Marie Graham and Nicola Taylor


It wasn't all that psychedelic, really, just an afternoon out for two rather dishy housewives, MARIE GRAHAM and NICOLA TAYLOR. Nicola, as you'll know, is the one helping herself to a sit-down.

Still, it was a lot of fun. There wasn't really enough room for both of them to take a seat, so they just took turns.

They fell out a bit when Nicola fell off and said, "I didn't actually fall, I was pushed."

"Yes, well," said Marie, "you were taking my turn as well as your own, and my feet hurt after that long walk.'

They compromised at that and managed to share the chair after all. It was amicable togetherness then until Nicola folded Marie up in the perishing thing.

"Help," said Marie, "what shall we do now?" "Go home and get dinner ready for our marital mates," said Nicola.

Some husbands are dead lucky.

Span No 205 - September 1971

Jennifer Taylor

Just Be Natural

If we can keep the scientific marvels from turning the grass black and making all the trees look exactly the same tall rectangles of wood with leaves eliminated, then the great outdoors will always look decently natural as long as there's no concrete around.

If you're not busy doing something else, look at JENNIFER TAYLOR now. Jennifer is just as naturally herself as you could wish. She's a natural as a housewife and a natural as a lovely. Long shining dark brown hair and the most delightfully abundant curvaceousness.

Jennifer lives in Bristol and around Bristol there is some of the loveliest country in Britain. So far, it's still lovely. So far, the scientific marvels haven't changed the shape of the trees. But if they ever do imagine what they might devise in the way of a new shape for natural wonders like Jennifer. Something oblong, perhaps.

What a shuddering thought.

Span No 207 - November 1971

Pauline Gough

What's His Number?

It was a rainy day, so PAULINE GOUGH thought she'd call Freddie and find out whether he'd like to come over and play chess. "What's his number?" She looked it up.

It took quite a while. There were hundreds of Freddie Browns. She got through in the end. "Hello, is that Freddie?"

"Speaking. Who's that?"

"Pauline. Would you like to come over for some chess?”

"Eh? What?"

"Chess," said Pauline, "well, what with the rain and all.”

"Look, I'm a weightlifting champion, I'll come over if you've got some bars of iron you want shifting."

“I think you're the wrong Freddie," said Pauline.

"Well, I'll come round and then you can decide. What's your address, you gorgeous girl?"

Pauline hastily put the phone down. She's been off weightlifters ever since one trod on her foot.

Spick No 272 - July 1976

Lynn Remmers and Sandy Pullan


Gad, the confusion.

And any moment there'd be a charabanc chockful of fellers going by, and every feller would have his eye glued not to LYNN REMMER'S chestnut-gold hairdo but to her pre-mini suspenders and her mum's stocking-tops. Well, her mum was the only close friend she knew who still wore stockings, and Lynn had borrowed a pair for her chum SANDY PULLAN too.

But pre-mini items all became confusion when Lynn got her skirt caught in the car door.

"Quick!" she begged Sandy.

"I'm doing my best," said Sandy, who wasn't, in fact. She was pushing instead of pulling, and the door stayed firmly shut on Lynn's skirt. And the postman was passing by.

"Nice," he said, looking at Lynn's stocking tops.

"No, go away, you cheeky thing," blushed Lynn, "and anyway, they're my mum's and she'd set the dog on you if she thought you were looking."

The postman had had some of the dog.

"Help," he said and hurried on his way.

And for the rest of the day, it was all sequestered calm for Lynn and Sandy, and they looked quite, quite charming.

Spick No 253 - December 1974

Fiona McKay


Up in Scotland the place is full of lovely Macs.

White-booted, long-legged, mini-skirted FIONA McKAY is one of the really eye-catching residents, and if ever a mini made a Mac look like the best view in the glen, this is the one.

In Victorian and Edwardian times, the most popular Scottish pictures were all based on highland stags at bay.

Bonny dollies like Fiona have changed all that. Tourists flock over the border to photograph the Loch Ness monster and return with colour snaps of mini-Macs.

Can you think of anything nicer to show the folks back home in Arkansas?

Mini-skirts may not be the ideal garments in which to climb about, but if Fiona isn't bothered, why should you be?

If you have any girls in your office like Fiona, treat them nicely. They're valuable. They make the office look vital and vibrant, and it doesn't half impress the overseas clients.

Span No 177 - May 1969

Ann Hayward


With this our last issue we have to say that we are at least finishing in style. One of our most promising models, ANN HAYWARD, represents lovely style.

Ann, a beautician, is a quite delicious girl and her future as a glamour figure should be well and truly assured. We have found tall girls and slim girls, bonny girls and svelte girls, happy girls and funny girls. Ann counts as a girl all on her own, and if you ever bump into her, you won't half feel you've had your luckiest day. Well, to bump into any shape as curvy as Ann's isn't like knocking your bonce against a brick wall, which is only bearable when it leaves off.

To put you more in the picture, like, Ann's vitalistics add up to 37-24-36.

Beautiful Britons No 252 - Final Issue

Wanda Liddell

Canadian Courier

Resident in London, WANDA LIDDELL from Canada has settled into a very elevating job as a courier. She shows visitors around London and works out touring itineraries for them, much to their delight.

It's a nice surprise for Canadians, having a girl from back home taking them on a guided tour of London. In her spare time Wanda still does a spot of pin -up modelling, and the extra money helps when there's inflation to meet head-on. But she's managing very nicely, thank you, so you needn't send any food parcels.

Spick No 272 - July 1976