Iris Gettinger

No Need

When we found IRIS GETTINGER, a lovely young fraulein we met in West Berlin, trying to make herself look more beautiful, we knew this was a perfect case of gilding the lily, for Iris is so naturally photogenic she has absolutely no need to try and improve her looks.

Annette French

You Must Have Been

Indeed, it’s very obvious that ANNETTE FRENCH must have been a beautiful baby, for just look at her now a pin-up girl with dark-eyed glamour from top to toe perfect to gaze upon and perfect to know.

Annette’s natural love is beautiful clothes, on which she spends most of the money she earns working for a book publisher, and there’s no girl who does more justice to beautiful clothes than Annette.

Annette is nineteen, is engaged to be married some guy is an exceptionally lucky guy and has vitalistics of 35-23-36 going down.

Among all those clothes of hers Annette counts frilly underwear in all its modern allure, and we can assure her that she doesn’t need that mirror to show her how good and gorgeous she looks in it.

Sandie Brown

The Girl and the Décor

Some people—the aesthetic, art-collecting kind—think the most important thing to have in the home is decor. Once upon a time, certainly, nobody thought a home looked anything if it didn’t have wallpaper full of roses, but that was as far as it went. There might be a stuffed bird or two, a bow-legged table and an aspidistra, but all in all what really counted was the little woman.

In Victorian times she had to be a big woman. Well, they believed in women looking like women. None of your Twiggies. She had to be built, and if she wasn’t she used a bustle to help.

So, what do you look for today—velvet curtains, colourful decor, wall tables? Or a wife like SANDIE BROWN, who’d take your mind off any decor, no matter how way out? Sandie has a bewitching figure 38"-24"-37"—and we can tell you straight, we wouldn’t care if the decor was all old and peeling as long as we had Sandie to look at.

Of course, if you are incurably aesthetic but also incurably human, you’d like the girl and the decor, wouldn’t you?

Margot West

Where’s My Mechanic?

Attractive Yorkshire secretary, MARGOT WEST, found the farm tractor a recalcitrant brute.

It was stop, go, stop, go and stop. The mechanic, a wild irresponsible type, had gone off to play Bingo at the corn exchange, and there was nothing left for Margot to fall back on except her own initiative. Bravely discarding her skirt in case, it caught up in the big end, our secretarial type got down to proving it’s not only typewriters she can cope with.

And how did it all work out? Listen to Margot herself. “Is there a mechanic in the house?”

Fay Stevens

In The Top Ten

New Favourite FAY STEVENS has already climbed into the top ten most popular pin-up girls featured by us, and we figure from Fay’s curvy cuteness that this was inevitable.

Fay, who decorates a London office five days every week, is bound to stay at the top while that same curvy cuteness is all her own.

Well, there aren’t many discerning guys who prefer bringing their stamp albums up-to-date to looking at pictures of Fay, and any who do rate sticking stamps the preferable pastime have missed out somewhere along the line.

Sonny Brennan


It’s mod to wear long boots and its ultra-mod to go for rainwear in rubber these days, as modelled here by SONNY BRENNAN, looking slinky in her shining mackintosh. It’s sleek and it’s weatherproof and just right for Sonny to wrap herself in when out in her fast sports car.

And it certainly gives Sonny her mod look, for Sonny is very mod. Born in Yorkshire of Anglo-Irish parents, Sonny is working in London as a model, and fills the bill at 36"-24"-36".

Rita Johns

Gone to Ski

The travelling baker, young and extremely personable, knocked at the apartment door in Knightsbridge.

It was opened by Ernestine, a languidly tormenting blonde.

"Who are you?" she said.

"I'm Faversham," he said, "I've got a bakery in Chelsea and I brought Rita a couple of crusty cobs. It's my day for doing my rounds."

"Thrilling." said the blonde, "but you picked the wrong day. Rita's gone to ski."

Faversham was quite upset. He liked baking crusty bread for RITA JOHNS and bringing it to her in person. No wonder. This is Rita and you can see how lovely she is to bring bread or biscuits to. She's secretary to a tycoon and is mad about ski-ing. That's why she was in Zermatt when the baker called.

She's nineteen, measures 36-24-36 and came to London from Newcastle.

Meanwhile, Faversham was pressing his crusty cob loaves on the languidly tormenting blonde, and she wasn't half playing hard to press.

Linda White

Winsome Scott

Across the border there are any number of sweet Scots. One very sweet and winsome lass is LINDA WHITE, a secretary in Glasgow.

Every time Norrie Perkins goes over the border to look for a girl much on the same lovely lines as Linda, lots of men in kilts take hold of him and throw him back again.

