Sara Scott

Number Please

We don’t really care whether it's Pipkin 1234 or Tantivy 5678 as far as the directory goes - in our book when a number’s right it’s a number just like SARA SCOTT, corn-coloured blonde with a long leg line and a short hemline.

Speaking of numbers reminds us of figures, and figures remind us that Sara adds up to 36"-23"-35" going down, which Is as much about mathematics as we feel we need to know. We can't all be Einstein’s

This, by the way, is to show you that Sara looks just as attractive in one outfit as she does in another. But you knew that, of course.

Sara is just twenty as well as just the right number and the right number is any girl who rings the bell in the camera view finder. Sara rings it loud and clear.

Beautiful Britons No 93 - July 1963

Helen Candlish


Well, that’s the way it goes when pretty HELEN CANDLISH decides to do a spot of sun-bathing in a recalcitrant deckchair.

The sun’s right, and so is Helen. The only thing giving any real trouble is the chair. Helen may look as if she's sorted it out satisfactorily, but appearances are always deceptive.

There we are and all we can say to Helen is how simple she was to allow herself to be let down this away. Think of any recalcitrant deckchair and you’re on the track of one darned bump after another.

Ah, well, aplomb restored and there are no ladders and no tears. No one can take a bump and come up with this kind of smile like Helen can.

Beautiful Britons No 70 - August 1961

Anne Scott


Well, what else can we say?

We light on a view like this in the Scottish Highlands and what else is there except wow?

This is ANNE SCOTT, television personality and just about the shapeliest model North of the Border. They may have taken the old Flying Scot out of service, but they’ll never make Anne obsolete while she still has enough puff.

Puff? Well, all right, glamour.

You're stuck for conversation as you bump into her. You’re speechless.

You feel like a gormless goggler. All you can say is Bom-diddy-bom-bom.

That’s what we said in the first place.

Joy Carlton

Just Right - But For What ?

You can either take them or leave them. JOY CARLTON took them but she still isn’t sure of the most suitable occasion on which to wear her new longs. Just for a cold day, perhaps!

Denise Fleming


Some girls look cool and composed, some look swish. DENISE FLEMING looks very swish, she’s a 21-year-old Scottish girl with statistics of 36-20-36, and it’s great to know they develop so many like Denise north of the border.

Audrey Stewart

Fashion Conscious

Glamour girl AUDREY STEWART is training to enter the ranks of the top-line fashion models, and talent plus training equals what!

If you assume (how can you not?) that two beans and three tomatoes make a funny kind of sauce, you must equally assume that talent plus training make a fashion model like Audrey.

And a fashion model like Audrey must be the tops, and that’s all this little lady asks for.

Val Morrow

Warm Work

Secretary in Sydney, Australia, is VAL MORROW, and you know how warm it can get in Sydney. So, when the boss left Val doing a little overtime on the typewriter, she felt it wasn't going to be practical to let the heat reduce her to a mere sizzle.

So, Val got down to her work in cooler fashion and we can't say we blame her, particularly when she looks not only efficient but curvy. After all, even the most capable secretaries don't have to look just like a part of the office furniture, do they!

France Anglade

When Can I Wear Something?

French film star FRANCE ANGLADE has a problem. Its all to do with the fact that the French film directors consider her too beautiful to wear all her clothes.

So, France has played any number of roles in a permanent state of lingerie-clad allure.

This is fine for the French cinema audiences, because there’s nothing Frenchmen appreciate more than lacy lingerie. But France has reached the point where she’d like to wear a dress or two.

Nevertheless, in her latest film she was persuaded to take on a part in which she appeared in black lingerie throughout, and you can see just how delectable she looks.

France may feel a little fed-up but we don’t.

Beautiful Britons - No 143 - October 1967

Bobby Shaw

Bobby's a Socker

When she was little her mum said she was a shocker.

Who said?

Her mum said.

Whose mum?

We’re talking about BOBBY SHAW. Her mum. When she was little her mum said she was a shocker.

Well, she’s not now, is she?

Now she’s a socker.


Bobby’s a socker. You meet her, look her right in the eye and wham! — you’re socked, infatuated. Done for. Her slave for life.

Who said so?

Go away, you useless bitty-pitty. If a photographic model like Bobby Shaw doesn't have that kind of effect on you, you must have an armour - plated nutcase.

Mary Graham

Medals For Mary

It’s a pleasure to record that lovely MARY GRAHAM has recently won a national beauty contest, and we’re only sorry we weren’t present to pin on the medals ourselves. But you can’t have everything, can you? It’s enough to know that we know Mary —that in itself is a privilege, for she is inexpressibly charming.

Scantys - Viking Publishing Company

Scantys No 3

Anne Mattingley

What's New ?

We aren't sure what the news is in the paper, but what’s news to us is the fact that ANNE MATTINGLEY makes a perfect headline photographically.

There isn’t much point in photograph! n g any headline unless it comes into the category epitomised by this London lovely. Anne is a shorthand- typist with statistics of 35"-23"-35" which enable her to pour herself sleekly into her tailored suit.

We can’t show you how Anne ooks in the suit, which is being dry-cleaned, but as she looks very cute using a pair of steps to reach the ceiling, we didn't think this would worry you too much. You can’t have everything, can you?

Beautiful Britons No 93 - July 1963

Clare London

Have You Seen A UFO ?

A UFO, of course, is an Unidentified Flying Object, and according to reports there are thousands of them whizzing overhead.

If one lands on the top of your house, take a note.

One landed on the top of the house in which CLARE LONDON lived. Clare took an immediate note, of course, and sent it to a man at one of the ministries. The ministry sent round two men in uniform, and it turned out to be a bowler hat.

They were quite nice about it, and even if the hat wasn't much to look at, they were extremely impressed by Clare and she made them a lovely cup of tea.

Beautiful Britons No 143 - October 1967

Susan Douglas

All Set

The point being that model SUSAN DOUGLAS is always elegant, always trim, and ready for whatever is just around the corner. In fashion work, Susan finds it policy to expect the unexpected.

Here she's all set and ready to go. Where? Well, maybe Paris—maybe

If you think they’d appreciate Susan in Paris, let us assure you she’s already appreciated so much here that she’d only go over our recumbent inertia.

Sally Dixon

Keeping The Wolf From The Door

Literally to achieve this a girl’s best bet is to have a gun handy, plus a strategically unassailable position from which to fire both barrels at the right time.

But when it merely means establishing yourself economically so that you’re not on the breadline, you don’t need a gun, only an income.

London student SALLY DIXON makes sure she can sufficiently augment her grant by taking on jobs of diver’s characters in her spare time. She doesn’t mind serving in coffee bars, being a nanny, showing tourists round London, pasting up posters, being a switchboard girl or even working as a photographic model.

It all helps to keep the wolf from the door.

I like to eat,” said Sally, ”I feel all faint if I don’t. My grant is enough to pay for my flat, but a girl needs food as well as sleep.”