie is white nylon. The lovely is MARGARET BOX. Margaret's the London girl with the Spanish look that makes us think of whirling flamencos and lace mantillas. Handsome matadors, please note.

We've never seen Margaret in a lace mantilla performing a whirling flamenco. We're quite happy to see how attractive she looks in lingerie.

Anyone with a preference for a Spanish motif?

Then try Madrid.

Spick Extra No 12 - Winter 1960