Ingrid Schoeller

Italian Line

In Rome at the moment is INGRID SCHOELLER, film actress.

She isn’t the only one converted to the Italian line.

Beautiful girls from all over the world confess they are fascinated by the Italian line as soon as they arrive in Rome. Some also confess they are a little confused by it, especially Southern belles arriving from Atlanta, Georgia, where the men never pinch a girl, however luscious she is.

The Italian line has nothing whatever to do with coy reserve. If the Romans like the look of a flower of the Orient or a damsel from Denmark, they don’t believe in hiding their feelings.

They like Ingrid Schoeller very much. And Ingrid in turn is not without affection for Rome. As well as the Romans there are also all those lovely ancient monuments, which are extremely stimulating to any girl with an interest in old masonry.

Old masonry in the shadows of a Rome moon can be quite romantic.

Valerie Peters

Commuter in the Country

We met her in the country when we were out for a walk with our dog. Her name is VALERIE PETERS, she’s a secretary who lives in Essex and commutes daily to and from London.

Outside her hometown the country is full of corn and tomato hothouses, and there are fields of long grass just beyond her back door. So, Valerie often takes her own dog for walks through the verdant green and it was a happy occasion for us when our walks coincided.

But our dog bit her dog and what should have been an opportunity for an interesting talk about politics turned into a doggy free-for-all.

You can’t trust any four-legged animal when the occasion is auspicious.

Elizabeth Gallacher

Entirely Feminine

Since a Scottish flavour is always acceptable, here's one more pin-up girl from over the border. ELIZABETH GALLACHER.

Entirely feminine is Elizabeth, a housewife who can serve up a soufflé looking absolutely eatable. A soufflé is a bit tricky, it has to come to the table delicately fluffy. Still, who's going to care all that much if it subsides a bit? What's a soufflé when you can always make do with bubble and squeak? What's food compared with romance? What’s a new fishing rod compared with the feminity of Elizabeth?

Angie Holt

Swing Baby Swing

All over the world the uninhibited young ones are worshipping at the feet of those who bring to them the indescribable bliss of pop music. In the beat clubs of Berlin, the young workers find dynamic escapism on the dance floors, and it’s go, go, chick, be your age, you’re only young once. Caught in a mood of unrivalled vitality and zest is ANGIE HOLT, a secretary in West Berlin. Unrepressed, having nothing to do with anything that smacks of convention or establishmentarianism, Angie is representative of all that is alive and joyful in the big city of today.

 Swing, baby, you’re a picture of delight.

Annette French

Hello Again

One girl who comes and goes as her job takes her here, there and elsewhere is ANNETTE FRENCH.

Annette was one of the first of the many recent Scottish models who’ve been featured in our magazines and it’s no effort at all to photograph her again and again and again.

It’s different with elephants. When you’ve seen one elephant you’ve seen them all. And let’s face it, when you’ve photographed any elephant you’ve got an image there’s no need to multiply. A photograph of any elephant is as educative and as illuminating as a hundred photographs of a hundred elephants.

A hundred photographs of Annette represent a hundred different aspects of photogenic allure.

Girls are different in a way that elephants are not different.

It’s very pleasing to realise that.

Angeline Dunmore


Could be we’re offering ANGELINE DUNMORE congratulations on looking so lovely, but in actual fact we’re proffering felicitations because we’ve just heard that since the last time we saw her Angeline's become the proud parent of a brand-new daughter. And if baby looks anything like her mama then she's all set to sweep the board at the local baby shows.

We asked Angelina's husband how he felt about having: two beautiful girls in the family instead of one, and he said his main feeling was that already he was outnumbered.

We asked Angeline how she felt, and she said, apropos her hubby’s comment, that it wasn’t before time.

And hubby said he’d go along with that as it was obviously wiser to!

Jacqueline Blair

Cover Girl

Vital statistics of a cover girl are 35"-23"-36", and the particular quality of a cover girl is just the natural one of projecting herself so decoratively that the eye cannot resist her. It all adds up to being as endearing to the optics as shorthand-typist JACQUELINE BLAIR. Steady as we go, we’ve come a long way without having actually fallen overboard once.

