Denise Fleming
Some girls look cool and composed, some look swish. DENISE FLEMING looks very swish, she’s a 21-year-old Scottish girl with statistics of 36-20-36, and it’s great to know they develop so many like Denise north of the border.
Some girls look cool and composed, some look swish. DENISE FLEMING looks very swish, she’s a 21-year-old Scottish girl with statistics of 36-20-36, and it’s great to know they develop so many like Denise north of the border.
Secretary in Sydney, Australia, is VAL MORROW, and you know how warm it can get in Sydney. So, when the boss left Val doing a little overtime on the typewriter, she felt it wasn't going to be practical to let the heat reduce her to a mere sizzle.
So, Val got down to her work in cooler fashion and we can't say we blame her, particularly when she looks not only efficient but curvy. After all, even the most capable secretaries don't have to look just like a part of the office furniture, do they!
French film star FRANCE ANGLADE has a problem. Its all to do with the fact that the French film directors consider her too beautiful to wear all her clothes.
So, France has played any number of roles in a permanent state of lingerie-clad allure.
This is fine for the French cinema audiences, because there’s nothing Frenchmen appreciate more than lacy lingerie. But France has reached the point where she’d like to wear a dress or two.
Nevertheless, in her latest film she was persuaded to take on a part in which she appeared in black lingerie throughout, and you can see just how delectable she looks.
France may feel a little fed-up but we don’t.
Beautiful Britons - No 143 - October 1967
It’s a pleasure to record that lovely MARY GRAHAM has recently won a national beauty contest, and we’re only sorry we weren’t present to pin on the medals ourselves. But you can’t have everything, can you? It’s enough to know that we know Mary —that in itself is a privilege, for she is inexpressibly charming.
We aren't sure what the news is in the paper, but what’s news to us is the fact that ANNE MATTINGLEY makes a perfect headline photographically.
There isn’t much point in photograph! n g any headline unless it comes into the category epitomised by this London lovely. Anne is a shorthand- typist with statistics of 35"-23"-35" which enable her to pour herself sleekly into her tailored suit.
We can’t show you how Anne ooks in the suit, which is being dry-cleaned, but as she looks very cute using a pair of steps to reach the ceiling, we didn't think this would worry you too much. You can’t have everything, can you?
Beautiful Britons No 93 - July 1963
The simplicity and brevity of feminine fashion today is absolutely remarkable. There's hardly anything to any of it.
And yet it seems only yesterday when those flared, full-skirted dresses and frilly petticoats were so much the rage that nobody ever thought girls would wear anything else at all.
They couldn't have, not without looking overloaded.
No, anything different, we mean.
To give you a look at the trendy frills of yesterday. We had JANE PAUL hire an outfit and wear it with a maxi-coat. How about that, then?
Quite a number of you won't have seen anything like it. Some of you might not even believe it. But it's true. It was only yesterday—or so it seems—when all the girls went about looking like this. They were all frills and stocking-tops.
You prefer the simplicity and brevity of today?
Good on yer, then, and the best of luck.
Spick and Span Extra No 35 - Summer 1970
A UFO, of course, is an Unidentified Flying Object, and according to reports there are thousands of them whizzing overhead.
If one lands on the top of your house, take a note.
One landed on the top of the house in which CLARE LONDON lived. Clare took an immediate note, of course, and sent it to a man at one of the ministries. The ministry sent round two men in uniform, and it turned out to be a bowler hat.
They were quite nice about it, and even if the hat wasn't much to look at, they were extremely impressed by Clare and she made them a lovely cup of tea.
Beautiful Britons No 143 - October 1967
Literally to achieve this a girl’s best bet is to have a gun handy, plus a strategically unassailable position from which to fire both barrels at the right time.
But when it merely means establishing yourself economically so that you’re not on the breadline, you don’t need a gun, only an income.
London student SALLY DIXON makes sure she can sufficiently augment her grant by taking on jobs of diver’s characters in her spare time. She doesn’t mind serving in coffee bars, being a nanny, showing tourists round London, pasting up posters, being a switchboard girl or even working as a photographic model.
