Dawn Grayson

That Reminds Me

“I must get my hair done,” said DAWN GRAYSON.

 “Why must you? It looks fine as it is.”

 ‘‘Which style do you prefer?” she asked.

 ‘‘Oh, are they different, then?”

 “You’re as blind as a bat,” she said.

 “It’s your fault—our eyesight gets all bent every time we look at you.”

Susan Douglas

Bridging the Gap

The Short Skirt trend has presented stocking manufacturers with the problem of concealing the stocking tops and bare thighs now sometimes visible when the girls sit down. Or even when they stand up as SUSAN DOUGLAS illustrates.

Sylvan Collins

Seen the View Dad?

"Come here, son. Look at this. It's a lyxtuscancilius. Not many of them about these days."

 "Just as well, dad. It's horrible. I like daisies best. You seen the view, dad?"

 "Not now, son. I'm concentrating on this lyxtuscancilius."

 "I never seen a view as good as this, dad."

 "What view? Here, half a tick, stand aside, my boy. Ah. Mmm. Now look, son, here's two bob. Go to that shop two miles down the road and buy yourself an ice cream. If you see your mother tell her I sat on a lyxtuscancilius and I'll join her when I'm better."

 "I'll tell her about the view too, shall I, dad?"

 "Would you like a thumping or another two bob?"

 "Make it another two bob, dad."

Dad wasn't so potty about wild flowers that he couldn't recognise a view as lovely as the one SYLVAN COLLINS made.

Sylvan is a London dolly who looks swinging in a discotheque and absolutely enchanting in the sunshine. Wasn't it wonderful that dad had his camera with him to capture a permanent record of the view?

Lois Davis

Every Inch Counts

In Toronto there dwells the sweetest young thing who stands just 5' I" and is called Petit’ Petit’ by her friends. Born in the States, LOIS DAVIS is now resident in Canada, works in a Toronto office and is trimmer, neater and far more exciting to take to an ice hockey game than any filing system.

Lois is crazy about ice hockey and it’s great to have her with you, she makes the whole thing an inspiration instead of just another game. If, in her excitement, she stands you on your head, just don’t think about it. It leaves off eventually.

Cherie Scott

Sugar and Spice

You’ve all heard about what little girls are made of. Big girls are rather nicely put together too. Scottish secretary CHERIE SCOTT is all grown-up and absolutely delicious. Like all the most endearing representatives of her fascinating sex, she loves finding out in the kitchen. Her recipes are guaranteed, when the end product emerges, to make a man all sweetness and light.

 Sugar and spice in Cherie’s kitchen are a must. Sugar for the tastiest cookies, spice for the most mouth-watering savouries. How people can worry about what’s next on the telly when life can be made wonderful by having a good cook around, is beyond us. And when the cook is as bewitching as Cherie, you can even forget about the bomb.

Marita Saunders

Fancy a Game?

Housewife MARITA SAUNDERS isn't just a pretty face in a modern kitchen, she's a glamour girl around a snooker table. That's pool to American readers.

Fancy a game or two with Marita? She'll give you four blacks start, and while you're ruminating on her mini-dress and wondering why it was that you didn't marry a girl just like her, Marita will have potted you right out of the game.

And she'll do it all with a lovely smile and a wizard cue.

It might make you sadly conscious of your incompetence but at least it won't hurt.

Marita is from Croydon, has lovely big eyes and measures 38-24-36.

Jan Lloyd

Oh, Happy Days

Out in the country, whizzing around in a fast car and all that. Happy days. Very happy for JAN LLOYD, 23-year-old English housewife with a zest for zingy fresh air and brief minis. As well as being a housewife she's a short -hand typist and lives in Havant, Hampshire.

Would you believe it? Jan and her husband are engaged with a do-it-your-self building group in the erection of their own house. Jan looks lovely at week-ends when she's mixing cement, laying bricks and climbing ladders. Naturally, she looks particularly lovely on the latter. And she's quite an eyeful when she's tinkering around with her car, too.

Dawn Grayson


When the bath water was halfway up the bath our glamour girl DAWN GRAYSON slipped on the tiles and fell in.

