Sacha Michaelides

From Cyprus

Ah, Cyprus. Island of rich wine and hot sun, sparkling jewel of Ancient Greece set in the wine-dark sea of Homer.

Of course, it's changed a bit since all those heroic Greeks chased the maidens from coast to coast.

The maidens are still enchanting but they get chased by tourists now.

Lovely SACHA MICHAELIDES used to work as a receptionist in a Cyprus hotel. There she took a great liking to tourists from Britain, especially the young and crazy buckeroos, and in the end decided to come to London. Now she's working in the offices of Cyprus sherry importers and has made the place intoxicating for the male staff.

It's no wonder those Ancient Greek heroes were always leaving Athens and rowing to Cyprus.

Lynn Palmer

Call For Miss Palmer

It was nice and quiet until the phone rang in the conservatory. It was a call for LYNN PALMER. There was a loud voice at the other end wanting to know what had happened to the fish, had it been shot to death and when Lynn, a window-dresser, had no idea what the idiot was on about and said so.

'Look here' said the idiot. "you're not trying to tell me you're dead ignorant about fish are you? You're Mavis Palmer, known as Underwater Lulu aren't you? You catch fish and sell them, don't you? Well, come round to my place and look at this skate you sold me. It's gone green."

"You've got the wrong person. I'm Lynn Palmer and I've never caught a fish in my life."

"Oh. really?" said the nut. "Well, stay there. I'll be right round and we'll go angling together

Jane Miller

Game for a Game

In a sort of slinky gym vest and black tights JANE MILLER went out for a gambol with her jump-ball.

Very sporty bird is Jane. Loves games and all that. Along came a walking-stick case, an old gent with gout. He took one look at Jane, a secretary in Kingston, Surrey, threw away his walking-stick and galloped gamely towards her.

Inevitably he fell flat on his face.

Jane picked him up, gave him back his stick and helped him into a wheelbarrow. As the gamekeeper wheeled him away she said farewell with a smile and a wave. It cheered him up no end.

Kirsten Veta

Shy Swede

Nobody ever thought there was such a phenomenon as a shy Swede, but we found one in London last summer. KIRSTEN VETA.

She was over from Stockholm and was staying in Hampstead, where our photographer buttonholed her in his endearing way and persuaded her to leave some charming mementoes of herself before she went back home. Mementoes in the form of photographs.

Kirsten giggled, turned pink, turned around, turned pinker and so on. And there you are.

Ann Williams

On a Highland Fling

Young and golden secretary ANN WILLIAMS was on a Highland fling, staying in a cottage with a view of a wide, green glen.

She was getting lots of fresh air and making friends with Highland steers. There was one called Angus. Solid as a house he was and as gentle as a baby calf as long as you didn't ride a motorbike all over his pasture. Ann wanted to take him home with her.

So she rang her mother. Her mother said well, you'll have to keep him in the garden, they couldn't possibly have him indoors. So she went out and measured the garden and Ann went out and measured Angus.

Then they returned to the phone and compared measurements and found that Angus was twice as big as the garden.

So Ann brought home a mini-kilt instead.

Joan Paul

Rural View

“Hi,” said the man in the green jacket, “I can’t see any pheasants, but I’ve lost interest since I spotted you. Would you like to stay there while I go and change my gun for a camera?”

“I shan’t be here all day,” said JOAN PAUL, “so if you want to snap me, you’d better start running.”

So, the man in the green jacket went off at a trot, but he couldn’t find anyone with a camera who wanted to exchange it for a gun, and there was no alternative in the end but to go and buy one. By the time he returned to photograph the rural view with Joan in the foreground, Joan had gone home. There are other things to do in life besides waiting for a man to go and acquire a camera.

Ingrid Schoeller

Italian Line

In Rome at the moment is INGRID SCHOELLER, film actress.

She isn’t the only one converted to the Italian line.

Beautiful girls from all over the world confess they are fascinated by the Italian line as soon as they arrive in Rome. Some also confess they are a little confused by it, especially Southern belles arriving from Atlanta, Georgia, where the men never pinch a girl, however luscious she is.

The Italian line has nothing whatever to do with coy reserve. If the Romans like the look of a flower of the Orient or a damsel from Denmark, they don’t believe in hiding their feelings.

They like Ingrid Schoeller very much. And Ingrid in turn is not without affection for Rome. As well as the Romans there are also all those lovely ancient monuments, which are extremely stimulating to any girl with an interest in old masonry.

Old masonry in the shadows of a Rome moon can be quite romantic.

Valerie Peters

Commuter in the Country

We met her in the country when we were out for a walk with our dog. Her name is VALERIE PETERS, she’s a secretary who lives in Essex and commutes daily to and from London.

Outside her hometown the country is full of corn and tomato hothouses, and there are fields of long grass just beyond her back door. So, Valerie often takes her own dog for walks through the verdant green and it was a happy occasion for us when our walks coincided.

