Kim Scott

Off Duty

Air stewardess KIM SCOTT isn't always flying over the Atlantic or the Continent on her way to places undreamed of by so many of us.

She's often off duty.

Off duty Kim looks just like this, lovely and dishy and relaxed. Naturally, the phone is always ringing. Boyfriends don't mind her relaxing as long as it doesn't interfere with taking her out to an Italian restaurant or a West-end disco.

Kim mostly prefers a restaurant where she can sit down. She's so much on her feet up in the air that an evening at a disco is rather like a busman's holiday.

Caroline Ford

There's Always a Good Day

Some days it's all go for CAROLINE FORD. She's a busy secretary for an energetic boss. She often has to work like a beaver on Saturdays as well.

But there's always a good day. Sunday. Then Caroline can relax. Her idea of how to unwind is to play tennis all day or go sailing. We'd get all beat up at tennis or soaked stupid at yachting, but not Caroline.

She is rejuvenated, she says.

That sounds like something that would put us in hospital.

Nina Swallow

Crossing the Line

There wasn't much danger of being hit by an express as NINA SWALLOW crossed the line down in the woods. It was only an old track once used to trundle wagons to and from the old quarry and Nina was just kicking around in her new boots.

Nina lives in Ealing, West London, and one of her outdoor recreations is walking. She likes old byways and country lanes and has a glamorous job as a house model to a firm of coat manufacturers.

All the products, look gorgeous on Nina, whose vitalistics are 37-24-36, and she keeps her shape in good, unvarying trim by her long walks.

Updates to some personal details on Nina’s home page.

Sylvia Grant

It May Be Old Fashioned But

Sylvia is twenty-one, shapes up very delightfully at 36-23-36 likes the better television programmes, a good book, holidays in Spain and thinks it's nice for women that there are men around.

There can't be many men who don't think it's even nicer to have Sylvia around, as what's more exhilarating on a cold day than helping Sylvia to make hot toast by her fireside? Lashings of butter and the sound of happy munching.

Not that Sylvia doesn’t like the modern age, she can enjoy the turbulent vibrations of a discotheque as much as anybody. But she still thinks a home is a nice place to come back to.

The fact is, some people think it’s square to be home loving. Domesticity went out of fashion when the discotheques came in, but SYLVIA GRANT still likes all the comforts of her home.

There's nothing like relaxing in front of the fire to Sylvia or the simple joys of making a fluffy omelette.

Odette Nutter

Order Of The Yorkshire Boot

Looking every inch, a potential centre-forward for Leeds is ODETTE NUTTER, who lives near Kippax in Yorkshire.

But it could be she's just given the order of the boot to some geezer she caught bending. Poor old devil.

Odette is a golden blonde with lovely legs and a nice line in suede boots, and if Yorkshire blokes keep their eyes open often enough, they might spot her one day.

Well, Odette doesn't keep herself shut away, you know.

Fay Stevens

Some Girls Like Mink

We don’t know what the actual figures are, but if we said five girls out of every six like mink we wouldn't be exaggerating, would we? There must be exceptions, anyway, even if these can’t be more than one in six. FAY STEVENS, for instance, would prefer a super white sports car.

Fay is a secretary, with natural blonde hair, and the softest smile to go with the fastest sports car. She’s only got an old banger at the moment, but if you can pursue an ambition with dedication and zest you’ll always get what you want in the end.

Olivia Newton-John and Pat Carrol

High Up

We don’t just mean high up in the air as OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN takes a flying leap over PAT CARROL. We mean that these Australian girls are getting rated higher and higher as a singing duo.

Both girls were popular down under in Australia, but until they came to England they’d never met.

Pat was a recording star and Olivia, who was born in England, appeared regularly on an Australian T.V. teenage series, as well as making pop records and being seen in other T.V. features.

Independently they won trips to Britain as outstanding vocalists and it was here that they met. Their agent suggested they should team up. They did and were immediately booked for a Dick Emery T.V. show.

