Janus - ToCo Girl Selection

Janus - Volume 1 No 11 - 1972

A selection of ToCo favourites spotted in an early edition of Janus. Quite a few ToCo models were to be found in these early editions of Janus. I guess ToCo sold the pictures to them.

Lets put some names to faces. I will start things of with a nice easy one.

Dawn Grayson - Picture 6 (Bottom Row)

Marie Graham and Nicola Taylor


It wasn't all that psychedelic, really, just an afternoon out for two rather dishy housewives, MARIE GRAHAM and NICOLA TAYLOR. Nicola, as you'll know, is the one helping herself to a sit-down.

Still, it was a lot of fun. There wasn't really enough room for both of them to take a seat, so they just took turns.

They fell out a bit when Nicola fell off and said, "I didn't actually fall, I was pushed."

"Yes, well," said Marie, "you were taking my turn as well as your own, and my feet hurt after that long walk.'

They compromised at that and managed to share the chair after all. It was amicable togetherness then until Nicola folded Marie up in the perishing thing.

"Help," said Marie, "what shall we do now?" "Go home and get dinner ready for our marital mates," said Nicola.

Some husbands are dead lucky.

Span No 205 - September 1971

Inga Svenson

Inga Comes To Stay

Born in Oslo, Norway, INGA SVENSON grew up to be a Scandinavian beauty and then, when she was twenty-one, came to England.

She came as an au pair girl to perfect her English and to see something of the country and its people.

Now, having been with us eight months, she wants to settle here. Keen on ballet, Inga would very much like to enter this world of beautiful ballerinas and exquisite music.

Long-legged and lithe at five feet six, with vitalistics of 35-23-35, she's just right for a ballet company. For a girl with such artistic ambitions, it would be frustrating to end up as a courier for Norwegian visitors to London. But Inga isn't going to be frustrated if she can help it.

Span No 205 - September 1971

Jennifer Taylor

On The Subject of Jennifer

Last month we were extremely good to all our impressionable male readers. We introduced JENNIFER APRIL ANN TAYLOR of Bristol to them and all those who couldn't wait sent us heavily underlined letters asking for more. They said if they didn't get more they'd die or something.

So, all right, here are more scintillating pics of Jennifer and anyone who is suffering from excruciating love at first sight can come and join us on our steamed fish diet. Apparently, if love hits you as excruciatingly as that, steamed fish three times a day brings you back to cool, man. We're so infatuated with Jennifer ourselves that we're not eating at all. We're just drinking apple juice. For your information, all it does is make you feel like a windfall. Dear lovely Jennifer, when can we go to the moon with you?

Kim Scott

Dutch Treat

It was a rainy day in Holland when the plane arrived from London Airport. Then all of a sudden it was bright summer. Air stewardess KIM SCOTT had alighted.

What a treat for the Dutch. All the men in the arrival lounge stood on tiptoe to look tall, dark and handsome. One of them invited Kim home to look at his Dutch bulbs, but Kim said she never went anywhere with strange men.

"Who is strange?" he said. "I am not strange," he said. I am most normal and very handsome," he said. "My Dutch bulbs are beautiful," he said.

Kim was ever so polite but ever so firm. She's used to making that kind of impression on men all over the world. She made a most undeniable impression on us. Our photographer asked her out to dine.

"Dutch treat?" said Kim.

"When they're as beautiful as you," said our photographer, "we don't believe in Dutch treats. Let's put it all on expenses."

Cheeky devil.

Sarah Cunningham

Comfort For The Computer

The computer in the head office of the bank in London lost its nut at seven-thirty one morning. By the time its fairest operator, SARAH CUNNINGHAM, had arrived punctually at nine it sounded as if it was in the last throes of mechanitis tremulus, which is computerised Latin for the chronic shakes.

"Now, now," said Sarah, giving it a pat "stop clanking, you silly thing. Let's see exactly what's wrong with you.

And she fed it a relevant medical question. Out came the answer in a kind of fed-up frenzy.

"Where's me breakfast?"

It was the absent-minded night watchman again; he'd forgotten to feed the computer. So, Sarah, who picked up a lot of common sense as well as maths and French at college, fed it a lovely meal of machine oil and iron filings and the comforted computer happily got down to work on overdrafts.

Spick No 242 - January 1974

Marilyn Ward and Nicola Taylor

Someone Forgot

First of all, if you haven't met them before and you're kicking yourself in consequence, these two Bournemouth dollies are brunette NICOLA TAYLOR and blonde MARILYN WARD.

They went down to the beach for a swim. It was the kind of day that called them to the warm waves. Only when they got there someone had forgotten the bikinis. Nicola meant to remember for both of them but forgot, and Marilyn meant to remind Nicola to remember but she forgot too. Never mind, they looked ever so glam in their best nylons and the sunshine was marvellous.

Beautiful Britons No 154 - September 1968

Venus Starr

Can it be True?

Can what be true? Well, we were walking through Kidderminster looking for a carelessly. parked umbrella the other day and although we didn't have any luck with the umbrella, we did spot a girl with just about the most glam name we've ever heard. It pings sweetly on any ear - it's VENUS STARR.

Venus appeared out of a rain shower like the Grecian goddess appeared from the sea- except our Venus was conventionally dressed. The Grecian one wore a topless, bottomless swimsuit, but a lot of them used to go about like that in those enchanting days.

Venus is a secretary aged nineteen, was educated at a well-known college, loves modelling for a hobby, is mad about large vintage cars and tapes up to 37"-24"-37". That's as good as any Grecian Venus.

Spick No 130 - September 1964

Take Your Pick

Dawn Grayson, Diane Clark, Ann Grainger, Nicola Taylor, Rosanne Stuart and Jackie Taylor.

Readers whose hobby is pin-up albums pasted full of photographs of their favourite models can take their pick of the six girls featured here.


Spick and Span Extra No 52 - Autumn 1974

Maggie McCully

Here She Is Then

We've been asked so often for a feature on MAGGIE McCULLY that in the end we really went digging for photographs of this photogenic delight.

It was what they call a successful dig.

For new readers who expressed so much interest in her, this is our Maggie. She's a secretary and a lover of summer holidays in hot sunshine. She's dark, brown-eyed and beautiful.

And she loves modern beat, good films, historical novels and the view of Hampstead Heath on a spring morning.

Don't get too infatuated, Ernest, it won't do you any good. Just admire her from afar and stick to the girl in the grocery shop. That way you could get extra sugar.

Span No 207 - November 1971