Mary Graham

Daddy Long- legs

You must have heard of “Daddy Long- legs” turned into a very successful play and musical, but if you haven't heard of the feminine equivalent in the shape of MARY GRAHAM, then this is where we bring you up-to-date.

Mary not only has long legs; she also has lovely legs. Plus, a flashing smile and a cute walk which makes bus conductors—and others—whistle.

Mary, naturally, is proud of her long legs — what girl wouldn’t be? but will not commit herself about bus conductors. All she will say is that any bus conductor who likes her leggy walk enough to whistle is the kind of man who should certainly be a conductor in preference to a driver.

Drivers, says Mary—and others—are there to keep their eyes on the road, while conductors are only there to keep their eyes on their passengers. If they whistle after me when their bus passes (says Mary) who am I to decry their taste and discrimination?

Rosanne Stuart

What’s the alternative if you don’t like apples?

The old maxim that an apple a day keeps the doctor away is based on common sense and has no connection with those stories that old wives tell each other.

But what happens if you want to keep fit, healthy and vital and you don't like apples?

Quite simple. If you're already fit, healthy and vital you take regular rambles out-of-doors. You combine the intake of fresh air with the pursuit of exercise, disdaining the temptation to walk around obstacles and leaping light-footedly over them instead. Rather in the way that ROSANNE STUART does—and who do you know who looks fitter, healthier and more vital than Miss Stuart?

Rosanne, secretary to a Scottish industrial tycoon, also looks so lovely amid all that outdoor boscage that we asked her not so much what made her fit as what made her so beautiful.

“I keep on eating apples," said Rosanne.

Dawn De Vere

Last Day of Winter

It’s all right now, isn’t it, with you pushing your hot toes through the warm sand and Essie soaking up the sun in her incalculably radiant bikini.

You’re all hot.

So to bring a touch of coolness cast your mind back to the last day of winter when it was perishing cold and nobody thought anything of spring being just around the corner. We thought it might strike at the roots of your sun-charged complacency if we showed you what the last day of winter was like to DAWN DE VERE, Essex secretary.

Dawn simply loves the outdoors, except when the last day of winter turns out to be as chilly as this one. Only an inborn outdoor type could put up with it all.

But don’t be put off. If Dawn can smile in a temperature of zero, so can you. All you need do is to wear a fur coat and stoke up your metabolism.

Helen Milligan

Running Repairs

When there’s a quick repair needed before the damage in the nylon starts to run, who looks more delightfully decorative with a needle than HELEN MILLIGAN ?

Ivy Winstanley

When the Dancing Stopped

It happened—more or less—the day IVY WINSTANLEY gave up her career as a talented ballet dancer to marry a man she met when she was at Brighton. Perhaps it’s a bit old-fashioned but it’s nice to know some career girls prefer domesticity to fleeting fame.

Ivy does some part-time modelling to help out with the family budget but on the whole lives the life of a happy Brighton housewife, and that’s one in the eye for the cynics and the playwrights who say there’s no such thing.

Rosanne Stuart

Did She Slip ?

Or was she pushed?

Well, according to our currently top-pop pinup. ROSANNE STUART, she just fell in. It didn’t matter all that much because she was going to have a bath, anyway, and she had to get wet sooner or later.

She was just sitting on the edge of the bath and looking rather fetching in that position when before you could say "I wouldn’t sit so near the water if I were you, suppose you fell in with all your clothes on?” She fell in.

There was no panic, however.

It's always the way, it’s lovely once you’re in. You look lovely too.

We’ll pop out into the garden and put the line-up.

Penny Baxter

Sky-High with Penny

Lover of historical London, 21-year-old PENNY BAXTER has an ambition to do parachute jumps, but before she can get sky-high on this account she has to get down to studying art for a year in Florence. She's only just gone and can’t wait to get back!

Jane Mercer

Neatly Does It

There are various ways of preparing yourself for an audition. Neatly is the way JANE MERCER does it, with a bandeau round her blonde hair and a white collar and dark tie round her neck. It may not count for much if it’s an audition for a circus act, but it does help if it’s for reading poetry.