Patsy Rowlands

How We Do It

How do we do what?

How do we find such adorable girls? Fellers keep on asking us that. They suspect we go out with a kind of adorable-girl divining rod, and that if we'd only lend them this rod for a week-end they wouldn't half be grateful.

It's all done by kindness, really. Adorable girls ring us up and make enquiries about modelling and we're so kind to them that they can't resist coming along to sit for us.

Like PATSY ROWLANDS, for instance. Our photographer was ever so nice to her. What a sweetie, thought Patsy. Actually, Patsy is so sweet herself she can't help looking for the best in others. She's another girl who works in an office, but most of her spare time is spent painting, sketching and horse-riding.

She's eighteen, is five feet six and measures 36-23-36.

Helen Baxter

Game & Set

Mad about tennis—and pretty hot at it, too—is HELEN BAXTER, lively and lovely Scots lass. Here Helen swings a nifty racquet to keep in trim, and Helen is a girl who looks good when she's in trim, for that adds up to the curvaceous outline of 39"-24"-38". And it doesn't alter whether she's playing a backhand or a forehand.

That dream of a shot sent the ball over the bank, and a climb over the bank is easier in shorts than frills—but you wouldn’t get a better picture. Helen is twenty-two and is all set to beat up her opponents in her local club tournaments.

In the mixed doubles we’d rather be with her than agin her—some guy is going to be lucky. But we’re sorry for those on the wrong side of the net.

Well, Helen is delightfully feminine, but if you stopped one of her overhead smashes between the teeth, your dentist would have one heck of a time putting your molars back in again. Isn’t the girl the bonniest lass?

Annette Ridgeway

Third Time Lucky

“Take your time,” said the examiner in a hearty, friendly voice, “get yourself comfortable and then start her up.”

And ANNETTE RIDGEWAY LE GREASLEY (pronounced “Graylee” by the way) gave a nervous smile, murmured “Oh dear, well here goes,” and started off on her third driving examination. Poor Annette had failed on the first two occasions and two failures don’t exactly help your confidence at the third attempt.

Praying she’d miss all the lamp-posts and not mount any pavements, she concentrated hard. She was so delighted when the examiner passed her as okay, that on the way back she parked the car and bought herself a new hat. She didn’t need one but it was that kind of occasion. A carnival queen and a great favourite in beauty contests, Annette looked lovely in her new hat. Emerging from the shop she found a traffic warden taking her number.

“Cor,” he said when he saw her.

“Are you giving me a ticket?” asked Annette.

“That was my unshakeable resolve, dear lady,” said the traffic warden, “but I’ve come all over irresolute. All right, nip off while the going’s good. How much did they rush you for the chapeau?”

“I didn’t ask,” said Annette, “they’re sending the bill to my husband.” And when her husband got the bill he sent the hat back and the bill as well. Otherwise we’d have shown you what a lovely hat it really was.

Nicola Taylor

Better and Better

Some models go off and get married, others get new jobs abroad and don't come back, and a few give everything up in favour of farming.

A very select minority keep at it and get better and better.

Like NICOLA TAYLOR, an always beautiful Hampshire model. Nicola gets better and better all the time. Don’t ask us how she does it so that you can pass the hints on to your wives or girlfriends, as it must be Nicola's own secret and probably wouldn't work with Nellie, anyway.

Now that summer's here you'll frequently find Nicola sunning herself on a beach at Bournemouth and getting a lovely golden tan nearly all over.

Pauline Hazel

The Reason Why

It's scintillating modern dollies like PAULINE HAZEL who add up to the reason why life is so fantastically eye-catching for fellers.

Pauline is a secretary who likes to model a little in her spare time, and does she look corking or doesn't she as a pin-up ?

She does.

Pauline is twenty. She's all symmetrical at 36-23-36 and she's got gorgeous legs as well. And she's a high-flier. Literally. She takes flying lessons at week-ends, and is currently the girl we'd most like to be up in the clouds with.

And her ambition is to eventually own and fly her own plane.


To think that a few years ago you'd give a girl a ball of wool and tell her to knit tea-cosies — if she wanted something to do. It's different today. Try it on with any of them now and next thing you know you're having to fight a duel with her — using knitting needles. After she's poked you six times in the pinny you give in.

It gets nice and friendly then.

It's the reason why the world goes round.

Marie Graham

Housewife in Two Minds

One of our favourite ideas of what a charming housewife should look like is MARIE GRAHAM.

Lately Marie has been in two minds. About her legs. Which are rather eye-catching. Are they to be sheathed in tights or stockings? Gad, that is a problem. Shall stocking-tops once more prevail or not?

And Marie can't get any real help from asking well-known experts like the milkman. All he says is, "Well, come round to the dairy and me and me mates will have a look."

"Honest, you aren't half cheeky," says Marie.

"Ah, well, it makes me bottle tops go round," he says.

Eve Law

A Dolly out of Doors

A genuine modern dolly is EVE LAW of Bournemouth, and a secretary bird into the bargain.

They don't come more swinging than Eve in her mini. She's a dedicated follower of the Pop scene and what she doesn't know about discs you could tell to Aunt Ethel without confusing her.

There's a lot of serious work to get through in her secretarial job but once the day is over its discotheque time and Eve is swinging. Long-legged at five feet seven she's so much a joy to the eye that there isn't a feller in Bournemouth who wants to go off and join the Foreign Legion.

