From You To Us

Janet Barnett, Jane Baker, Alison Mahoney, Lorraine Hodges, Christine Boecher and Ilona Weichert

Letter of the Month

I am beginning to like very much the features you run on the mini-skirted girls of your country. I think they confirm all that we read and hear about the swinging scene over there and I only wish I could have a five-year holiday and spend it all with you. We do see the occasional “mini” over here, but they don’t seem to be worn with the same flair that they’re worn in London and the rest of Britain.

I think your girls have something that naturally becomes them and it’s just as if they’ve been wating for a fashion like the “mini” to show the rest of the world how exciting and swinging they really are. It must be great to be part of the scene and I hope you realise how lucky you are.


Etobicoke, Toronto, Canada.

Our girls will love you.

Bridie Goodwin

Bird in the Country

One thing that's rather inspiring about birds is that you find them in the country as well as the towns.

One extremely lovely and ubiquitous bird is BRIDIE GOODWIN, who flits from town to country all the time. Well, Bridie works in a county town, so she can't avoid her share of the concrete, but at weekends she's almost always to be found communing with the rural outdoors.

Slim, trim and fetching at 35-23-36, Bridie is the pin-up of all the farmers' boys for miles around. The farmers themselves would like to see more of her only their wives won't let them.

Anna Reingold

Continental Sightseer

A girl who likes travel is ANNA REINGOLD. She's been all over the place. If that sounds untidy it's not Anna's fault, it's ours.

A Continental herself, she's wandered around most of the European countries and seen the sights in most of the capitals. Now she's in England, and not just to have a look at London but at the countryside as well.

She likes to lose herself in villages and hamlets. Farmers' sons like it too, it gives them an opportunity to be helpful and follow up with an invitation to show Anna round the dairy. One young spark asked her if she'd like to help with the milking as the electrical contraption had broken down. Anna was willing but a mere beginner. The cow got huffy and went off in a sulk. But it was great fun for Anna.

Elaine Masters

Focus On A Dolly

A dolly is a bird both young and endearing.


Age, eighteen. Measurements, 36-23-35. Elevation, five feet five. Sum total, enchantment.

Interests, good books, pop music, Spain, France and London. Work, salesgirl. Ambitions, oh just a sports car and a horse. Spare time hobby, being a pin-up girl.

Effect, she makes this mixed-up world look as if it's got a future, after all.

Laura St.John

Go Chase The Fox

The Madwick Hunt was in full cry after the red fox. The hounds swept by, followed by the riders.

No one took any notice of LAURA ST. JOHN except about ten men, most of whom nearly fell off their horses as they pulled up in stunned delight. But up popped a good-looking sailor who had either lost his ship or didn't know where the sea was.

“I saw her first," he said to the horsemen, "you lot go chase the fox, he went that way."

They all raised their headgear politely and went on their way, and the sailor had a chat with lovely Laura and then showed her over his ship, which he remembered he'd left lying around in Portsmouth Harbour. But Laura couldn't stay for a sailor's supper as she had to get home to hubby.

Laura is twenty three and is curvily tailored at 36-23-36. She fits a polka-dot bikini beautifully.

She doesn't look bad in a mini, either, does she? Her favourite sport is swimming. She lives on the South Coast and during the summer months takes full advantage of the sea.

Greta Berry

How's Your Filing System?

If you're suffering from a surfeit of monumental ineptitude on the part of the erk who looks after your filing system, try giving him or her a monumental talking to.

It probably won't do any good as he or she is almost certain to be only there for the money. It's better to make a clean break before the whole office assumes the look of a paper mill in eruption.

"That's it, then, Perkins my girl, you can take a week's notice from today".

"Oh sir, but why?"

"Because you're useless, girl, useless."

"What d’you want for twelve pounds a week, then, a computer?"

It's shriekingly unbearable when they're not only useless but saucy as well. Your best bet is to look around for someone like GRETA BERRY. Greta is a lovely office clerk who brings efficiency to the scene, to say nothing of charm. She's a twenty-year-old dolly with the longest, loveliest legs that get her around the office like a flowing dream.

Dianne Lloyd

Country Style

If you live in the country, as DIANNE LLOYD does, you have to have a country style. Which means that you have your own way of climbing gates and fences.

Town birds wait for someone to come along and open a locked gate, or they give up and go home. Dianne scales a gate with verve and lovely legs, and for the information of those who didn't pay attention in school, verve means a spot of dashing elan.

Dianne, a secretary, lives near the New Forest. That's where Rufus, son of William the Conqueror was accidentally killed while hunting, and a stone marks the spot. Dianne herself nearly got bagged by a deerstalker once. She interrupted his apologies by asking him how on earth he could mistake her for a deer.

"As a matter of fact," he said, "you look an absolute darling. Could we have tea together?"