Last time he landed in the middle of the traffic in Carlisle. “Get up,” said the policeman, “or I’ll book you for obstruction.” “I’m not here voluntarily,” said Norrie, “it was compulsive.”

So the policeman booked him for being saucy as well. But Norrie keeps on trying. He’s hoping to meet Linda. So are we all.

Diane McCall and Jackie Leyton


Last time we introduced gay girls JACKIE LEYTON, and DIANE McCALL, and here we continue the series.

The liveliness of bright young things like Jackie and Diane is inexhaustible, and no doubt as bonny Scots they get all their energy from porridge. We’re not sure if Aunt Esther would be all that delighted about them jumping over the furniture, but as she’s at the local whist drive let ignorance be bliss.

Diane isn’t taking a rest on the floor. To tell you the truth, Jackie tripped her, and the floor just came up and hit the pretty brunette.

Fair’s fair. To even things up Jackie fell flat on her face. We missed the shot, thus saving Jackie a lot of embarrassment, and made do with this one instead. Well, it makes a gracefully leggy finale, don't you think?

Diane McCall and Jackie Leyton

When You’re Young Enough

When, in fact, you’re still in your teens like DIANE McCALL, and JACKIE LEYTON, you can jive all day and still have enough energy left to run for your bus. Frolicking to the record-player at home, Diane and Jackie first pin up those voluminous skirts.

You need to keep from tripping up over all those frills— besides which both Diane and Jackie are confident that in giving their legs plenty of room to skip around they’re showing off limbs pretty enough to catch any eye.

Jackie wasn’t quite sure where Diane was sticking this particular safety-pin, but she couldn’t get away even though she did start climbing.

At this stage our twosome were all set to catch up with the record, and a pretty pair of leggy lovelies they made on the second band.

To the question of where they'd got to at this stage they answered, “Where else but in the groove, man?”

Ann Terry

On Parade

When the beauty queens are called on parade among those present is almost certain to be ANN TERRY current queen of Brentwood, and a beautiful blonde to boot. Destined to hit the top in contests this summer, Ann has a figure which goes just right with that bright smile. What’s, just right? Why, 37-23-37.

Ann is just eighteen, is 5' 5", works in an office and is looking forward to bikini time on the summery beaches—and so are we.

Carole Christie

Who’s the Cute One?

“Ooh, what a dream,” said Esmerelda when she saw cute Cuthbert the kitten.

“By Harry, what a dream,” said Ethelred when he saw cute CAROLE CHRISTIE.

And Esmerelda gave chase to Cuthbert and Ethelred would have given chase to Carole, but Carole stuck her foot out and Ethelred being Ethelred wasn’t ready for it. He tripped over it and nearly fell off Beachy Head.

It put him right off the place. Well, Carole lives near Beachy Head and the drop is frightening.

And after Cuthbert the kitten had scratched Esmerelda, Esmerelda went home with a preference for puppies. Cuthbert went home to Carole and Carole tickled the back of his neck and he liked it so much he went to sleep. Wasn’t that a nice story, kiddies?

Katie Saunders

Making Progress

When KATIE SAUNDERS moved to a new job in an office in York, everyone sat up. The men sat up because Katie was so good to look at and the girls sat up because they so liked the look of Katie’s outfit. Katie’s outfit was a cool white button-up top and a tangerine mini-skirt, and to go with this eye-catching ensemble she had precision and efficiency. She also had a lovely figure and a pair of ice skates. “I’m dead fed-up she’s so efficient,” said one smitten feller, “I’d love to show her how to do the filing.”

Katie was only concerned with doing a good day’s work and making progress so that she could buy a new pair of skates and a “come dancing” dress. Katie is devoted to figure eights and to the ballroom. Figure eights are good for the form, and ballroom dancing gives a girl grace and poise. Katie proves it. Absolutely gorgeous girl.

Susan Smith

London Lovely

Born in London, living in London and working in London, SUSAN SMITH is just one more eye-catching reason why the metropolis is such a magnet for visitors. It's not just the monuments or the changing of the guard, you see it's also the pretty girls, and Susan is very pretty. She also has a fine figure that measures 38"-24"-38".

Sheila Dore


We’re referring to the teddy bear, but SHEILA DORE herself is quite a curvaceous young lady and no doubt if you had the choice you’d prefer to walk out with Sheila rather than Ted.

Alas, Sheila already has a boyfriend. Eighteen, and a typist in the City of London, Sheila has never lost her affection for her teddy bear, and to that cuddly creature Sheila is known as Goldilocks. He’s very fond of the telly and has a current aptitude for the Twist. It comes easier to anyone with wired joints.