Nicki Denell

Disco Dolly

It's music all the way for most young people. For some old people, there hasn't been any music at all since the Charleston went out of fashion. Well, we all have our nostalgic periods, and there are thousands already nostalgic about the Beatles.

"Who are the Beatles?" asked six-year-old Francesca of her young mum and dad, and young mum and dad almost broke down and wept.

For eighteen-year-old NICKI DENELL it's today's music that counts. Nicki spends every evening Go-Go dancing with a mobile discotheque. That's the way to swing it, Fred, never mind what it was like when you were in Italy in 1 944.

Nicki's love of pop is only equalled by her ambition to get into films. She's maybe on the way, for recently she had an audition for a part in a movie to be made in Yorkshire. That'll be handy as well as ecstatic for Nicki—she lives in Leeds.

Mitzi McLean

Merry Mitzi

Very merry maid is MITZI McLEAN, never without a smile—unless she falls off a bus —and never without a laughing quip. As appealing as all Scots girls always are, Mitzi loves every moment of life, and if politicians and anarchists want to run riot, they’re welcome, but they don’t get the kick out of things that Mitzi does.

Mitzi is a much-travelled girl. She used to run a successful hairdressing establishment until she decided to up and see the world.

And Mitzi upped and saw the world just like that. She is brilliantly clever speaks several languages and knows most questions and answers.

For the benefit of international wolves, we’d like to say that Mitzi not only speaks all these languages but can say no in every one. A feature of Mitzi’s pin-up appeal are her long and lovely legs, as you can see for yourselves.

Joan Paul

Wanted a Dream Boat

Having got over her passion for collecting vintage cars — they all came apart in her hands — JOAN PAUL decided she'd go in for a dreamboat with an outboard.

You don't have to muck about with sails then or get biffed by the boom or something.

So, she advertised for one and a Greek god turned up. Joan took one look at him, went all dizzy and said "Do you have an outboard?"

"I don't need an outboard to get me going” said the Greek god, "I only need encouragement."

Kathryn Jenkins

Glamour in the Shop

Shop assistant KATHRYN JENKINS is eighteen and saving up to get married. So, in her spare time she does a little modelling, which helps to give a rosy look to her savings account. She lives in Coventry but when she's married she wants to live in the country.

In the shop where she works there's an atmosphere of glamour, what with it specialising in ladies' lingerie and Kathy being around to serve. Sometimes a blushing young husband will come in with the idea of buying his enchanting young wife something lovely and frilly for her birthday. Kathy will say, “Can I help you, sir?”

He'll twitch a bit and say, “Well er—I thought of buying my wife something rather er er—you know—well, it's her birthday and she looks nice in something rather er er—”

“Of course, sir," Kathy will say with a smile to knock him unconscious, “I'll show you something ever so er er, shall I?” And out come all the goodies.

She's a lovely shop assistant and has a stunning figure of 38 -22 -36.

Maggie McCully

Winter Frills

The background is Surrey in winter, the girl with the frills is cute MAGGIE McCULLY, the hat exclusive. What makes a better picture?

Maggie lives in Surrey herself, and is gay enough to do a little tree climbing in her best Sunday dress. She is a short-hand-typist who has just begun to do a little part-time modelling, and we must say that hat is as photogenic as Maggie herself.

There's a touch of old Ireland in that smile and a whisper of rustling nylon in the frills. Oh, to be in Surrey now that Maggie’s here!

A girl sitting on a tree is elegant when it's Maggie— and if the elegance looks somewhat disarranged when Maggie falls off, who could make the bump take on the same gaiety as she does?

In fact, Maggie turns the fall and the bump into a picture of a girl sitting pretty. Maggie’s vitalistics? 36-23-36.

Jackie Taylor

On The Carpet

Well, in the winter there's nothing like a warm carpet in front of a cosy fireplace.

And there's nothing which looks better on the carpet than a delicious set of lingerie, especially if it's being worn by a girl radiant with cosy glow.

Like Essex girl JACKIE TAYLOR.

Her hobbies are Cornwall, Spain, France, Italy and Germany. She likes travel, you see.

Sara Scott

Very Neat

Tidy, too, are SARA SCOTT’S attractive frills as she sets about the morning chores.

This way (says Sara) I keep my hem dust-free and still look very much the glamour girl— I hope. After all, the days when we went around the house in a dust-cap and a sugar-sack apron are gone for good. A girl likes to feel she can wield a broom or a mop looking her best.

But what are you doing on the floor?

I belong (says Sara wickedly) to the domestic chorers trade union, which positively lays down rigid rules about taking a rest anytime we feel there’s a danger of wearing ourselves out.

Are you in danger of wearing yourself out?

Not I (says Sara). I’m too young to need the same amount of rest as most of us, but rules are rules and a girl wrapped up in her domestic chores has to stick to them, don’t you think?

All we think is that you look very cute.

Thank you. You’re not so bad yourselves, either.

Margo Hamilton

Leggy Look

MARGO HAMILTON is a dancer who has toured the gay cities of Europe, where appreciation of the long-legged British dancing girls is uninhibitedly vociferous. They are a must in any dancing troupe and Margo is a must in herself. With a long, leggy look allied to that beautiful blonde hair and those gorgeous good looks, she’s not only the Continentals’ idea of glamour, she’s ours as well.

Margo is tall, slender and elegant, and posed these leggy shots for us in confident anticipation that we would be as impressed with the gracefulness of her legs as she is proud of them. The only difference, of course, is that all our reactions are a little confused by our initial feeling of being dazzled.