Those deerstalkers need watching all the time.

Nicola Taylor

Latest On The Loveliest

Men walk around in dizzy circles when they see NICOLA TAYLOR in her yellow bikini on Bournemouth beach. This isn't just because there is so much more of glamorous Nicola than there is of the bikini, it's also because Nicola is simply and undeniably magnetic.

Her fans consider that as a pin-up she is indubitably the loveliest.

So, here are the latest pics of the loveliest.

Nicola on the phone is a knockout. Which means, of course, that the feller on the other end of the line is next door to unconscious and would be completely kaput if he could see her as well as hear her.

Nicola likes surfing, sports cars and keeping the furniture highly polished. She has a flair for making everything around the house look as if it's just left the showroom.

Caroline Ford

There's Always a Good Day

Some days it's all go for CAROLINE FORD. She's a busy secretary for an energetic boss. She often has to work like a beaver on Saturdays as well.

But there's always a good day. Sunday. Then Caroline can relax. Her idea of how to unwind is to play tennis all day or go sailing. We'd get all beat up at tennis or soaked stupid at yachting, but not Caroline.

She is rejuvenated, she says.

That sounds like something that would put us in hospital.

Wendy Reynolds

Mustang By Request

Call in during the morning at Wendy Reynolds' house for a cup of coffee, and you'll most likely find she's too busy to stop and chat. Wendy works at home, so first thing in the morning it's away with the breakfast things and in with the typewriter. Pretty soon the kitchen table looks more like a desk.

She writes short stories - love stories, mostly. We asked where she got her inspiration from, and if she needed any help in getting ideas for her stories. She seemed to think, though, that we were getting ideas. Could we help it, we protested, with her looking so glamorous?

To show she wasn't really offended she took some time off writing and posed for our photographer. Writing romances all started, she told us, when she had a boyfriend editing a love story magazine. The love letters she wrote him were so romantic he fired all the other writers and used her ideas instead. It didn't last long, though. Pretty soon she was so busy writing stories for herself she hardly had time for boyfriends, let alone writing letters to them.

"Nothing like putting your feet up after a hard day's typing," she says. We took one look and couldn't help agreeing with her.

Jan Kearney

You’re Joking

WHEN our photographer looked up from his hot cocoa and saw JAN KEARNEY and heard her say, “Do you think I could ever be a pin-up girl?” he said in a kind of numb way, “You’re joking.” Jan said, “Well thank you for being so frank,” and he said, “No, don’t go—what I meant was you’re more fascinating than Mona Lisa and more beautiful than Venus, and if you don’t know it you should. Have some cocoa while I load my camera.”

An example of British glamour more fascinating than Mona Lisa and more beautiful than Venus is the dream of every photographer.

Marie Graham

Bournemouth Girl

So popular has MARIE GRAHAM become lately as one of our exclusive pin-up girls that she's right in the forefront of the glamour stakes, as it were.

Give us more of Marie. That's the heart- appealing cry we constantly hear. We can't help being utterly responsive because we're a bit far gone on Marie ourselves. She's just ever so delicious, like.

She's a Bournemouth girl, a secretary and a swinger.

She likes long boots, micro-minis and old- fashioned suspenders.

"Well, what was good enough for my Auntie Mayflower is good enough for me." she said.

What a funny name for an auntie. Mayflower. Why is she such a good example?

"She was in the Wrens," said Marie, "and looked lovely in her sailor hat."

Well, there must be a connotation somewhere.

Herta Michaelides

On Stage

On Stage, Luv

It was ever so friendly when HERTA MICHAELIDES from Cyprus appeared for her first part on the London stage.

She was waiting with nervous trepidation for the curtain to go up, and then this friendly voice called, "On stage, luv." Herta liked that. In Cyprus and Greece, they use a different expression, one which roughly translated means, "Come on, get a Grecian move on."

Herta has spent most of her nineteen years in Cyprus, where she was born of an English mother and a Greek father. Now she is in London, living in Pimlico with her English husband and working in the theatre. She's hoping for utterly dramatic things to happen, although she's willing to wait a while to appear with the great Olivier.

She's nice, is Herta.

Carol Burdette

Well Caught

CAROL BURDETTE, was well caught by the old farm gate and the farmer’s boy was so smitten he went off his sandwiches.

Jenny Piper

Glamour In The Country

While we're on the subject of glamorous wives, here's one who lives in the country.

She's JENNY PIPER, a golden blonde.

Jenny had quite a career going when she was a bachelor girl. She gave it all up to settle down in a country cottage when she got married, and the fortunate feller who married her made a lovely speech all about how paradise had arrived.

Well, what with roses round the door and Jenny around the kitchen, you couldn't call it anything -else but paradise. It's the sort of thing that makes the cynics go off their own egos.