She found herself immersed when she wasn't really dressed for it. She plunged about and called for help and the cameraman went in. He only had his camera with him and said, "I don't think you're actually drowning, so stay like that for a few minutes and I'll capture your impromptu wet look.”

"Wet? I'm soaked,” said Dawn.

"Don't worry, I'll go and get you a lifebelt as soon as I've finished the film,” said he.

"Oh, well, in for a penny, in for a splash," said Dawn.

June Perfect

Selection Perfect

Where could you expect to find a dollier dolly than in a theatrical agency? Well, it so happens that Blodwen Morgan- Jones will bet you a hindquarter of chilled beef—worth a packet of anybody's money—that the really scrumptious dollies are only to be found in the Welsh hills.

"Exactly whereabouts?" said Fred passionately.

"Ah, bach," said Blodwen, "anywhere in the hills, but they only come out at night, look you, for seen in the light of day they'd all be carried off by those rampaging Normans."

She must be living in the primitive past or something. We're living in the present, all cracking fireworks and vibrating dollies.

This one is JUNE PERFECT. She's secretary to a theatrical agent who specialises in auditioning beautiful birds to send to the European capitals as Go-Go dancers. There is, apparently, an unending demand for English Go-Goers throughout Europe.

All the girls are first interviewed by June. Only the best get by.

Her selection is always perfect.

Angela Perkins

Bonny Scot

Fashion model ANGELA PERKINS is a very bonny Scot with vitalistics of 36"-23"-36". Her hobby is indulging her wanderlust, and having already taken in most of the Continental countries she now has her feet itching to tread farther shores. Angela is twenty-three and is as sweet as they come.

Janet Scowen

Secretarial Type

Working as a secretary in West Germany is English girl JANET SCOWEN, who combines photogenic charm with efficient stenography. We don’t know who her boss is, but he’s a lucky guy to have a girl like Janet around the office five days a week. Can’t imagine anyone we’d rather see pounding a typewriter than Miss Scowen.

The background is probably the Black Forest. Well, if that’s so, they never found anyone more shapely than Janet to set it off, nor anyone who could leg it around the place with more graceful limbs than she has, mmm ?

Christiane Schmidtmer

Easy On The Ear

If it comes to facts, German vocal star CHRISTIANE SCHMIDTMER is not only easy on the ear, she’s also very easy on the optics. A great favourite on the Continent, Christiane’s vocal talent and physical beauty have now landed her in Hollywood. Good show.

Anne Worth

Student Power

Eighteen-year-old ANNE WORTH is living proof of student power. Enjoying her college life, she's a stunning example of how to exercise influence without throwing eggs.

She merely looks herself.

College men waver around uncertainly in her presence, wondering if they ought to get married now instead of waiting for the capitalist system to be upended.

Anne is studying history and other subjects. She wants to be a teacher. Fred wanted to know if she intended to take evening classes.

"Where?" said Anne.

"In my drawing-room," said Fred.

"Cheeky," said Anne.

Helen Milligan

Field Day

A field day means you’re having a whale of a time with the whole place to yourself, or that you’re about ten years old and Ma and Pa have come to the school to watch you fall flat on your face midway through the 100-yard sprint. HELEN MILLIGAN was certainly captain of her college hockey team, but hers is the case of having a whale of a time when the farmer had gone to market, and though she wasn’t dressed to play around with a lot of old fuel drums she does look cutely leggy, and those boots are real gear, what? These Scots girls pack a really devastating impact.

Sarah Marsden

Among The Bric-A-Brac

Quite close to Portobello Road in London lives SARAH MARSDEN, textiles salesgirl.

The Portobello Road is famous for its market, which specialises in stalls loaded with antiques valuable and useless, cheap and dear. Many a fantastic find has been made there by antique collectors with an eye for a true bargain.

Sarah has such an eye. She can see through any old white elephant and has acquired a quite valuable collection of Victorian bric-a-brac and Victorian clothes. She also has a flair for old china dolls.

We went off china dolls, old or new, when we first discovered that girls were living, breathing wonders. Sarah is our idea of a living, breathing wonder of today, and anytime she'd like to entertain us among her bric-a-brac we'll do some research on Victorian knockers and have a lovely antique conversation with her.