But our dog bit her dog and what should have been an opportunity for an interesting talk about politics turned into a doggy free-for-all.

You can’t trust any four-legged animal when the occasion is auspicious.

Elizabeth Gallacher

Entirely Feminine

Since a Scottish flavour is always acceptable, here's one more pin-up girl from over the border. ELIZABETH GALLACHER.

Entirely feminine is Elizabeth, a housewife who can serve up a soufflé looking absolutely eatable. A soufflé is a bit tricky, it has to come to the table delicately fluffy. Still, who's going to care all that much if it subsides a bit? What's a soufflé when you can always make do with bubble and squeak? What's food compared with romance? What’s a new fishing rod compared with the feminity of Elizabeth?

Mona Forster

The New Mona

The Mona you all know about is Mona Lisa. She's hanging in the Paris Louvre. There's a new one around now.

She's London girl MONA FORSTER.

Eighteen years old and an office girl who likes part-time modelling, Mona makes a lovely portrait and if Miss Lisa looks more cryptic. Miss Forster looks far more gorgeous.

Fred stood for an hour gazing at the cryptic smile of Mona Lisa.

After looking at our new Mona for only five minutes he sat down heavily.

"It's me knees," he said, "they've gone all weak. Where can I meet her?"

You'll be lucky, Fred.

Mona has the dishiest boyfriend who knows just how to keep her away from weak-kneed characters like Fred.

Gundy Korber

Car Proud

Some girls are house-proud and some girls just leave home and go off to places like Nepal, carrying a tent with them and having nothing to do with carpet sweepers and furniture polish.

West German girl GUNDY KORBER is car proud and you can keep your tents and your hobnailed walking boots. You can see Gundy outside her apartment most weekends, and she'll be cleaning and polishing her car for sure. Don’t just stand around and admire her legs, get yourself a polisher and join her in her labour of love. She'll think the world of you.

Gail Pinder

Raking in The Lolly

If there's a girl you'd most like to be lost in a casino with it must be GAIL PINDER, for Gail is a croupier at a Manchester night club.

Never did any croupier look so charming or rake in the lolly so sweetly. It's a pleasure to lose. Well, even if not a pleasure it doesn’t hurt so much, not if you lose yourself in her green eyes as she scoops it in.

Judy Coe

Tennis or What?

Secretary, JUDY COE was mad about tennis when she was an energetic and growing schoolgirl. Here she is looking like she used to look when she was a prefect in the Sixth and Milly Cutbosh was the school sneak. We won't tell you about what happened, except to say all the nice girls got together and threw Milly off Ben Nevis.

When Judy left school, she was still quite gone on tennis, so she joined a nearby club. An utterly dynamic bloke was the club captain. He liked Judy just as much for her form as her skill. He started to ring her up when the week-ends were coming around.

"Well, what'll we do, tennis or what?" he'd say.

Judy always knew the right answer; her mother had told her.

"Well, tennis, of course," she'd say.

Sandra Morrell

The Psychiatrist

Harry thought anybody who couldn't sort out his own problems but had to take them to a psychiatrist needed to have his head examined. His friend Oliver said that was the same thing, to which Harry replied it was all a lot of half-baked propaganda put about by blokes who had to make a living at it.

And then he met SANDRA MORRELL at a garden party, where there were lots of homemade cakes on view and a lot of home-made wine-tasting going on. Harry had tested them all by the time he bumped into Sandra, who was there in her official capacity as the garden party beauty queen or something equally exotic and ravishing.

Harry almost fell down. What a doll, he thought. He took her hand and pressed unsolicited kisses on it. Then he looked into her eyes and murmured, "Come and try my cherry tart, I made it myself." "Pardon me," said Sandra," but I never eat cherry tart with men who've had too much elderberry wine."

Harry was distraught. He went to see a psychiatrist next day to try and find out why elderberry wine made him so unattractive to women.

And after six visits, all at ten guineas a time, the psychiatrist told him it was because too much elderberry wine made him lurch sideways.

Bridget Kildare

Dream of Home

He was on his way to Ireland and he wasn’t looking forward to it. He knew the rumours about all those punch-ups weren't rumours at all, and that if they found out his name was Smith and he came from Birmingham they’d knock his flaming head off.

On the way, there he passed someone going the other way. She was simply delicious and he only had time to wave as their boats passed. When she waved back he was enraptured. "Stop the boat,” he said to the captain, "I want to get off." "Silly boy," murmured the captain, patting his head and going on his way.

However, when he got to Ireland he had something to take his mind off the fireworks. It was his dream of home, all in the shape of BRIDGET KILDARE Bridget is a model who is constantly travelling to and fro in her professional engagements, and more than a few men who have seen her passing by consider her a dream of home.