It all helps to keep the wolf from the door.
I like to eat,” said Sally, ”I feel all faint if I don’t. My grant is enough to pay for my flat, but a girl needs food as well as sleep.”
Don’t be misled we're not inferring that ANNE FURNAESS is studying the glamorous art of modelling. Anne’s all set for a scholastic career. It just happens that she’s a spare-time model and a full-time student hence the heading.
Studying can be a hard grind. It helps to have a record player and a bowl of fruit to hand to lighten the burden of equations and logarithms.
Modelling, on the other hand, is pure fun.
All you need is a sense of humour, a sweet smile a series of nicely- distributed curves and a flair. Result, model student having fun and looking good.
Span Extra Spring 1959
Scottish lovely who's received lots of fan mail is SANDRA McPHERSON, hear about to find out if the hair ribbons someone sent her make her look cuter.
Sandra, a perfectionist, wasn’t too sure about the effect by itself.
By way of contrast, what about swish black nylons to offset the beautiful white ribbons?
Unprejudiced opinions are asked for, but no rude ones, please. Sandra may not be sure about the effect herself, but, man, we love it.
Spick Extra Spring 1961
In her London flat, HEIDI SEPAN was waiting for a phone call from her home town in West Germany.
Well, tinkle tinkle went the phone and when Heidi picked it up it was the man from the dry cleaners. He was on about a coat that was all over coffee stains. Heidi didn’t know what he was talking about. She hadn’t left any coat at the dry cleaners and she hadn’t spilt coffee over anything in years. So, she threw him off the line and waited again.
At this particular time Heidi had been in London since last year. She’d been an au pair girl and a secretary and now she was waiting for her call from home.
Well, tinkle tinkle went the phone and when Heidi picked it up again, that talkative nut from the dry cleaners was there once more, begging her to come in and confer with him over the coffee stains.
It was most exasperating and when finally, Willi from home did get through all he could get out of Heidi was confused chatter about a dry-cleaning man who didn’t know what to do with a coffee-stained coat.
It left Willi feeling that Heidi was getting as eccentric as the English. Actually, Heidi is very sweet and not a bit eccentric.
Beautiful Britons No 163 - June 69
The nice thing about being on the receiving end of a double knockout, said Fred, is that you don't feel any pain, only a sense of floating around on clouds of cotton-wool.
Moreover, said Fred, you don’t have to climb into a boxing ring for it. It's not that kind of a knockout.
It's all to do with the effects of instantaneous infatuation with a double image, and it could happen to anybody at any time.
Take my case, said Fred. I popped into the launderette with me blankets and pink pyjamas and there they were, both of them. Great chestnut conkers, they was dynamic. There was one who was a gorgeous blonde and one who was a limpid brunette.
Limpid ?
Sure, said Fred, she had eyes like sweet sherry. I thought, well here goes. I’ll chat ’em up while their smalls is cooking. So I introduced meself and gave ’em me card and told ’em when I was free. They was sensational. And all agog like, as I reeled off all the facts about personal accident insurance. I told ’em you never knew when you might break a leg. And then they picked me up, and said, " On your way, grandad,” and slung me out.
Me blankets and pink pyjamas followed.
The gorgeous blonde was TERI MARTINE and the limpid brunette was MICHELE MARTIN, and they both know how to get rid of talkative insurance men.
Span No 180 - August 69
Lots of girls go in for cooking and needlework. A few more go in for ski-ing and a very exclusive minority go in for piloting planes. Most men don't like girls to go in for anything that will distract them from eventually becoming beautiful and domesticated.
Look out for JACKIE WEST.
This lovely young lady is beautiful and domesticated all right, but one of her ambitions is to become a karate expert.
She's taking lessons right now.
Who’s she after? Nobody in particular. She just wants to work up to the thrilling stage of crumbling a brick wall with a dexterous swipe of her index finger.
All this emancipation of women is fine enough in some respects, but if it’s eventually going to mean they’ll be able to sling us over the garden fence with a mere twitch of the wrist, someone ought to stop it before it gets out of hand.
Spick No 172 - March 68