They’ve toured with Matt Monroe, with the Shadows and other stars. These pictures were shot near their London home and you don’t have to look twice to see how full of the joys they are. A greengrocer passing by on his way to his barrow was so smitten he offered to sell them all his bananas.

“All?” said Pat.

“All?” said Olivia.

“The lot,” said the fragile greengrocer.

“Are they in short supply, then?” asked Pat.

“No,” said the greengrocer, “but it was the only opening conversation I could think of. Me name’s Godfrey What’s yours?”

Dawn Grayson

I Was Just Testing The Water

We couldn’t help asking DAWN GRAYSON if she’d got into her foamy bath before she was quite ready for it.

If you must know, said Dawn, I was just testing the water when I slipped and fell in. I was still wearing my undies at the time. It does happen, you know.

Actually, when we were in Persia we used to take a standing shower in full drill uniform, and after stepping out we just stood around and in no time everything dried out fine.

Sounds barmy, said Dawn, and awfully damp. Still, once you're in you’re in and you might as well stay there. You can wash your smalls while you’re still wearing them.

It’s a bit like cooking your breakfast with your hat and coat on, isn’t it?

With the rain coming through the kitchen ceiling. That, said Dawn, sounds even barmier.

Jackie Taylor

And Another One

Just to keep you all agog in respect of the charm of the dolly housewives of this country, here's another one. So, don't go away.

JACKIE TAYLOR has been married three years and everything is fine, thank you. She lives in North London, works as a secretary and occasionally does part-time modelling.

She took a modelling course a few years ago, forgot all about it for a while - getting married was gorgeously time consuming and then returned to it on occasions when she had the time. That way it's fun rather than hard work.

Susan Fairfax

Just a Single Girl

Not having yet met a boy who actually makes her swoon, SUSAN FAIRFAX is still a bachelor girl.

She doesn't want to get married until she's much older, anyway. Say nineteen or twenty. She's eighteen now.

Susan is a Midlands dolly and it's her opinion that pundits can say what they like about fashion, but nowadays a girl pleases herself. She alternates between a midi and a mini, simply depending on how she feels. Her boy friends like her in a mini.

"They like me, anyway," she says.

So, they like her best in a mini, then.

"So, I often wear a midi just to make them grind their teeth," she says.

After all, as Susan also says, sometimes a girl in a mini feels that a boyfriend doesn't even notice the colour of her eyes.

There's something subtle and psychological about that.

Sandra Saffron

Victorian Bliss

The mod cons of Victorian days weren't the most imaginative form of plumbing. They were practical without being decorative. Six out of every ten cons were out at the back or even at the bottom of the garden, while bathrooms were considered a bit cissy.

Hip baths were the thing. You put one on the kitchen floor, filled it with hot water and sank as much of yourself into it as you could. It might sound a bit primitive now but to any Victorians who liked a bath it was bliss.

London dolly SANDRA SAFFRON found a genuine old hip bath in a market and bought it. Having got it home with the friendly help of a chap who was more interested in shapes than curios, Sandra thought she'd sample a bit of the old Victorian bliss herself. In the garden.

A great time was had by Sandra and everyone who could see over the garden walls.

Amanda Case

A Case of Black Velvet

Black velvet, should you need the information, is milk stout mixed with bubbly. It's for when you're feeling expensive and the pub is all rosy, glamorous light. It does wonders for the old metabolism and if yours is a bit jaded, try it.

A different kind of black velvet is AMANDA CASE, young and shapely housewife who lives in Brighton. Amanda is smooth, honeyed and vibrant. Whenever she goes down to the beach for a swim, she looks exactly like the imaginative picture all the fellers are dreaming about.

The fellers sit up. Well, what's the point of lying back with your eyes shut when the dream has come to life?

Helen Milligan

Gee Up!

But despite all loud yells of “Gee up, you four-legged loafer!" it was obvious that Rufus was far more interested in the elegant footwear of fashion model HELEN MILLIGAN than in getting himself attached to an old farm plough.

Rufus has as much appreciation of graceful-limbed Helen as we have.